Ellis County


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Ellis County Capital

Arnett, Ellis Co., Oklahoma

Friday, September 12, 1924


Miss BEULAH WHITE, daughter of Mrs. LUCY J. WHITE of southwest of Arnett, and SPENCE N. EDENBOROUGH, son of Mr. and Mrs. NED EDENBOROUGH of southwest of Arnett, were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage at Arnett, Sunday, Sept. 7, Rev. C. R. VASEY officiating. They will leave for California where he is employed in the oil fields near Coalinga.

Mr. and Mrs. CHALRES GETTLE of the Higgins area are visiting relatives and the county fair at Arnett this week.

J. D. MILLER and son HARRY were in Arnett on business.

Miss EDNA SHAFFER visited her sister and family, Mrs. C. N. TWADDELL at Amarillo, Texas.

T. B. HUFF and son of Fargo were visiting the fair in Arnett.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. HULSEY of Fargo visited in Arnett.

LLOYD EMMONS and J. I. EDMONDSON of west of Arnett were here.

Mrs. DAISY INSELMANN and son EARL visited at Dragonet, where Mr. Inselmann is working.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. CHAMBERLAIN of Mulvane, Kansas, visited the GEORGE H. BALDWIN family here.

Miss KATHERINE BOWER left to attend the Oklahoma College for Women at Chickasha.

EARNEST DOBRINSKI who has been living in California for past several years has been back here for the past two months, looking after his land interest here.

Mrs. ALINE COOK of Tulsa visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM ANDERSON of west of Arnett.

Mr. and Mrs. EARNEST SHIREY and little daughter FAELETTA of Booker, Texas, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. SHIREY.

Mr. and Mrs. D. C. MOSSHART and children, who have been staying in Arnett, left for Richmond where he is the school principal.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. HENRY are the parents of the a 9 pound baby girl born Saturday, Sept. 6.

PERRY FIELDER and family of Clinton visited relatives here.

CURTIS SMITH, democratic candidate for county clerk, was here for to fair and to meet voters.

J. H. WHITE and son CHARLES of the Chaney community attended the county fair here.

County assessor HARRY C. SHIELD has been very ill.

Mrs. MARY E. YOUDER of Holden, Missouri, and Mrs. JOHN L. EDMONDSON, little daughter MARILEEN and little son of Tulsa are visiting the S. A. SHIREY home.

Mrs. MARY GALLAGHER, who has been visiting her daughter and husband at Curtis, returned home. She was accompanied by her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. HARVE NARROW.

The SHIREY family, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. SHIREY, son EARNEST SHIREY, wife and little daughter, Mrs. J. L. EDMONDSON and children and Mrs. MARY E. YOUDER were entertained in the C. O. SHAFFER home at Arnett.

The Sunshine Club met Sept. 4 with Miss ANNABELL INFIELD. The afternoon was spent in quilting and piecing quilt blocks. There were 12 members, 4 visitors and several children.

O. C. DENTON, the congenial mail carrier on Route 1 of Arnett, made a trip to Britton to take Miss PAULINE where she will enter school this coming term. FRANK MOSS, assistant R.F.D. carrier, took the mail for Mr. Denton during his absence.

Mr. and Mrs. IRVIN O'HAIR of Webb City visited the CHARLES BEAM home, east of town.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. CROSSLAND, sons RIPLEY and BOB, Mr. and Mrs. FLOYD FREEMAN left for Muskogee where Ripley will enter school. The Crosslands and the Freemans will leave for the Wichita Mountains for a vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. ED HIBPSCHMAN(?), who have been looking after their farm northeast of Arnett, and visiting her father, R. J. WEBB, left for their home at Covington. ROBERT SMITH has moved to the Hibpschman farm to start a chicken ranch.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FRED CLARK of Shattuck died Wednesday, Sept. 10, and was brought to Arnett for burial. The little one was born Sunday, Sept. 7. Mrs. Clark was the former Miss ELLEN STEVENS of Arnett. Mr. Clark is the son of Mr. and Mrs. FRANK CLARK of this section.

Aunt MATTIE RICHARDSON, who formerly lived near Peek, but who is now making her home with Mr. and Mrs. P. B. HUFF of Fargo, brought a nice exhibit of her fancy work to enter in the county fair.

Shattuck News

Mrs. FRANK COOPER of Waynoka visited Mrs. CHARLES SNOWDEN.

Miss IDA MCCUBBIN visited her sister Mrs. RUBY J. BACON.

Miss AUSTA PARKER of the Texas side visited her cousin, Miss NELLIE SMITH.

Dr. S. STRAUSBAUGH left to buy goods at St. Louis.

Mrs. P. C. SCOTT entertained some friends with cake and ice cream.

Miss ELBERTA PATTERSON left for Cherokee where she will teach the 24-25 term.

Miss MARGIE TROSS left to study piano and voice at Emporia, Kansas.

Mrs. G. W. WOOD left for Dallas, Texas.

Mrs. J. A. MCGUIRE of Cherokee visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. TOM SMITH.

Mr. and Mrs. FRED MCCRUMMEN moved to Pampa, Texas.

Miss FRANCES MCCORMICK visited her aunt Mrs. ZENO TRUAX at Booker, Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE PINSON of Holden, Missouri, visited his brother, JIM PINSON.

Mrs. F. A. EASTMAN left by auto to visit relatives at Wichita, Kansas.

