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Obituaries and Death Notices Index

Obituaries in the Archives
National Obituary Archives
Obits at OK Cemeteries Net

Funeral Homes
Some have Obit Searches

If you have some that you wish to submit, Please feel free to contact the County Coordinator.

A   B   C   D   E     F - J      K - O       P - T       U - Z

There are several of the below links that do not presently work.  Trying to locate the link to correct.  Jeff Smith (Sep2011)
A   Back to top
Abbott, Raymond N.
Adams, Celastine (Jones)
Adams, John E.
Adams, Lawrence W.
Akers, Charles Edward
Alcorn, Charity M.
Allard, Geraldine (Murry)
Allen, Alva Elnora
Allen, Infant Twin
Allen, Ornan Robert
AMES, Douglas Clair (Sep 25,1944 - Oct 1, 2014)
ANDERSON, Mary Frances (Jan 12, 1962-Mar12, 2013)
Apple, Jack Keith
Ashpaugh, Clarence Earl
Athens, Carl Joseph
B  Back to top
Bailey, Claude
BAILEY, LeRoy Vernon (Mar 26, 1939-May 6, 2013)
Baker, Doris Juanita (Fenimore)
BAKER, Norma Lee (Apr 13, 1924 - Feb 27, 2013)
BAKER, Vicky Rene (Jan 27, 1965 - Jun 14, 2014)

Baldwin, Tom
BARNARD, Ruth Evelyn (Apr 11, 1924 - Jan 30, 2013)
BARNES, Lova "Jo" (Jul 5, 1928 - Apr 17, 2012)
Barnett, Infant
Barnett, Mary
Barr, John
Barrett, Edmond Louis
Barth, Victor Lloyd
Batchelor, Rhoda M.
Baysinger, Phillip B.
Beattie, Samuel Logan
Bedey, John
Beers, Estella Elma (Duff)
Beltz, Priscilla (Clark)
Benear, Elizabeth B.(Forsythe)
BERNAUD, Oleta Wanda
Berry, Effie (Scofield)
Besk, Edna Mae (Cade)
Beattie, Samuel
Bedey, John
Beltz, Priscilla
BITTMAN, Herbert Wayne (Sep 23, 1915 - Mar 18, 2014)
Blaine, R. G.
BODLEY, Margaret Lydia Lee (May 19, 1937 - Mar 6, 2014)
Bogey, Johnnie L.
Booth, Emeline (Stark)

BOOTH, Lincoln Eugene "Gene" (Feb 4, 1940-May 22, 2013)
Booth, Ione (Bruce)
Boyd, Proyer Reed
Boyd, Wendall Reed
Boyles Lydia Ann (Stevens)
Bradshaw, Oliver Cecil
BRANSTETTER, Eldon Leroy (Dec 28, 1944 - Nov 6, 2014)
Branstetter, Hattie Lou (Courim)
Branstetter, Reva Mildred (Richard)
Breon, Ed
Breon, George Wayne
BROWN, Babe Loren (May25, 1930-Feb 21, 2014)
Brown, Carl R.
Brown, Danny
Brown, Dorothy L. (Lewis)
Brown, Harriett Alice (Esselstein)
Brown, Herbert
Brown, Lee
Brown, Thomas Clark
Brown, Vernie E. (Young)
Bruce, Ruth Dolretta (Linscott)
Brummett, Billy Ray
Buckles, Alma Lorrain (Decker)
Buckles E. L. "Bunny"
Burger, Bill R.
Burton, Child
Buschman, Lois Marie (Smith)
Bush, Effie N. (Lollar)
BUTTS, Vivian Marie (Aug 22, 1924 - Jan 9, 2013)
Byars, Cleda Elice Tye
C  Back to top
CALLAWAY, Leonard Lee (Dec 13, 1959 - Nov 22, 2013)
Carlile, Gus W.
Carpenter, Charles L.
CASE, Ivon Clarence, Jr.
Cassidy, Elva Marie (Scott)
Casteel, Johnnie L.
Castiller, Ethel (McCormick)
Celin, Oleta Maud (Beam) (Jun 25, 1938-May10,2013)
Cellan, Jacob
Chamberlin, Harvey Jasper
Chambers, Buford N.
Chelf, Baby
Christy, James Otis
Clearwater, J. A.
Claridge, D. S.
CLARK, Infant daughter of Fred Clark
Clark, Katie Perilee (Barton)
Clark, William Leonard
Clearwater, Donald Wayne
Clearwater, Ivan
Clearwater, James A.
Clearwater, Hazel Katherine (Cooprider)
Cleveland, John William (Mar 2, 1923-Apr 9, 2013
Coldiron, William R.
Coleman, Austin Pearl
Coleman, Robert
Collins, Flora Faye (Word)
Collins, Grace E. (Moler)
Compton, Gary J.
Conner, Christopher
Cooley, Anna B. (Jones)
Cooley, Hazel May
Coonfield, Susan (O'Brien)
Cox, Charles Orval
Cox, Myrtle (Inz)
Coykendall, Betty Jo.
Crail, John Murray
Crail, Mary N. (Forrest)
Crider, C. H. (Shorty)
Crider, Mack
CROUCH, Louis Andrew (Dec 29, 1933 - Jul 8. 2014)
Cully, Lonnie Glee
Cully, Nancy Y. (Williams)
Curlee, Alva E. (Allen)
Czaplinski, Gregory Robert "Skeeter"
D  Back to top
DALRYMPLE, Daniel Dale (Mar 26, 1928 - May 23, 2014)
Daugherty, Agnes V. (Dies/Latta)
Davis, Cassandra Jennette
Davis, J. T.
Davis, Jonathan William
Davis, Joshua Beauregard
Davis, Luetta F. (Eatherly)
Davis, Walter Clarence
Dawson, Mary
Deal, Mary Fiel
Dearing, Andrew N.
DEARING, Barbery Caroline
DEARING, Dannie S.
DeGrange, John Michael
Denton, Hannah
Dickson, Haynes S.
DODD, David RonDel (Oct 21, 1964 - Feb 3,2014)
Dodson, David
Donahoo, Mrs. E.
Donahoo, Mrs. E.
Dowell, Velma Lorene (Freeman)
Dudley, William
Donnihoo, Austin Alvin
Dye, Curtis Lucine
Dye, Maud E.
Dyke, Mary Emma
Dymond, Cora B. (Street)
Dymond, Fredrick Lincoln
E  Back to top
Eades, Clara
Earl, George Allen
EAVES, Lloyd Victor (Jun 13, 1919 - Jan 17, 2014)
Ehrlich, Wesley A.
EHRLICH, Wilma Eva (Feb 15, 1918 - Apr 22, 2012)
Ellis, Albert H.
Elmore, George Harrison
Elmore Helen L. (Sibley)
Elmore, Luther Stanley
Everhart, Mary Jane (Mrs.)

This page was last updated on 11/18/14

Ellis Co

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