Assorted News Clippings

Newspaper Unknown

Seward Cemetery Association Reelects Officers

Seward, Oklahoma, I.T., April 8, 1903 – Annual meeting of the Seward cemetery association was held Monday evening at Seward school house. All officers were re-elected. They include Omer Jefferies, president, Luther Corn, vice-president; Vance Luckinbill, secretary; Clark Bowen, treasurer and Henry Scheihing, trustee.
The group met on January 2, 9, and 28, 1893 and organized what is now the Seward Cemetery Association and purchased two acres of ground just north of the old log school house from Henry Funston for $20 to be used as the cemetery.
A deed and charter was obtained and the first officers were Samuel Corn, president; G. W. Maze, secretary; Charles Funston, treasurer and James T. Demoree and George Cooper, trustees. At a meeting on April 8, 1893, the first Monday of April was set as the regular meeting date. The first lots were sold for $3 each.
Other officers after a number of years were Fred Foltz, R. S. "Dick" Smith, Albert Pleoger, J. H. Serverine, E. C. Freeman, Willard Smith, A. Luckinbill, Lewis Phillips, D. W. Jefferies, C. W. Holden, C. V. McMillin, Mrs. Rhoda Gordon, Tom Forsythe and Hugh Luckinbill. The present officers have served since 1945.
First two persons to be buried in Seward cemetery were O. B. Watkins, born March 27, 1843, in Henry County, Kentucky, and died February 7, 1894, at the age of 46 years; and Mrs. Amanda Perkins, 53, former cook for Santa Fe Railroad workers, who died December 19, 1886, while living in the railroad camp. She was buried in Seward cemetery February 8, 1894, after being moved from a site near the railroad right-of-way.

Article submitted by:
Donald Frank

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