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Created By Sharon McAllister

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Townships in Oklahoma
Last Updated:2/14/2004

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If you reached this page through the menu system, you probably have nothing to go on but the name of a township.  This is one of the resources provided for those who have very little information, yet are determined to track down an elusive location in the present state of Oklahoma -- it's not meant for the casual researcher.

  • If you already know which county your township of interest is in, and want to learn more about its specific location and boundaries, go to Sharon Crawford's Township Grids.  Her maps show township names and boundaries against a background Section-Township-Range grid, and include the location of many populated places.  Her site is still Under Construction, but many counties are already online.

  • If you do know the Section-Township-Range number, you can not only locate a parcel much faster than by using the Township Name but you can also pinpoint it within one square mile.  If you also know the county, use the Township Maps gateway.  If you don't know the county, use the statewide chart.  There you'll find more information about the numbering system and step-by-step links that will lead you to a detailed township map showing that section.  

But -- back to what probably brought you here -- what if you don't have a numeric description? And you don't know the name of the county it's in....  Township names are not necessarily unique, and some common ones were actually used in many different counties. To complicate matters even further, a Township Name may cover more or less than a 36-square mile numbered Township.  

The Index to Townships will help you narrow your search to no more than a handful of counties. 

If you find several counties with a Township of that name, you are faced with further research.  

  • You can explore the above options for all of them, hoping to find clues that will identify the right one.  
  • You can re-examine your data, hoping to eliminate at least some of the possibilities.  
  • If you know the name of a populated place in the area, you can also use the Index lists of Post Offices, Railroad Stations or Towns to narrow your search.  Although places sharing a name existed in different parts of the state at different times, just as Townships bearing the same name occur in different counties, you will probably find only one county that has both names you are looking for.

But, unfortunately, there are no easy answers until you turn up more clues to follow....  

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Maps 'n' More

State-wide resources formerly found on Ceil's Corner 
Created By Sharon McAllister
Became an OKGenWeb Special Project  March 31, 2001
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