Miscellaneous News Clippings

Shiner Gazette. March 02, 1898
Shiner, Tex. 1893-current

A. J. Crook, Democrat, of the land office at Guthrie, Ok., recently sent in his resignation to Washington.

Shiner Gazette.
October 19, 1898
Shiner, Tex. 1893-current

John Ford, a farmer who resided ten miles south of Guthrie. Ok., fell from a load of wood on a wagon and the latter passed over his head, killing him immediately.

The Saint Paul Globe.
November 12, 1898
St. Paul, Minn. 1896-1905

Escaped Montauk Hospital,

NEW YORK, Oct. 6, 1838.
Messrs. WelLs, Richardson & Co.,
Gentlemen – If anybody in the whole regiment of Rough Riders had a chance to observe the general weakened condition of the men when they started back to the United States, as compared with their stalwart condition when they sailed from San Antonio on June 8, I think I had.
Oklahoma is generally regarded as a healthy climate, and last May, when I left there, I hardly knew what sickness meant. Earlier in Life, however, I had lived in the East, and after a month in service knew that what I needed, in my general run-down condition, was a nerve tonic. I knew if my nerves were fixed up there would be no trouble about my general heath as soon as I got away from the army. I also knew the position that Paine's celery compound occupied, although I had not had occasion to use it much myself. I got a few bottles of it and began to take it and give it to a few of my acquaintances.
It actually seemed to bulk, up my nervous constitution almost as rapidly as the Southern climate had torn it down. The same thing was true of the other men I gave it to.
Unless I had found this tonic to re- store my nerves I feel pure that I would have gone to the hospital at Montauk Point, and I might have shared the fate of many other poor fellows whose impoverished condition did not yield to the doctor's treatment. It gives me pleasure to recommend Payne's celery compound as the best remedy ever sold ln America.
Sergt. M. Douthett,
Guthrie, Oklahoma.

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