
First County Superintendent

The following information is from the County Superintendent's office files.
NOTE: Schools for black children were called variously "colored", "separate", or "Negro", then they were consolidated and finally integrated.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G   H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

School Name Dist. # & Location Years in Existence Present 
Adams T28 R20 Sec 28 1908-1933  
Albia consolidated with Todd    
separate, colored school
Ashby consolidated with Cobb    
separate, colored school grades 1-12
T25 R20 Sec 28 1900-1956 Vinita
separate, colored school
Dist. #16; T28 R21 Sec 16 1909-1947 I #17
Ben Adair 
separate, colored school
T28 R18 Sec 12 1909-1919  
Big Cabin Dist. #50; T24 R19 Sec 25 1909-1994  
Bluebell Dist. #73; T26 R18 Sec 19 1910-1952 I #1, CD 2
Blue Hawk Dist. #56; T24 R19 Sec 8 1909-1952 I #1, I #50
Bluejacket Dist. #20; T27 R21 Sec 21 1909-  
separate, colored school
consolidated with Kelly 
T25 R18 Sec 27.
Bug Shuffle consolidated with Council Grove School.    
Bunker Dist. #71; T26 R18 Sec 36 1911-1947 I #1, CD 2 & in 1951 with D 8
Carselowey Dist. #55; T24 R20 Sec 25 1909-1958 I #65, I #6
Carter Dist. #38; T26 R21 Sec 27 1909-1957 Afton
Centerview Dist. #69; T24 R19 Sec 11 1909-1949 I #1, I #50
Centralia changed from original Dist. #2 in 1922; T27 R18 Sec 26 1909-1968 I #1, I #20
Clear Creek consolidated with Sunshine School.    
Cline consolidated with Bluebell.    
Coats consolidated with Prairie View.    
Cobb Dist. #43; T25 R 20 Sec 14 1909-1968 I #65
Couch Dist. #49; T25 R20 Sec 16 1909-1949 I #65, I #50
Council Grove Dist. #60; T24 R19 Sec 30 1909-1958 I #50
Council Point consolidated with Council Grove; T24 R19 Sec 28.    
Coyne Dist. #58; T26 R18 Sec ? 1909-1922 C.D. #2
Dixon Dist. #35; T26 R20 Sec 11 1909-1949 I #20
Dupree Dist. #44; T25 R20 Sec 8; 1909 1909-1948 I #65
Eagle Dist. #24; T27 R19 Sec 2 1909-1947 I #17
East Anthracite Dist. #54; T28 R18 Sec 12 1926-1947 I #17
Estella Dist. #31; T25 R19 Sec 5 1908-1947 C.D. #1
Eureka Dist. #34; T26 R20 Sec 17    
Fairview Dist. #68; T29 R21 Sec 32 1909-1957 I #17
Fields Dist.  # 5; T29 R20 Sec 23 1909-1961 I #17
Freeman Dist. #45; T27 R18 Sec 11 1909-1922 C.D. #2
separate colored school
T27 R18 1909-1953 #27
Goldenrod Dist. #18; T29 R20 Sec 20 1909-1950 I #17
Grandview Dist. #13; T28 R20 Sec 29 1908-1952 I #17
Grant Mound consolidated with Stice.    
Grove Point consolidated with Council Grove.    
Gwendale consolidated with East Anthra cite school; T25 R19 Sec ?  1909-1920 C.D. #1
Harris consolidated with Blue Hawk.    
Happy Hollow Dist. #30; T25 R18 Sec 8 1909-1947 I #11 & Chelsea
Headrick consolidated with Plainview.    
separate, colored school
 T28 R21 Sec 3 1908-1926  
Holland Dist. #19; T27 R21 Sec 11 1908-1947 I #20
Hudson Dist. #10; T28 R18 Sec 23 1909-1957 D #9
Hurst Sec Ironpost.    
Ideal Dist. #9; T29 R18 Sec 34 1909  
Ironpost (Hurst) T29 R20 Sec 31 1909-1947 D #62
Ironside Dist. #46; T25 R20 Sec 30 1908-1969 I #65 
J.J. Breakbill T24 R21 1921-1926 to Mayes Co.
Jones Spur Dist. #36; T26 R21 Sec 1 1909-1950 I #65, I #20
