Miscellaneous News Clippings

Predictably, most of the news out of Guthrie for the year deals with the opening of the Cherokee Outlet, and what was happening in the newly settled land. I haven't included it in this listing. For the most part the opening of the Cherokee Outlet did not directly pertain to Logan County and Guthrie. I've tried to limit the news clippings to only what happened in the county.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
January 12, 1893
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896
Guthrie, O. T., Jan. 11. – Hon. W. A. McCartney was elected president of the territorial senate today. Mr. McCartney is a Republican, and represents the Kingfisher district. The senate is composed ot thirteen members — seven republicans, five Democrats and one Populist. The Republicans had two candidates for president — McCartney and F. Egan, neither of whom would vote for the other. McCartney was elected by receiving the five Democratic votes and one Populist vote and his own vote. The Democrats and Populists will get all the places. The lower house has not as yet effected an organization. They have adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. The four People's party men hold the entering wedge and are demanding control.

The Morning Call.
January 15, 1893
(San Francisco, Calif. 1878-1895
Guthrie, O. T., Jan. 14. – Both branches of the Legislature adjourned till Monday without effecting a permanent organization. The deadlock in the Lower House is unchanged.

San Saba County News.
February 10, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Ex-speaker Sentenced.

Guthrie, Ok., Jan. 4. – Ira N. Terrill, speaker of the last house of the Oklahoma legislature, who killed George Embree at the land office door in this city because the latter testified against him in a land suit has been refused a new trial by Judge Green and sentenced to the penitentiary for life.

San Saba County News.
March 01, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Like Other People Do

Guthrie, Ok., Feb 22. – The supreme court yesterday decided that the legislature had no power to employ clerks or other help beyond those provided in the United States statutes and as a result the army of clerks doorkeepers janitors etc. left their posts in a body and the members were compelled to keep up their own fire do their own committee clerk work and carry their own mail. The session is nearly three fourths gone. No business of importance has been done.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
March 20, 1893
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896

They Are Doing Great Damage in Oklahoma.

Guthrie, O. T. – March Prairie fires have been raging in different parts of the territory during the past twenty four hours, In Cleveland county several houses and a number of barns, be sides many tons of hay, were destroyed, and a little girl so badly burned that she will die of her injuries. In Payne county a large area of land was swept clean of everything, and east of here in a negro settlement a number of houses were burned with all contents.

Omaha Daily Bee. April 12, 1893
Omaha, Neb. 187?-1922

Health Fruit Company with Headquarters In Omaha Finds a Victim.

The chief of police received a letter from C. M. Dunbar of Guthrie, Ok, the other day inquiring about the responsibility and standing of the "Health Fruit company" of Omaha. A circular which had been sent to Mr. Dunbar was enclosed. To judge from the reading of the circular it is the same old story of catching the money of the suckers that are born every minute.
The "Health Fruit company" claims to have a preparation which will preserve fruit for a year or more without cooking or heating in any way, thus retaining the natural shape color and flavor. This wonderful preparation is called compound extract of Salyx and a sample bottle is sent for $2.
Dunbar says that he sent his $2 and received a package of preserved fruit along with a lot of printed matter which explained to him how he could get rich quickly and without much exertion on his part. He was guaranteed $10 if he would get out and hustle and sell a few cans of the preparation at $1 a can. As an inducement the famous compound was to be furnished to him at the rate of $6 per dozen cans, The Guthrieite evidently thought he saw fortune coming his way, and all he needed to get in the track of this windfall was to send the kind gentlemen whose mail address is box 654 the $6. This he did along about the middle of March, and then sat down patiently to wait for the box containing this wonderful preparation to ariive. But up to the present time he has not heard from his money.
Detectives will look into the matter and see if the fruit company is a swindle.

San Saba County News.
April 14, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Killed Himself.

Guthrie, Ok., April 5. – Robert Bonny, the 5-year-old son of S. D. Solomon, shot himself in the mouth with a 38-caliber revolver, resulting in instant death. The boy was in bed and when no one was in the room got up and went to the stand drawer and from it took a pistol, placing the muzzle to his mouth and pulling the trigger.

San Saba County News. May 05, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Dead Buried

Guthrie, Ok., April 29. – The facts as to the cyclone's awful havoc remains about as given Thursday night, although the details grow hourly more heartrendering. About forty of the victims were buried yesterday and the best care and attention is being given the injured. The people of the territory have already raised a fund of nearly $2000 for the sufferers and more will follow.

San Saba County News.
May 26, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Sensational scene

Guthrie, Ok., May 17, – A sensational scene was enacted on the street here yesterday evening. Mrs John Kusler who is being tried for the murder of her husband was taken with a fit soon after leaving the court room and for a time it was feared she would die. She screamed and struggled and dragged four men around calling on her husband "to stop, to leave her alone, not to do it," etc. Then she would beg to die and again ask the people not to kill her and leaping up demanded to know who brought the awful charge of murder against her soul


Woman Arrested

Guthrie, Okla., May 15. – Two weeks ago John Kusler a wealthy farmer living east of here was taken sick soon after eating supper and and died in great agony the next day. The body was buried, but later an investigation was begun and the body exhumed and the vital organs removed. Detectives have unearthed some startling evidence, they say, and the widow of the dead man has been placed under arrest upon a charge of producing her husbands death by administering poison.

San Saba County News.
July 14, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Clearing the Strip

Guthrie, Ok., July 4. – A week ago the soldiers who had been scouting on the Cherokee strip most of the time for the past two years were ordered to Texas, and several companies who have been on the Mexican frontier for years were brought up to guard the strip. Although the troops that have been on the strip so long continually reported no cattle there, the new detachment seems to have better eyesight for yesterday a squad of them drove 2000 cattle off the strip at Orlando, north of here, and another company is rounding up 6000 more on tho Salt Fork. It really looks as though the cattle would be compelled to go, and the prospective settlers are rejoicing accordingly.

