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Surname Given Position or
County or
DALE Frank Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the 1st district
from 1892 to 1898
Oklahoma Territory htp211
See bio
DALTON Emmett Posseman for his brothers
policeman for the Osage Nation
charged with horse stealing
member of the Dalton gang
shot while robbing a bank at Coffeyville, Kansas
he had a bullet in his hand and arm and buckshot in his back
he survived his wounds and was sentenced to life in the Kansas pen.
Indian Territory htp145-151, 155-156, 161, 164-169, 175
whfp38-40, 42-45, 47-49, 53-59, 62,
75-76, 77-78, 84, 87-89, 92-94,
96, 100-104, 119, 129, 425
DALTON Franklin "Frank" U. S. Deputy Marshall
killed by the Smith-Dixon gang near Ft. Smith on November 27 1887
Indian Territory htp80-81, 95, 97, 143-145, 147
DALTON Gratton "Grat" U. S. Deputy Marshal - commissioned in 1889
was dismissed by Marshal Yoes for conduct unbecoming an office
charged with horse stealing.
became a member of the Dalton gang.
was killed robbing a bank in Coffeyville, Ks.
Indian Territory htp143-148, 160-161, 163, 168-169
whfp38-39, 42-44, 46-47, 53, 73-76,
78, 83-84, 89, 91-93,
100-103, 118
DALTON Robert Rennick "Bob" Posseman for Frank's posses
in 1888, he was chief of the Osage Indian Police
also U. S. Deputy Marshal for the federal court of Kansas
fired by Marshal R. L. Walker of Kansas for taking whiskey into the Osage country.
charged with horse stealing, but was released.
was called "The Gunfighter" of the brothers
became the leader of the Dalton gang
killed robbing a bank in Coffeyville, Kansas.
Osage Nation htp144-151, 159, 161, 163-170, 172-173
whf3838, 42-44, 46, 50, 53-58, 60,
62, 69-70, 72, 76-78, 83, 84-89,
91-95, 100-103, 105,
118, 127, 244
DALTON William Marion "Bill" Outlaw
was arrested and acquitted in California - but never looked with favor upon the work of his brothers
became a member of the Doolin gang
he swore vengeance for the slaying of his brothers
killed June 8, 1894 at the home of Houston Wallace, 25 miles NW of Ardmore by Deputy Loss Hart.
Indian and Oklahoma Territory htp169, 224
DARNEAL Danny Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
DARNEAL James Deputy Sheriff 1880, Sheriff 1886 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
DARROUGH William Henry U. S. Deputy Marshal
06-27-1902 to 04-19-1906
then transferred to Western District of Indian Territory
Northern District of Indian Territory usmars
DAUGHERTY Emmet R. Attempted Murder
Nephew of Henry Starr
Indian Territory pbfp150
aka "Tom Jones"
aka "Arkansas Tom"
Outlaw - member of the Doolin gang
surrendered to Chief Deputy Hale near Ingalls
charged with murder of U. S. Deputies Speed, Hueston and Shadley.
convicted of murdering Tom Hueston and sentenced to 50 years at Lansing.
oldest surviving member of the Doolin gang
Oklahoma and Indian Territory htp174, 199-200, 216, 224
DAVENPORT James S. Attorney Saline, Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Mrs. John E. (Red Cloud) Duncan interview
May 18, 1937
DAVIS   Deputy Marshal, 1905; killed outlaw Ben Miller; related article in Roff Enterprise, Pontotoc Co. July 21, 1905 Pontotoc Co., OK  
DAVIS Al J. Sheriff
Love Co.  
DAVIS Bill Murder - brought in by Grant Johnson Western District brdp223
DAVIS Frog Murder
killed Sheriff Jim Musgrove
was tried and convicted and hung.
Cooweescoowee District, Cherokee Nation Indian Pioneer Papers
John M. Reynolds Interview
July 16, 1937
DAVIS J. D. Deputy Sheriff Pittsburg Co. See obit
DAVIS John Black Outlaw
Murder of a white boy named William Bullock, at Brownswood, Texas
arrested by Heck Thomas
was sentenced to hang on 07-11-1884 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory brdp108
htp70, 72
National Park Service
DAVIS Louis (Lewis) Indian Outlaw - member of the Buck gang
hung on July 1, 1896 for murder, robbery and rape
Indian Territory brdp88
DAVIS Lucky Freedman Indian Outlaw - member of the Buck gang
hung on July 1, 1896 for murder, robbery and rape
Indian Territory brdp88
DAY Larking E. Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
DAYSON Curtis Outlaw - member of the Cook gang Indian Territory brdp54
DEAN George Officer Logan Co. See photo
DECKER Termon Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
DEER Isaac Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Chickasaw, Pottawatomie and Western Creek District brdp192
DeFORD C. H. Peace Officer Oklahoma Territory  
DENMARK Roy Unknown Logan Co. See document
DENNEY Robert Sheriff Carter Co.  
DENNIS John Seminole Lighthorseman Seminole Nation brdp137
DEVINE Tom Deputy Sheriff Goingsnake District, I. T. Indian Pioneer Papers
Tom Devine, Interview
March 14, 1938
DICK Timmie Creek Outlaw - Murder - executed in 1906 by Pleasant Berryhill Creek Nation Indian Pioneer Papers
Eliza J. Sullivan Interview, June 29, 1937
DICKSON Ed Drunk Logan Co. See document
DIGGS James Black Murder
Killed J. C. Gould
Was executed 12-20-1878 at Ft. Smith.
Indian Territory brdp182
National Park Service
DILL Ronnie Lawman Chant/McCurtain area of Haskell Co. McCurtain Lawmen
DIXON Lee Outlaw
part of the Smith-Dixon gang
wounded by Deputy James Cole and later died of his wounds in the jail hospital.
Indian Territory htp95
DOBSON Orlando Peace Office turned Outlaw Indian Territory brdp209
DOLBY Carl Vagrancy Logan Co. See document
DONATHAN Henry US Depty Marshal, his picture hangs in Old Fort Museum at Fort Smith. His arm was shoot of in an encounter with outlaws in Indian Territory. His son, Claud Donathan was a druggist in Spiro Choctaw Nation - 
LeFlore Co.
DOOLIN William M. "Bill" Bill Doolin's Jail Break Jul 1896, Heck Thomas shot Doolin  while he was resisting arrest on August 24, 1896 at Lawson, Pawnee Co. [William (Bill) M. DOOLIN, 1858-1896]; Doolin married Edith Elleworth of Ingalls, O.T. in Kingfisher O.T. March 14, 1893
member of the Dalton gang - but was later dropped as a member because he was too undisciplined and wild and unruly and mentally awkward
he then formed the Doolin gang
Pawnee Co.  Ron Williams 


