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Logan County Queries


December 2001 Queries

DATE: Sun Dec 2 19:26:22 2001
NAME: Mo Michel
EMAIL: heybigmo@aol.com
QRYTEXT: I am looking for information on George Calvin Ballard who was married to Ada Alice Johnston(e). They had at least 8 children one who we know was born in Guthrie, Ok, Logan County. Her name was Maude Louise Ballard and she was born in 1910. She was of indian descent, George was deifinately Indian. Can anyone help?? Thanks, Maureen

DATE: Fri Dec 14 12:52:00 2001
NAME: John Lambert
EMAIL: mostly.golf@verizon.net
QRYTEXT: I am looking for knowledge about the parents, siblings and first wife of Frank John Lambert, also known as Jean Baptiste Lambert. His ancestors were French-Canadian as you may have guessed. He was born on August 28, 1852 in Skowhegan, Somerset county, Maine. He was married twice, his second wife’s name was Agnes Taylor. They were married on August 20, 1895 in Howard, Kansas. On the marriage application he was listed as J. B. and gave Logan< Oklahoma as his address. Their children’s names were Opie Reed Lambert, born in 1895 and Olin Harry Lambert (my father) born in 1897. They lived in Blandinsville and Lewistown, Illinois. Frank John was a barber. I know he had children by the first marriage and some of them lived in the Chicago area at one time. One of the Chicago Lamberts was in the lamp business, I believe. If any of this sounds familiar, please let me know. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated. John Lambert mostly.golf@verizon.net

DATE: Fri Dec 14 21:37:42 2001
NAME: Debbi Craig
EMAIL: dcraig@lewiston.com
SURNAMES: Wisby/Wisbey
QRYTEXT: Looking for information about the following Wisby's 1. Joseph Wisby attorney at law, in Guthrie, OK. [would like any info (marriage, children, parents)]. 2. Sam Wisby, clerk for the Marshal's Office. Sam was fired in 1897 (a plan to rob the Capitol National Bank included him and his brother *see #3 [would like any info on Sam as well]. 3. John Wisby, an ex-Marshal (fired either because of the robbery plan or before it), brother to Sam Wisby *see #2 [would like any info on John]. I have a ton of Wisby/Wisbey 'kin' in my tree, and would love to add these if there is a link. (I would think so as all the other Wisby/Wisbey have been linked in some way so far). Many thanks!! Debbi

DATE: Wed Dec 19 12:46:44 2001
NAME: Wayne Clawater
EMAIL: wclawater@crusescott.com
QRYTEXT: What information do you have on John F. Clawater?

DATE: Mon Dec 24 07:33:16 2001
NAME: Carol Goldman
EMAIL: cjgoldman@interaccess.com
QRYTEXT: Seeking info on Owen Rector Bryant, a Methodist Circuit Rider (Minister) and family. I know he rode in the land rush but can't find where he settled. He is my great-grandfather and other great grandfather is Frank Jensen, son of Thomas Jensen of El Reno.

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