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Washita County, Oklahoma

Random Marriage Records

Date Comments Source:
07-22-1893 Married at the residence of the bride's uncle E. A. Williams, in this city, Tuesday evening, July 18, 1893, by Probate Judge Ballard, Alex Swindle to Miss Williams. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
08-05-1893 Page 4. Marriage Licenses.
W. W. Hutchinson to Mrs. Bell Rodgers.
Jeff Williams to Miss May Delk.
T. H. East to Miss Tessie May Smithers.
Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
08-05-1893 Married at the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. Berry Sinkhorn, one half mile
west of Cordell by Probate Judge Ballard, Dr. T. H. East to Miss Tessie May Smithers. The bride is a bright intelligent and accomplished young lady. Among those from Cloud Chief were J. D. Purcell and wife, J. M. Wisdom and wife, Goldie Williams and wife, John Varnham and wife, W. East and wife, Miss Allie Wisdom and Mamie Wood, J. Hubber and wife. From Cordell were Miss Caton and Mrs. and Miss Brown.
Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
08-12-1893 Married at the residence of Goldie Williams, in this city, Saturday, August 5th, 1893, James Brennan to Mattie Shepherd. The groom is one of the original settlers of Cloud Chief, having held office and done business in the county since the opening. The bride is the accomplished daughter of N. Shepherd, who lives on Rainy mountain creek near the south line of the county. The H-S extends congratulations and wishes them a long and happy life. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
09-02-1893 The marriage of Miss Anna Belle Baker, who lives near this city, to Mr. Oliver Ford, of Henrietta, Texas, will take place at 3 o'clock, September 25th, 1893, at the residence of the bride's father, R. M. L. Baker. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
01-05-1894 Page 1. At the residence of the bride's parents on Thursday eve, Dec. 20th. W. W. Suggs to Miss Mary E. Singley. Esq. G. W. Gordon, officiating. Mr. Suggs is a young man of integrity and very popular. Miss Singley is the daughter of Mr. J. W. Singley one of our most esteemed citizens. ... Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
07-27-1894 Page 8. From Wood. Marriage in high life, the contracting parties were the Hon. J. B. Bailey, nominee for county attorney of Washita county by the democrats, and Miss Mary Henry, the step-daughter of J. S. Reese, the business side of the event was performed by the officials of Greer county, at Mangum, and was the occasion of a convivial time among the local fraternity and small boys. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
12-13-1895 Page 1. Married on the 27th of November wedding bells proclaimed the marriage of Miss Ella White of Hagy and Mr. Pink Hale of Oakdale. ... Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
02-21-1896 Page 4. A marriage license was issued Saturday to John Climer and Lulu Wilson. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
06-12-1896 Page 4. Marriage -... Peter Shoup, aged 61, and Pearl Turner, aged 15, daughter of Elias Turner, better known as Gyp Turner. ... Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
10-02-1896 Page 2. Probate Judge Brown united in marriage last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Drake of Cloud Chief. This was a case where an Oklahoma divorce was a failure. They had had the pleasure of being married before but under the pressing circumstance they concluded to try it double again. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
11-27-1896 Page 4. Marriage Bells. Married at the school house in Cloud Chief, Wednesday evening, at seven o'clock, by Judge Hatchett, Mr. Frank Fink, of Mangum, to Miss Rena Reynolds, of this city. The house was crowded with the many friends of the bride and groom, and after the ceremony was performed the party returned to the residence of the bride's father, Dr. Joe Reynolds, where the invited guests partook of a delicious repast, about 9 o'clock. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
07-02-1897 Page 3. Married. On the 13th inst. Mr. O. P. Eliot, editor of the Greer County Monitor, and Miss Georgia Laird, one of the fairest and most accomplished ladies in the Dunbar vicinity. We congratulate the happy couple on this auspicious occasion and wish them all the happiness and prosperity that can be crowded into their lives. ... Greer County Sun. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
07-12-1898 Page 8. It will undoubtedly be a surprise to our readers, but it is nevertheless a fact that W. H. H. Cranford is again married and his wife arrived in this city last Thursday. He was away for several days some weeks ago and it was then he married Miss Lelah Harrison, a young lady who was living with them before the death of his wife. Cloud Chief Herald-Sentinel
11-16-1914 Marriage License stating Leonard Clymer was 22 years of age and of Canute, OK. Miss Virgie Williams was 21 years and of Butte?, OK. They were married Elk City. Witnesses were A. Kephart and Judie Williams.


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Washita Co.
Coordinator - Susan Bradford (Nov 2003 - 2023)
Updated:  10/12/24 January 23, 2024
