Vern Benson
Principal Fogarty Junior High School


From A Newspaper Carrier to Principal-----That's Vern Benson

By Charles Adams

    This probably will read like one of the success stories penned by Horatio Alger, Jr.
    But in reality, It's the story of Vern K. Benson, the newspaper carrier boy who made good.
    Ten years ago. Benson was a route boy for the Guthrie Daily Leader.
    Tuesday he was announced as the principal for Guthrie's newest educational structure -- The $150,000 Fogarty Junior high school.
    Benson began work as a news boy in 1926. When he graduated from the local high school, he attended Central State college, in Edmond.

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    For the first three years at Edmond, he commuted and continued his work as a Guthrie paper carrier--a job that paid his way through school. He devoted his entire time to his studies the final year, 1931-32, receiving a Bachekor of Science degree that spring.
    Ever since he graduated, he has been teaching. And always, it was some Logan county institution.
    For three years, 1932-35, he was science instructor on the faculty at Marshall high school.
    From 1935 to 1937, he was superintendent of Navina high school. While there he attempted to enter politics, seeking the office of county superintendent of schools. The venture was unsuccessful.

*  *  *

    The following year, Benson was engaged as mathmatics instructor for Fogarty junior high school, the position he has been holding this year.
    He has a wife and three-month-old son. The family lives at 212 E. Wqshington. A cousin, Dr. Oliver Benson, is a professor of government at the University of Oklahoma, Norman.

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