Ellis County


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Oklahoma Cemeteries
Ok Cemeteries Gen Web Project

The VA's Nationwide Gravesite Locator
Oklahoma Confederate Archives

Vietnam War casualties from Oklahoma
Tombstone Transcription Project for Ellis

NOTE: All of the following cemetery records and histories are subject to correction. We welcome any information that one has to share. For date of birth, more information, or to make corrections/additions for Ellis County , contact: The Ellis County Historical Society, C/o Linda Fox, President, Arnett, Oklahoma 73832 or the County Coordinator
 Name & directions Latitude Longitude Town/Township
Adventist Cemetery 5 miles south & 1 mile east of Shattuck
At Find a Grave
Adventist (at Free Pages) aka 7thDayAdventist
361209N 0995147W Arnett
Allmon Cemetery 4 1/2 miles south of 283 & 60 junction & 1.mile east
At Find a Grave
Allmon (at Free Pages)
360416N 0995237W Arnett, SW
Beum Cemetery 1/4 mile south of  283 & 60 junction
Beum (at Free Pages)
Bickford Cemetery 15 miles north & 2 miles west of Shattuck
At Find a Grave
Bickford (at Free Pages) aka Catesby & Poplar Grove
362937N 0995501W Shattuck, NW
Braunch Memorial Park 362236N 0993702W Fargo
Christ Lutheran Cemetery 361347N 0995459W Goodwin
DeBolt Cemetery 1/2 mile north of Arnett
At Find a Grave
DeBolt (at Free Pages) aka Arnett
360842N 0994600W Arnett
Ebenezer Cemetery 5 miles south, 4miles west & 1/2 mile south of Shattuck
At Find a Grave
Ebenezer (at Free Pages) aka German Baptist
Eddie Cemetery 8 miles east & 6miles south of Arnett
At Find a Grave
Eddie (at Free Pages)
Emmons Cemetery (See Goodwin-Emmons) 360812N 0995816W Goodwin
Fairview Cemetery 7 miles north & 1/2 mile east of Fargo
Fairview (at Free Pages)
Fargo Cemetery 1/2 mile south of Fargo
At Find a Grave
Fargo (at Free Pages) aka Fairmount (& Whitebead 1886-1893)
362148N 0993726W Fargo SE
Gage Memorial Cemetery 1/2 mile west & 1/2 mile south of Gage
At Find a Grave
In the Archives
Gage (at Free Pages) aka Wolf Valley IOOF
361839N 0994603W Gage
Goodwin-Emmons Cemetery 11 miles west of Arnett on Hwy 60. 1 1/2 mile east of TX-OK Line
At Find a Grave
Goodwin (at Free Pages) aka Hopewell & Emmons
360812N 0995816W Goodwin
Grand Cemetery 360047N 0994904W Arnett SE
Greenwood Cemetery (at Free Pages) 7 miles north, 4 miles west & 1/2 mile north of Fargo      
Harmon Cemetery (At Find a Grave) 1/2 mile north of Harmon
Harmon (at Free Pages)
360907N 0993339W Harmon
Ioland Cemetery 8 miles east, 5 1/2 miles south, 2 miles east, about 8miles SE then 3/4 mile back south of Arnett
At Find a Grave
Ioland (at Free Pages)
355642N 0993122W Roll NE
Lone Bell Cemetery Sec-15 Twp-16 R23
At Find a Grave
Lone Bell (at Free Pages)
355141N 0993708W Roll SE
Lone Star Cemetery 1 mile east, 5miles south, 1 mile east, 1 mile south, then east again from Harmon
At Find a Grave
Lone Star (at Free Pages)
360326N 0993055W Harmon SE
Lone Tree Cemetery 6 miles west to junct.60 & 283. turn south on blacktop 10 miles then dirt road south 6 miles go west 1 1/2 miles.
At Find a Grave
Lone Tree (at Free Pages)
355624N 0995742W Antelope Hills
Lutheran Cemetery 2 miles south, 2 miles west & 1/4 mile south of Shattuck Cemetery
At Find a Grave
Lutheran (at Free Pages)
May Cemetery 18 miles north & 2 1/2 miles west of Gage
At Find a Grave
May (at Free Pages)
363357N 0994735W May-West
Mouser Cemetery      
Mount Hope Cemetery  11 miles north, junction of 283 & 15, west 1 1/2 mile then 1/2 mile north
Mount Hope (at Free Pages)
362630N 0995432W Shattuck NW
Mount Olive Cemetery (At Find a Grave) 10 miles north & 2 1/4 mile west of Fargo
At Interment Net
Mt. Olive (at Free Pages)
Old Shattuck Cemetery      
Packsaddle Cemetery Sec-9 Twp-16 R-24
Packsaddle (at Free Pages)
Riverside Cemetery (at Free Pages) On Private Land      
Rock Creek Cemetery  (at Free Pages)      
Shattuck Cemetery South Side of Shattuck, along Highway 283  
At Find a Grave
Shattuck (at Free Pages)
Stone Cemetery 20 miles east & 7 miles south of Arnett      
Sunset Cemetery (At Find a Grave) 362908N 0994038W Gargo NW
George Carr Ranch (At Find a Grave)     Arnett

