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Sylvester Wesley EVANS
Sarah Jane (Reeder) EVANS

Family of Carleta Wilson Latham

I'm a descendant of Pontotoc pioneers. These are my Great Grandparents:

Sylvester was born in 1845 in AR and died in 1895 in Roff, Indian Territory (Buried in Hart Cemetery). He married Sarah on Nov 21, 1869 in Bonham Co. TX. Sarah was born in 1854 in Lamar, TX and died Feb 6, 1922 in Graham, OK. (Buried in Hart Cemetery)
Their Children were:
Loucretia (Lou)
Mary Alice
Maude Elver Haegel (1879 - 1919) (Buried in Hart Cemetery) Photo
William (Bill)
Franck (Dick)
and Sam
Sam's twin died at birth, Jan 10, 1891.

Below are some photos of the grave markers prior to Carleta, Pricilla Wilson Lane & Edna Evans Wilson  placing new ones. (see above photo)

Evans and Haegle original Grave site

Grave stone markers prior to the new ones.

The Original sand stone that marked the Evans
and Haegle Gravesite

 Updated on 07/20/12


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