San Saba County News.
July 21, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Sensation at Guthrie

Guthrie, Okla., July 12. – A sensation was caused yesterday by Charles D. Brown, a member of the city police force, going before a notary public and swearing that he secured his appointment on the force by paying J. E. Horton and W. A. Richmond members of the city council $5 each. An investigation will be started today which will expose the doings of one of the most rotten city governments on record.

San Saba County News.
August 11, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
A Woman Horesethief

Guthrie, Ok., Aug 4. – Mrs Dora Webber a handsome young widow who has been staying in Guthrie for some time was brought from Osage agency Wednesday night by Deputy Sheriff Painter on the charge of horse stealing. Several days ago she hired a team and buggy at a livery stable here to drive twelve miles into the country, but failed to return and later was captured with the team at Osage agency, 150 miles away.

San Saba County News.
August 25, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Work of Jealousy

Guthrie, Ok., Aug. 17. – Several days ago Miss Burch, a dining-room girls at the Palace hotel, received an annonymous letter in which the writer threatened to kill her and himself if she did not stop receiving attention from a certain admirer. She paid no attention to the threat and Tuesday night as she was passing through the hallway to her room she was struck on the head with a rock, making a bad wound from the effects of which she has lain in delerium since. Her assailant escaped. No clew to his identity.

The Morning Call.
September 16, 1893
San Francisco, Calif. 1878-1895
St. Louis. Spt . 15. – A special to the Republic, from Guthrie, O. T., says: Fifteen thousand people are massed about the Santa Fe depot ready to fight for place on the first train to-morrow. The railway company will not be able to carry over half of these people and the struggle for places on the train will be a terrible one. Nineteen people were prostrated with the heat to-day and three died. One young woman went raving crazy and is locked in jail here with no clue to her identity. Several large fires were started upon the strip to-night and it is feared many settlers will be caught in them to-morrow and be burned.

St. Paul Daily Globe.September 19, 1893
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896
Terrible Fires.

Guthrie. O. T., Sept. 18. – courier just in from the Pawnee reservation states that a terrific prairie fire is raging there, and that hundreds of settlers have been compelled to abandon wagons, tents and outfits and flee for their lives on their horses. Several dead bodies have been found, and it is feared that many will perish.
The boomers are returning today by hundreds, dirty, tired and sore, and there are lines several hundred long at the barber shops and bath rooms waiting their turn to get cleaned up.

San Saba County News.
October 27, 1893
San Saba, Tex. 1874-19??
Mis Anna Bowers, aged 21, who secured a valuable claim in the Cherokee strip, died at Guthrie, Ok., recently from the effects of the exposure while waiting upon the line and making the run.


At Guthrie, Ok., recently John Greenway, aged 20, an engineer at the state capital printing works, was overcome by escaping gas from a gasoline engine and was dead when found.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
November 02, 1893
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896
Spring Assignments

Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 1. – The following assignments to the spring conferences were made by the Methodist bishops at their meeting today:

Oklahoma|Guthrie, O.T.|Dec.21|Vincent

John Heyt Vincent
John Heyt Vincent
Bishop M. E. Church
Born 1842

The Morning Call.
November 07, 1893
(San Francisco, Calif. 1878-1895
Three White Men Murdered by a Negro for Their Clothes.
Guthrie, O. T., Nov. 6. – Attorney Payne, who arrived here from Chandler to-day, brought news of the murder of three white men — two brothers named Johnson and a man named Wilkerson — by a negro last night near Ingram. It appears that the negro came upon the men while they were asleep and cut their throats. The bodies when found had been stripped. The negro was pursued by a posse, and it is reported here that he has been captured.

The Houston Daily Post.
December 28, 1893
Houston, Tex. 1886-1903

Conference, Including the Indian Tertory, Held at Guthrie

Guthrie, Ok., December 24. – The Methodist conference of Oklahoma and Indian Territories closed its session today with the ordination of elders by Bishop Vincent. The appointments for the coming year are as follows:
************************************** ************************************** Guthrie, First church, Frank P. Blakemore ************************************** ************************************** *******Guthrie circuit, O. P. Noble ************************************** ************************************** ************************************** ******************************Mulhall, supplied by C. H. Brewer ********* ************************************** ************************************** **************************************
A radical change was made by placing of the negro churches under white presiding elders, instead of under a separate negro presiding elder. This morning Bishop Vincent ordained five elders and preached to the largest audience ever gathered in this city, and at 4 o'clock this afternoon conducted Chautauqua vesper services, participated in by the local circle, a number of graduates and 500 visitors.

St. Paul Daily Globe.
December 30, 1893
Saint Paul, Minn. 1884-1896

After Gov. Renfrow With a Gun.

Guthrie, O. T.. Dec. 29. – A long haired crank, giving his name as Buckley, from Perry, called at the executive office yesterday and asked to see Gov. Renfrew. Mr. Blincoe, the school land commissioner, occupied the room he entered. Mr. Blincoe became suspicious of his manner and inquired his business. He replied that he wanted to see the governor, as he had been promised an appointment and now they were trying to send him to an insane asylum. Mr. Blincoe notified the chief of police by telephone, who placed the man under arrest. He was armed with a six-shooter and a murderous dirk, and had arsenic enough in a phial to kill ten men. He admitted that if the governor had not appointed him, he would have killed him, and taken his own life. He was placed in custody, and strict inquiry has thus far failed to disclose his identity.

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