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Logan County Queries


August 2002 Queries

DATE: Wed Aug 7 21:27:00 2002
NAME: Ken Hallock
EMAIL: curator1@mindspring.com
QRYTEXT: I have just received the packet of papers from the U.S. Archives concerning the homestead of Daniel HALLOCK in Mulhall Township, Logan County. This led to a couple questions: First, it mentions the normal fractions of Sections, Townships and Ranges but also mentions Lots as in - Lot 4 & E 1/2, SW 1/4 Section 19, Township 18 -N, Range 2-W. This lot size seems to be about 40+ acres in size. Can someone explain about these lots and how these lots are determined? The Sections, Townships, and Ranges, I understand. Second, it mentions the house was built by the first of September 1889 and says it was a frame house 14 by 16 feet. The five of them seem to have lived in that at least until 1895 when final proof was established. Does anyone know of a picture of what this style of house might have been? I'd like to put a picture into the file. Any and all help is appreciated. Ken Hallock


DATE: Fri Aug 9 15:19:19 2002
NAME: Twila Lueking
EMAIL: noney69@hotmail.com
SURNAMES: Scott--Brown--McMahan--Hill
QRYTEXT: On Dec.31 1899 Leonard F. Bittle SCOTT was b. in Billings Ok. To Daniel and Pernie (Brown) Scott. Can anyone help in what county they were in at that time and where they might have lived. He was their first child b. is Ok. They later acquired land in the El Reno Land Lottery. All help will really be appreciated. Twila


DATE: Wed Aug 14 20:51:22 2002
NAME: Evelynne Ritter
EMAIL: e.m.ritter@att.net
QRYTEXT: I have located a photo of a WWI soldier. Thphoto is on a Postal Card and the "inscription" reads: "Mrs Mary Blais From Earl March 30 1919. Anyone knowing about these individuals may contact me directly.
URL: www.angelfire.com/ok5 /ritterfamilyok.html


DATE: Thu Aug 15 05:31:18 2002
NAME: Dougan Jacobs
EMAIL: JacobsNews@yahoo.com
QRYTEXT: John Lincoln HEDGECOCK and Emma (McPherson) parents of J. Coston HEDGECOCK, who married Almariah (PRUITT). Came to Logan County to homestead with the rush. Interested in any HEDGECOCK Relations.


DATE: Wed Aug 21 15:52:20 2002
NAME: Barbara Ann Guyton Ziegenmeyer
EMAIL: bbzservice1@citlink.net
QRYTEXT: Seeking information on George Franklin Johnson and wife Dovie Ann Higgenbotham Johnson, they had six children born Guthrie Oklahoma May in 1900, Fay in 1902, Inez in 1906, Richard Bruce in 1907, Clara in 1908, Vera in 1911. Do you know this family?


DATE: Fri Aug 23 19:03:26 2002
NAME: Jan Teinert
EMAIL: rojant@aol.com
QRYTEXT: Researching on these surnames in Logan CO. Earl Rosevelt Billings,William Marion Billings,Andrew P. Billingsand James W. Billings Thanks in advance for any help. Jan Teinert


DATE: Sun Aug 25 00:10:33 2002
NAME: Viola Rodgers
EMAIL: ViolaRodgers@aol.com
QRYTEXT: Looking for Cora Adonna Lovelady's Grave site or any infromation on her.


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