Unknown (at Free Pages)

Map of Locations

Ellis County Saving Graves

Complete listing of Ellis Co. Cemeteries

Includes photos of all headstones in Harmon cemetery as of Sep. 2000
Shattuck Memorial Cemetery as of Feb. 2002

Adventist aka Seventh Day Adventist aka Weis
Allmon Cemetery
Arnett aka Debolt
Beaver River Valley IOOF
Beum Cemetery
Bickford aka Catesby
Catesby aka Bickford
DeBolt aka Arnett
Dunlap aka Mt. Olive
Ebenezer aka Ebenezer Baptist aka German Baptist
Ebenezer Baptist aka Ebenezer
Emmons aka Goodwin
Fairmount aka Fargo
Fairview (N. of Fargo)
Fairview aka Harmon
Fargo aka Fairmount
Gage aka Little Wolf Creek IOOF Cemetery  A-J     K-Z   Submitted by Sharon Byers
German Baptist aka Ebenezer Baptist
Goodwin aka Emmons aka Hopewell
Grand:  SEE -- Private Cemeteries "G"
Greenwood Sunset aka Sunset aka Greenwood
Harmon aka Fairview aka Highland aka Highland Fairview
Highland aka Harmon
Hopewell aka Goodwin
IOOF:  SEE -- Gage, May or Shattuck
Liberty aka Lone Tree
Little Wolf Creek IOOF aka Gage
Lone Bell:  SEE -- Private Cemeteries "L"
Lone Star
Lone Tree aka Weeks aka Liberty
Lutheran aka St. Pauls Lutheran
May aka McClung aka Sod Church aka Beaver River Valley IOOF
McClung aka May
Mt. Olive aka Dunlap
Old Shattuck aka Rock Creek
Private Cemeteries:  "A" Thru "R1"
Riverside:  SEE -- Private Cemeteries "R"
Rock Creek aka Old Shattuck:  SEE -- Private Cemeteries "R1"
Seventh Day Adventist aka Adventist
Shattuck aka IOOF
Sod Church aka May
St. Pauls Lutheran aka Lutheran
Sunset aka Greenwood
Weeks aka Lone Tree
Weis aka Adventist

 Private Cemeteries (known sites)

Arnett Area
Allmon Cemetery Area
Birkle Homestead
Black Homestead
Burnett Homestead
Buzzard Roost Area
Brown Land
Burnett Land
Camp Tousalin Site
Carr Homestead
Dunn Ranch
Family Homestead - Larimore Homestead
Grand Area
Grand aka Walck:  SEE -- Riverside
Halbert Land
Hamil Homestead
Ioland - Grand Areas
Lone Bell Cemetery
Miller Land
Millsop Land
Moore Land
Mouser Cemetery
Negro Homesteaders
Packsaddle Cemetery
Peek School Area
Riverside Cemetery
Rock Creek Cemetery aka Old Shattuck
Walck aka Grand:  SEE -- Riverside
Watkins Homestead:  SEE -- Negro Homesteaders

This page was last updated on 10/22/11

Ellis Co

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