Oklahoman Archives

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
July 4, 1957, pg 14
Harrah Traffic Victim ' s
Rites Slated Friday
Services for Mrs. Edith G.
Kitchen, 61 - y e a r old Harrah woman killed
Tuesday evening in an automobile accident at
Chandler, will be at 2 pm Friday in the Harrah
Baptist church.
Burial will be in
Arlington Memorial cemetery
of Oklahoma City under the direction of Wilson
funeral home of Harrah.
Born February II, 1896, in
Falling Springs, W. Va., Mrs. Kitchen came to Harrah
in 1927. She and her husband. 0. E . who is an
employee of the Oklahoma Gas & Electric plant, were
married in 1928. A member of the Baptist church,
Mrs. Kitchen taught an adult Sunday school class.
Surviving besides her
husband are a daughter, Betty Kitchen, of the home;
her mother, Mrs. Mary Williams, Coyle, and five
brothers. Paul Williams. Coyle; Cecil Williams,
Stillwater: Clifton Williams. Mulhall; Quinton
Williams, Pampa. Texas, and Theodore Williams,
Sacramento, Calif.

Oklahoman Archives

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
July 3, 1957, pg 26
Auto _Collisions Kill 2 Women
Two Oklahoma county women were killed Tuesday in
separate accidents....
MRS. _BARBARA CAMP, 20, of _Edmond_.
The Harrah woman died of a skull fracture after her
car and another collided four miles north of Warwick
on SH 40. Driver of the other car, William S.
Murphy, 45, and a passenger, A. H. Lawson, 63. both
of 2423 Mulligan drive in Oklahoma City, were taken
to Wellston for treatment of injuries described as
serious by the highway patrol.
Mrs. Camp, an expectant
mother, was killed about noon in a splintering
head-on collision which also injured her husband and
a California family of four. The accident happened
in the 9700 block NE 23. The victim's husband,
24-year-old Leon Camp, a student at Central State
college, suffered a broken leg and multiple cuts.
Trooper Pat Walsh of the highway patrol said. the
crash happened near the crest of a hill. Critically
hurt with a skull fracture, internal injuries, and
both legs broken was an occupant of the other car,
Mrs. Emma R. Joyner, 36, of Venice, Calif.
Her husband. Henry, 41, the driver, suffered
internal injuries, and their son, Mike 12, and
daughter, Mary, 16 received broken legs.

Oklahoman Archives

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma
July 05, 1957; Page: 90
HARRAH—Services for Mrs. Edith G. Kitchen, 61 - year
- old woman hilled Tuesday in an automobile • crash
near Warwick, will be at 2 p.m. Friday-in the Harrah
Baptist church.
Burial will be in Arlington Memorial
cemetery east of Oklahoma City under the direction
of Wilson funeral home of Harrah.
Born Feb. 11,
18S6, in Falling Springs, W. Va., Mrs. Kitchen came
to Harrah in 1927. She and her husband, 0. E., an
employee of the Oklahoma Gas & Electric plant, were
married in 1928. She was a member of the Baptist
church and taught an adult Sunday school class
Surviving besides her husband are a daughter,
Betty, of the home; her mother, Mrs. Mary Williams.
Coyle, and five brothers, Paul Williams, Coyle:
Cecil Williams, Stillwater; Clifton Williams,
Mulhall; Quinten Williams, Pampa, Texas, and
Theodore Williams, Sacramento, Calif.

source of stone image