Mrs. A. L. SCHWENDENAR and daughter ELIZABETH left for Enid where they will reside for the school term.

J. M. BOWLES and wife left to visit at Kansas City, Carrollton, Missouri, and Quincy, Illinois.

Miss LORA PATTERSON left for Britton where she will teach the 24-25 term.

Dr. CHARLES GEIGER of St. Joe, Missouri, was in Shattuck, selling the Earl Hotel, now owned and managed by TOM TREKEL.

The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FRED CLARK passed away Wednesday.

Mrs. MCDONALD, who was visiting her daughter Mrs. C. W. NICHOLSON the past two months, returned home to Gladstone, New Mexico.

Mr. and Mrs. ALLISON of five miles east of town, entertained the B.Y.P.U. of the Baptist Church with a watermelon feast at their home Monday.

Birth Report for August

WILLIAM GEORGE, son of Mr. and Mrs. THOMAS TERBUSH of Shattuck, born Aug. 1, 1924.

LEE ROY, son of Mr. and Mrs. ALEX F. MALER of Shattuck, born Aug. 7.

MARY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BILLY RAMIREZ of Shattuck, born Aug. 20.

NORMA LEE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HENRY G. HETZLER at Shattuck, born Aug. 15.

INA MAY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ERVIN WEBBA of Shattuck, born Aug. 17.

ROBERTA LEE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT KUHNE of Shattuck, born Aug. 4.

LAYTON LEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM A. STEPHENS of Shattuck, born Aug. 12.

Died unnamed, son of Mr. and Mrs. IVAN J. HILLS of Shattuck, born Aug. 20.

Sheriff's sale on real estate.

P. J. COMFORT vs. WALTER C. ELDER and MAUD ELDER, his wife; The Land Credit Bank, J. B. HARAH, H. T. SCURR, W. D. WILSON and MARY WILSON his wife; H. G. JACKSON, E. F. BRYAN and ALICE F. BRYAN his wife; R. L. DOTSON and JENNIE DODSON his wife; W. C. FOSTER, T. A. COOK, RAY DAUGHERTY and his wife; J. H. FICK, J. H. FRICK, and H. G. ADKINS.

Estate of MARY A. HOUCK.



September 29, 1924

Aged Citizen Called by Death Angel

ALFRED ADDINGTON, age 75, father of L. C. ADDINGTON, passed quietly away Sunday night, Sept. 14, at the home of his son in Arnett. Mr. Addington Sr. had been in poor health for some months or since coming here from Belpre, Kansas, where he made his home with his daughter Mrs. V. F. HOLLOWAY. ALFRED ADDINGTON was born Dec. 25, 1949 at Pilot Grove, Iowa, where he resided the greater part of his life. He married ROSANNA JESSUP, to this union were born four children, two boys and two girls, who survive. The first Mrs. Addington passed from this life on July 9, 1888, and Mr. Addington married MARGARET HAMMER in 1890, with whom he lived until his death. The deceased leaves his wife, four children, Mrs. CARRIE HOLLOWAY of Belpre, Kansas; LEONARD ADDINGTON of Arnett, LUTHER ADDINGTON of Oregon and Mrs. CORA BIBBONS of Seattle, Washington; ten grandchildren and a host of other relatives. Mr. Addington was converted in young manhood and united with the Friends Church. Funeral services!

were conducted at the Addington home in Arnett by Rev. V. C. VASEY of the Methodist Church. The body was laid to rest in the DeBolt cemetery.

S. O. PACKARD Died Suddenly

S. O. PACKARD, a pioneer settler of this county, died suddenly at his home 9 miles southwest of Arnett, Tuesday, Sept. 16, following an illness of several months.. SIDNEY OLIVER PACKARD was born in DeKnob County, Illinois, Sept. 18, 1862, and passed from this life on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1924. Mr. Packard married Miss EMMA J. FORD July 3, 1881, to this union was born four children, three of whom are now living. Following the death of his first wife, he married Miss SARAH S. SEIP at Pawnee, Nebraska, Jan. 16, 1893 and to this union was born four children, all of whom are living. Besides his wife and seven children, he is survived by 12 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. Mr. Packard was a pioneer of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, and Ellis County, he having moved with his family to this county in 1904, having filed on a homestead nine miles southwest of Arnett, where he resided since coming to this section. Mr. Packard became a member of the United Brethren Church at age of 1!

8 and was a faithful member of the church at time of his death. He was also a member of the I.O.O.F., joining at Axtell, Kansas on Dec. 15, 1895 and was a charter member of the Arnett lodge. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist Church at Arnett Friday afternoon and the body will be laid to rest in the DeBolt cemetery.

Wild Ride Results in Arrest of Three

HARRY ROSE, GEORGE LUCK and BUD EATON, all of Shattuck, were arrested and brought to Arnett Wednesday by deputy sheriff HECOX, charged with driving an automobile while intoxicated.

Mr. and Mrs. ROBERT SMITH are the parents of a baby son born Monday, Sept. 15.

HASSENPFULG Gives Watermelon Feast

H. E. HASSENPFULG, the 'watermelon king' of Ellis County, gave a melon feast to his Ellis County and Texas friends at the Hassenpfulg farm Sunday. More than 400 melons were picked. His watermelon crop is the largest in several years.


This page was last updated on 07/17/12

Ellis Co

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