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Surname Given Position or
County or
HACKETT Benjamin F. U. S. Marshal
04-02-1901 to 02-06-1904
Central District of Indian Territory usmars
HADWINGER Gus U. S. Deputy Marshal Alva, Oklahoma Territory htp211
HAGGARD Loren Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HAINER Bayard T. Jurist
City Attorney
Associate Justice Supreme Court
Guthrie & Perry, Oklahoma moop18
HAINES Wiley Deputy Marshal in 1893 and served as a peace officer for thirty years in the Osage Nation, now Osage County, OK; captured  Walter MCLAIN Oct 29, 1903,  in Osage Nation.  Osage Nation Life of an Osage Lawman
Bill Doolin's Jail Break
HAINEY William U S Marshal Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Aaron Duncan interview
September 14, 1937
HALE John M. Chief Deputy under Nix Oklahoma Territory htp190
HALE William Murder Osage Nation ootp82-88
HAMLIN Henry Violation of the National Prohibition Act Logan Co. See document
HAMMER John S. U. S. Deputy Marshal
09-21-1897 to 01-20-1902
Southern District of Indian Territory brdp207
Indian Pioneer Papers
John Martin Adair Interview
February 28, 1938
HAMMON Leka Policeman Lawton, Oklahoma Territory htp250
HAMMOND C. C. Sheriff Comanche Co. htp256
HAMNER Fred Deputy Sheriff turned Bank Robber Seminole Co. pbfp251
HAMPTON Silas Outlaw
was executed 10-07-1887 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory National Park Service
HAMPTON W. H. District Attorney 1886 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
HANNA ? ? ? ? Outlaw - wanted for murder
brought in by Bass Reeves
aka "George Washington"
Indian Territory brdp192
HARGROVE S. Fletcher Murder in Tennessee - brought in by Heck Thomas Stonewall, Indian Territory htp81
HARJO Chitto Leader of a disgruntled group of Indians in the Creek Nation
aka "Crazy Snake"
This group caused what is now known as the Crazy Snake Uprising.

Harjo was brought in by Grant Johnson.
Creek Nation - Western District brdp230-234
HARJO Tulwa Outlaw Indian Territory brdp12
HARMON Lowell Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
HARP Bud Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HARP Frances Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HARREN Tom Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HARRIS Fred Unknown Logan Co. See document
HARRIS Joe Unknown Logan Co. See document
HARRIS Paul Attorney Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Mora M. "Cap" Duncan interview
July 20, 1937
HARRIS S. O. Deputy U. S. Marshal Indian Territory Submitted by:
Earline Barger
HARRIS Will former mayor of Poteau and son-in-law of Judge Holson buried at Summerfield Cemetery  LeFlore Co. 1p131
HARRY Edmund Captain - Creek Lighthorseman Creek Nation brdp90, 134
HART C. L. U. S. Deputy Marshal for 11 years - He killed Bill Dalton in 1894 McGee, Garvin Co.  
HART G. W. Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
HART Loss U. S. Deputy Marshal Elk, Oklahoma Territory htp224
HARVEY Bert Unknown Logan Co. See document
HASKELL Charles N. 1st Governor Oklahoma Territory htp261
See more information.
HATLEY Millard Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HAUGHERTY Charles Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
HAVEMAN (?) J. Unknown Logan Co. See document
HAWKINS Cal Assistant Chief of Police Lawton, Oklahoma Territory htp250, 256
HAWKINS Pink Officer - Creek Lighthorseman Creek Nation brdp131
HAWKS Rex B. U. S. Marshal
took office 10-21-1949
Western District of Oklahoma usmars
HAYNES Handson Unknown Logan Co. See document
HAYNES Samuel U. S. Deputy Marshal - Creek Lighthorseman [1857-1948] Creek Nation brdp90, 134
HEATHERINGTON John Policeman Lawton, Oklahoma Territory htp257
HECKMAN Gladys Unknown Logan Co. See document
HELM William Violation of the National Prohibition Act Logan Co. See document
HENDERSON Wilson L.  Ranger 1900 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
HENNESSEY Alex Deputy Sheriff, 1909  Luther, Oklahoma Co., OK  
HENRY Jim Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HENRY Wilbern Sheriff 1904 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
HENSLEY George Clingman Sheriff Jackson Co. See more
Submitted by:
Brenda Normandin
HENSLEY Leo Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HESS John Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
HICKMAN Edwin Clerk 1902 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
HICKMAN  James  Ranger 1902 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
HIGNIGHT W. R. "Dick" U. S. Deputy Marshal Carter Co. Indian Territory & Carter County Pioneers; page 235
Submitted by
Steve Riner
HILEBRAND Fred Moonshiner
associated with Pretty Boy Floyd
Indian Territory pbfp149
HILL ? ? ? ? Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HILL Bud U. S. Deputy Marshal
killed on duty
Hughes Co. Indian Pioneer Papers
J. C. Ritter,
date not given
See another view
Submitted by:
Paula Byerly
HILL Dave Deputy Sheriff Tobuckey County, Choctaw Nation John P. Graff
See document
HILL Leonidas Sengel "Bud" (1855-1898)  US Marshal killed at Jenson in line of duty;  wife, Katie [Tucker] Hill (1859-1944)  both buried at Old Hall Cemetery;  Choctaw Nation 1p131
Lyndell Hill Rusk - granddaughter
HILL Owens D. Black Outlaw - Murder
murdered his wife and mother in law
sentenced to hang 04-27-1888 at 2 p.m.
asked permission to be baptized before his execution at Ft. Smith
Cherokee Nation htp101-102, 107-108
HILLES Dave E. U. S. Marshal
02-28-1941 - 09-28-1945
Western District of Oklahoma usmars
HINDMAN Frank U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Oklahoma Territory htp194
HINDS Herbert I. U. S. Marshal
took office 10-13-1949 & 04-20-1953
Eastern District of Oklahoma usmars
HLAVATY Joseph Robbery
accomplice to Pretty Boy Floyd & Fred Hildebrand
Indian Territory pbfp149-150
HOAR E. H. Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
HOGGARD C. W. County Clerk Purcell, I. T.  