Kelly Dist. #48 (Kelley); T25 R18 Sec 25 1908-1950 I #1 
Kelso Dist. #3; T26 R20 Sec 25 1909-1947 I #65
Ketchum (became independent Dist. #1); T24 R21 Sec 25 1909-1950 I #6
Longview Dist. #51; T24 R20 Sec 27 1909-1958 I #50
McCollough consolidated with Mineral Hill school.    
Maybelle Dist. #2; T28 R21 Sec 11 1909-1958 I #17 
Miles Dist. #64; T27 R19 Sec 33 1909-1961 C #2 
Mineral Hill Dist. #57; T24 R21 Sec 28 1909-1945 Ketchum J.D. #1
Morris consolidated with Ideal.    
separate colored school
T27 R20 Sec 22 1908-1920  
Nix Dist. #28; T26 R18 Sec 16 1909-1943 #71, 73 & CD #2
Notch Mound Dist. #72; T27 R19; 1909 1909-1922 CD #2 
Oak Grove Dist. #11; T28 R19 Sec 8 1909-1948 D #9 
Payne consolidated with Jones Spur.    
Petitt Dist. #70; T28 R18 Sec 5; 1909 1909-1947 CD #2
Pheasant Hill consolidated with Eureka;
T26 R20 Sec 21.
Plainview Dist. #8; T29 R18 Sec 20 1909-1956 D #9
Plateau Dist. #61; T28 R19 Sec 23 1909-1965 D #9 & I #17 
Pleasant Grove consolidated with Timber Hill.    
Pleasant Valley consolidated with Timber Hill;
T27 R20 Sec 14
19??-1947 I #20
Prairie Center Dist. #15; T28 R20 Sec 35 1908-1956 I #17
Prairie Chapel Dist. #53; T24 R21 Sec 10 1909-1954 I #65, I #6 & Cleora
Prairie View Dist. #22; T27 R20 Sec 7; 1909 1947- I #20
separate colored school
T24 R19 1912-1918  
Riggs Chapel Dist. #63; T25 R18 Sec 29 1909-1947 I #1 & Rogers Co. 
Rogers Dist. #12; T28 R20 Sec 7 1909-1957 I #17
Ross consolidated with Happy Hollow School; Dist. #30
T26 R18 Sec 29
Russell Creek Dist. #4; T29 R21 Sec 17 1909-1952 I #65 
Sequoyah Dist. #42; T25 R20 Sec 26 1909-1954 I #65
Shanahan Dist. #66; T26 R19 Sec 35 1908-1958 I #65 
Shelton consolidated with Bunker Hill school.    
Smith Dist. #37; T26 R21 Sec 11 1909-1947 I #20 & Afton 
St. Paul
separate colored school
T28 R18 Sec 21 1909-1930  
Stony Point Dist. #27A; T29 R18 Sec 23 1932-1947 C.D. #2 
Stice T29 R19 Sec 20 1909-1947 I #17
Success Dist. #40; T25 R21 Sec 35 1909-1958 I #65 
Sunflower Dist. #74; T28 R21 Sec 26 1910-1949 I #17 
Sunshine Dist. #26 consolidated with Oak Grove; T28 R19 Sec 28;  1909-1947 D #61
Taylor consolidated with Carter.    
Thornton consolidated with Union.    
Timber Hill Dist. #21; T27 R20 Sec 26 1909-1962 I #20
Todd Dist. #39; T25 R21 Sec 10 1909-1951 Afton
Trotter consolidated with Willow Branch.    
Union Dist. #25; T27 R19 Sec 15 1909-1947 C.D. #2 
Valley Dist. #62; T29 R19 Sec 23 1909-1949 I #17
Vinita Independent Dist. #65; T25 R20 1909-  
Wayside Dist. #52; T24 R20 Sec 12 1909-1955 I #65
Welch Dist. # 17; T28 R21 Sec 31 1909-  
West Anthracite Dist. #14; T28 R20 Sec 2 1909-1947 I #17 
West Cabin Dist. #33; T26 R19 Sec 14 1908-1948 #66
West Point Dist. #23; T27 R20 Sec 30 1909-1952 I #20
White Oak formerly Dist. #47 now Independent Dist. #1; T 25 R19 Sec 28 1908-  
Willow Branch Dist. #32; T25 R18 Sec 11; 1909 1909-1947;  CD #1
Wimer Dist. #1; T28 R18 Sec 29 1909-1965 D #9
Winfrey Dist. #67; T27 R21 Sec 26 1909-1953;  I #20
Witt Dist. #41; T25 R21 Sec 19 1908-1947 I #65
Wolfe Dist. #29; T26 R19 Sec 18 1909-1947 C.D. #2
Wolfe Creek consolidated with Winfrey    

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