Winfield S. Davis |

Cora M. Graves |

Garry W. Lyon |

Sheila Irene Fuqua |

Louis F. Fuqua |

Peggy Fuqua |

Ada A. Fuqua |

Ross L. Fuqua |

Elizabeth Ulrich |

Martin Whetzell
Lilly R. Whetzell
Floyd W. Bushong |

Mary A. Crook |

Martin VanBuren Kimball |

John Kimball |

John I. and Annie Kimball |

Lizzie Kimball |

Jerry Lee Hendrix |

Lillie Everett |

Lucy Everett |

Elvin E. Everett |

Roy E. Everett |

Leo Lenord Keefe |

Jack W. and Clara Edsel Harrison |

Charles L. Bedico |

Charles Lester Beck |

Samuel and Mary E. Beck |

Floyd and Ilo Young |

Donald and Opal Hand |

Earl and Alice Hand |

Virginia Hand |

Freddie Hand |

Manoah Hand |

Leon D. Turner, Son
Lillian R. Turner, Mother |

Nancy J. White |

Frank W. White |

A. G. Wood |

Joseph and Nadine Darby |

Billy Wayne Cooley |

J. B. Skinner |

Mrs. W. A. Howland Mullen |

William and Amanda Bailey |

Lowell B. McNiel
Thomas O. McNiel |

Lowell B. McNiel |

Mary E. Bachman |

Chester Clarance Ingle |

Frank and Alma Fuqua |

Robert Fuqua |

Infant of F.M. and A.M. Fuqua |

Unknown |

John Sloan |

Mary Sloan |

Thomas A. Evans |

Ida A. Evans |

Gaylord |

George W. and Clara M. Gingrich |

Berneta Deubler |

Unknown |

John I. and Elizebeth Livingston |

Jacob and Mary Gehringer |

Jesse Gehringer |

S. B. Grandy |

Minnie M. (Whiteman) Romanose |

Jason B. Beard |

Clifford Little Coyote |

Bertha Little Coyote |

Lee Whiteman |

Bobby Ray Whiteman |

Gladys A. Whiteman |

Harry Whitehorse |

Mary Whitehorse |

Terry Lee Whitehorse |

sons of R. M. and M. M. Kimball |

Alva I. Kimball |

Bessie Kimball Newell |

Robert M. and Martha M. Kimball |

William M. Shirley
Oris Almo Shirley |

Oris Almo Shirley |

Son and Daughter of J. H. and M. E. Vaughn |

Meanle |

J. H. V. "Annie" 1909-1919 |

Unknown |

Unknown |

Unknown |

Unknown |

Sumner H. Everett |

Reber 1932

Ella J. McMullin |

James and Ida A. Foale |

Arthur E. Foale |

M. Melvina Kimball
1898-1899 |

Unknown |

Corbin F. and Sadie Ward |

Jayme Rhodes
Caleb and Jacob Rhodes
Jayson Rhodes |

Kimball child |

John and Rosa Slife |

Virgil N. Livingston |

Catherine Stubbert |

Nancy Jaquith |

W. H. Jaquith |

Clide Jaquith |

Charles E. Jaquith |