Craig County Cemeteries

The following information is gleaned from the eleven volumes of Our People and Where They Rest researched and published by James Tyner, and used here with his permission. Jane Boggess

Name of Cemetery Volume Page Section - Range - Township Description and Condition
Berry 6-20 23-20E-24N Abandoned on a hillside. 11 graves 5 unknown.
Big Cabin 12- 22-19E-24N Large well-kept cemetery on the hillside southwest of town.
Blackfeather 1-51 29-21E-24N In a cow lot; not fenced or maintained 6 graves listed.
Bluejacket 5-25 28-21E-27N Started as a Shawnee Cemetery later became generally used by town. 360 known of 373 graves.  Established on land of Chief Bluejacket.
Bluejacket Family 1-52 29-20E-26N 3 graves listed.
Bobb Family 1-53 35-18E-25N 6 graves in yard of family home.
Carselowey 4-30 25-20E-24N Fenced and maintained. 108 graves 62 unknown.
Centralia 7-28 22-18E-27N Fenced and maintained. 190 graves 158 known.
Davis 10-23 33-19E-24N Graves are evident.   Information furnished by Nancy Trundle who remembers fence and graves when she lived there in 1906.
Dick 4-29 35-20E-25N Abandoned. 3 known and 20 visible graves.
Donnelly 2-29 5-20E-25N Chain link fence maintained. 5 graves.
Eastern State Hospital   1 mile east of hospital gate entrance Estimated 1500 graves.  Picture and write-up July 19 1977 in Vinita Daily Journal.
Elliott 4-32 34-20E-24N Fenced but abandoned. 18 graves 10 known.
Fairview   NE section of Vinita Estimated over 10,000 graves. 2 volumes of headstones copied by Wanda Norton and Dorothy Nix 1976-77 are at Vinita Library and City Hall.
Garbarino 4-29 10-20E-24N 14 known 22 visible graves.  Garbarino born in Italy 1827-1900.  Wife Sarah full blood Cherokee 1837-1903.
Hooper 7-30 17-20E-25N May have been known by another name.  In a pasture all stones down.  No protection or care. 12 known graves of 14.
Ketchum Sol 1-54 19-21E-24N Fenced and maintained. 6 graves listed.
Ketchum 11-30 i Mi. east of town. Established about 1939.  Several cemeteries relocated here from Grand Lake flood area: 8 graves from Ketchum family; 3 graves from Buzzard Springs; 3 graves from Corey; 10 graves from Daniels; 9 graves from Barlow; 1 grave No Name; 116 graves from Postoak Flat. 294 known names of 308 graves.
Keys 1-55 29-20E-26N Fenced an maintained. 8 listed graves.
Landrum 2-23 11-20E-24N Fenced and maintained. 146 headstones of 214 graves.  Plat data on file in court house by Bob White and Lawrence Landrum.
Jake Longtail 1-56 3-19E-25N No new burials in over 40 years.  Not fenced or maintained.  Open pasture. 24 graves.
Lu-Ii Indian 1-57 3-19E-24N On wooded hill.  Abandoned no maintenance. 26 graves all Cherokee names.
Manley-Ross 6-24 32-18E-26N 61 names known of 185 graves.
McCoy 3-24 17-19E-28N Fenced and maintained. 5 identified of 13 graves.
Messer 6-25 28-19E-27N Source relates that 3 of Messer children buried here.  Headstones have been removed one foot-stone remains.
aka Stinger
3-24 14-18E-28N Abandoned no maintenance.   In wooded creek bottom.  Some graves outside of the rockwall. 10 known of 27 graves.
Nix 3-25 22-18E-26N Fenced and some maintenance. 2 acres for church and cemetery donated from Maggie Minor allotment.  Church is now gone. 27 graves.
No Name 7-30 28-21E-26N In a grove of locust trees in a cultivated field.  Graves have been molested.  One grave has a vault-like structure, but no identifying inscription.  In 1905 records by U.S. Govt.  Cemeteries #147 on land alloted to Enrollee #7097 Clara E. Melton, female age 11 Dau. of Wm.  T. and Louisa Melton 1/8 Cherokee.
Parks 2-26 3-20E-24N Stone walled and iron gate. 13 graves.
Pheasant Hill 1-58 20-20E-26N Fence and maintained. 150 graves 105 known.
Plainview or Hedrick 3-24 29-18E-29N 5 known of 27 graves.
Pleasant Valley 6-19 20-20E-26N Fence and maintained. 65 known of 153 graves.
Riddle 3-25 18-20E-25N Abandoned. 17 graves.
Roach 2-28 27-21E-25N Overgrown with trees and brush. 34 known of 74 graves.
Rogers 5-30 7-20E-28N Established 1875.  Fenced and maintained. 181 names known of 273 graves.
Russell Creek 3-26 17-21E-29N Fenced and maintained. 17 graves.
St. Augustine (Catholic) 2-29 4-18E-26N Deteriorating.  No maintenance. 8 graves.
Schrimpsher 3-61 8-20E-26N Fenced and maintained. 76 names known of 135 graves.
Scott 1-63 25-18E-26N Fenced and maintained. 50 names known of 62 graves.
Secondine 1-65 6-19E-24N Old Shawnee cemetery.  Fenced no maintenance. 9 names known of 16 graves.
Timpson Chapel 8-33 4-19E-25N Fenced and maintained.  In 1872 Eliza Buzzard set aside 3 acres of her allotment for chapel school and cemetery.  It was named for Yo-Nah (Bear) Timpson a Cherokee fullblood of Civil War.  His original name was Smith.
Timpson Wyo-Na 1-66 3-19E-25N On Susie Deal allotment.  Abandoned no fence no maintenance. 14 known of 16 graves.
Walker 10-48 13-19E-28N Well maintained. 395 known of 556 graves.
Weaver 4-32 28-21E-24N Abandoned in woods a mile from nearest raod. 8 known of 16 graves.
Welch 11-35 1 mile west of Welch Not complete only center section recorded.  Well maintained. 186 known of 194 graves.
West Point 2-30 31-20E-27N Fenced and some maintenance. 88 known of 105 graves.
West Fork 10-53 13-19E-26N Cemetery shown on Indian land allotment map.  Older folks decorated graves until 1920s.  Coal mining is now 100 yards from graves.
White Oak 6-21 3-19E-24N Fenced and maintained. 212 known of 323 graves.
Williams 2-29 6-20E-25N One grave.
Williams Timber Hill 9-28 25-21E-28N Fenced and maintained. 436 known of 552 graves.
26 Sep 1999 mgc

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