Doolin-Dalton Gang

DORSEY Daniel Bootlegger - brought in by Bass Reeves Chickasaw, Pottawatomie and Western Creek District brdp191-192
DORSEY Joseph Outlaw - brought in by Bass Reeves Indian Territory brdp195
DOSSAY Bob Outlaw - killed by Ceasar Payne Seminole Nation brdp137
DOTSON Charley Outlaw
Member of the Cookson Hills Gang
armed robbery of banks of Haskell, Oklahoma and York, Nebraska..1933..
Haskell, Oklahoma. *source: "Bad Boys of the Cookson Hills"..R. D. Morgan..New Forums Press
Submitted by:
R. D. Morgan
DOUGLASS L. W. Unknown Logan Co. See document
DOZIER Bob Outlaw - executed 12-20-1878 Indian Territory brd
DUKES Henry Charles shot and killed Constable Lawrence Coffman 1930 McCurtain Co. See Article
DUNCAN Aaron Special U S Marshal
under J. P. Grady
Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Aaron Duncan interview
September 14, 1937
DUNCAN John E. "Red Cloud" High Sheriff Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Mrs. John E. (Red Cloud) Duncan interview
May 18, 1937
DUNCAN Mora M. "Cap" Deputy Sheriff
High Sheriff
Choctaw Nation Indian Pioneer Papers
Mora M. "Cap" Duncan interview
July 20, 1937
DUNCAN Robert E. Sheriff of Ada during the early 1900's. Born 1869 in Lawrence Co. Mo. to William Garnet Duncan, Robert died in Oklahoma City 1935 and is buried in Ada, Pontotoc Co. OK.  Ada, Pontotoc Co. OK Georgia D. Helderlein
DUNN Bill Unknown Logan Co. See document
See document
DUNN Bill Cattle Thievery
brought in by Sheriff Lake and Deputy Canton
helped Thomas and Tilghman capture Newcome and Pierce in exchange for clemency for the cattle thievery
but became very unpopular in Pawnee County and the warrent was re-issued
Dunn thought this was due to Frank Canton
Dunn went after Canton and Canton killed him at Pawnee.
Pawnee, Oklahoma Territory htp219, 228
See document
DUREN Andy Deputy Guard Eufaula, I. T. brdp220
DURRELL Grover Outlaw
rode with Al Spencer and Jelly Nash
Indian Territory pbfp125
DUTT Gottlieb Unknown Logan Co. See document
DWIGHT Edmond Sheriff Indian Territory Indian Pioneer Papers
Mora M. "Cap" Duncan interview
July 20, 1937
DWIGHT John Deputy Sheriff 1884 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
DWIGHT Jonathan Deputy Sheriff 1868 Choctaw Nation Doug Barkley
DYAS George Henry Deputy abt 1890 - 1900 Guthrie, O. T. See photo
Can you help identify?
David Dyas
DYE D. C. Outlaw Indian Territory brdp36
DYER D. B. Mayor Guthrie, O. T. whfp21

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