HOLBROOK Foster Outlaw, part of the Christian Gang, alias "The Kid", one of the gang, captured in 1895 a short time after the killing of Deputy Sheriff W.C. TURNER; - Tecumseh Leader, Tuesday, May 3, 1895 Pottawatomie Co.  
HOLDER C. E. Sheriff Sequoyah Co. Earline Barger
Sequoyah Co. CC
HOLDER Lewis Murder - Robbery
killed and robbed George Bickford
was executed on 07-25-1894 at Ft. Smith.
Choctaw Nation National Park Service
HOLDERBY ? ? ? ? Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HOLDERBY Jack Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HOLLINGWORTH Willie Unknown Logan Co. See document
HOLMAN Anderson U.S. Deputy Marshal of the Western District (Indian Territory) Sallisaw, I. T. appointed at Fort Smith, AR on 15 December 1890
Submitted by:
Sandra McKim
HOLSON H. J. Circuit Judge Choctaw Nation brdp128
HOLSON Noel J.  (1850-1912) well known Choctaw County Judge and later a Choctaw District Judge, buried at Summerfield Cemetery Choctaw Nation 1p37,131
HOOVER John Wesley U. S. Marshal Oklahoma Territory See photo
Being researched by:
Shirley Horn-Bray
HOPKINS William Thomas U. S. Deputy Marshal Tulsa Co. Being researched by:
Credia Glenn
HORNER Joe Chief Deputy
U. S. Deputy Marshal for the Yukon District
aka "Frank Canton"
Pawnee, Oklahoma Territory htp215
HOTOMABE Sam Sheriff -1868, 1870 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
HOUNSHELL R. N. Canidate for Sheriff of Pontotoc Co. 1912; he was also Chief of Police of Ada 1910-1911, native of TN.  Pontotoc Co.  
HOUSTON Robert Lt. Police Officer Oklahoma City, Oklahoma pbfp258
HOWARD Jay Franklin U. S. Deputy Marshal served in the Indian Territory for about ten years, lived in Spiro, LeFlore Co., OK in Braden's Bottom, the time period was 1900-1910. Possibly a photo of Jay on the courthouse in Spiro.  2 Choctaw Nation; LeFlore Co. OK Russ Harden
HOWARD W. F. Chief of Police
Enid, Garfield Co. Enid Police Chiefs
HOWELL Ed Moonshiner - Bootlegger
in with Joe Campbell.
Indian Territory htp111, 113
HOYT Black Outlaw Indian Territory brdp149
HOYT John Bootlegger - brought in by Bass Reeves Chickasaw, Pottawatomie and Western Creek District brdp191-192
HUBATKA John U. S. Deputy Marshal under E. D. Nix Oklahoma Territory htp194
HUBBARD Earnest Chief Deputy Marshal Indian Terriotory brdp117
HUBER John Murder Indian Territory pbfp124
HUESTON Hamilton B. "Ham" Deputy Marshal Payne Co. ootp27, 51
HUESTON Thomas Jefferson US Deputy Marshal
was shot throught the left side and bowels at the Ingalls raid on the Doolin gang by Arkansas Tom
he later died in Stillwater, O. T.
Stillwater, Oklahoma Territory htp176, 196
HUFF Jess Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
HUGHES Cassie Unknown Logan Co. See document
HUGHES George Mayor Tahlequah Indian Pioneer Papers
George T. Candy Interview
March 8, 1937
HUGHES Tyner U. S. Deputy Marshal Choctaw Nation brdp196
HUGHES W. N. U. S. Marshal Purdy, I. T. See certificate
Being researched by:
Diana Catalano - granddaugher
HUMBY Della Black Outlaw - wanted for murdering his wife
also killed Sergeant James Guy of the mounted police.
was defended by Ft. Smith attorneys through two terms of court
first trial, he was found guilty - 2nd, acquitted.
Chickasaw Nation brdp108
htp43-44, 50, 69-73, 77
HUMPHREYS John A. Justice of the Peace Anadarko, Caddo Co., Oklahoma Being researched by:
Barbara Carter
HUMPHREYS O. V. Murder - Suicide
killed one John Allen, wounded his own wife then took his own life.
Apache, Oklahoma Holdenville Daily News, Sept. 23, 1936
Being researched by:
Barbara Carter
grand daughter
HUNT John A. Sheriff from Poteau LeFlore Co. 1p43
See article
HURD C. A. Sheriff 1924 Pushmataha Co.  
HUTCHENS Charley Sheriff Sequoyah Co. Earline Barger
Sequoyah Co. CC
HUTKEY Micco Officer - Creek Lighthorseman Creek Nation brdp131
HYDEN Whit  Deputy US Marshal; b 1845 McGee, Garvin Co.  

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