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Washita County, Oklahoma

The Federal Census records are a good source of information, but, they can and often do contain mistakes. Census records usually fall into the category of "Primary sources", meaning the data obtained was obtained from a witness, a reliable source, someone intimately associated with the information, in theory that is. But there are exceptions.


1900 Federal Census
Roll T623-1342

Enumeration District Enumeration
206 Cloud Chief Township (part)
North of Township Line between Townships 9 and 10
207 Cloud Chief Township (part)
South of Township Line between Townships 9 and 10
208 Elk Township (part)
North of Township line between Townships 9 and 10
209 Elk Township (part)
South of Township Line between Townships 9 and 10
210 Union Township (part)
North of Township Line between Townships 9 and 10
211 Union Township (part)
South of Township Line between Townships 9 and 10

1910 Federal Census
Roll T624-1277

257 Bessie township (part of) All of Bessie Township except that part described as follows;- 24 square miles in the South East corner of Bessie township of Washita county as follows, 6 miles East and West and 4 miles North and South, comprising Sections 24-25-35 and 36 in township 11 North, Range 17 West and Sections 1-2-11 and 12 in township 10 North Range 17 West and Sections 27 to 34 inclusive in township 11 North, Range 16 West, and section 3 to 10 inclusive in township 10 North, Range 16 West
258 Cordell city Wards 1, 2, 3 and 4; Each ward should be shown separately on schedules
259 Cordell township (part of) excluding Cordell city North of township line dividing townships 9 and 10 N.
260 Cordell township (part of) excluding Cordell city South of township line dividing townships 9 and 10 N.
261 Elk township (part of) and Dill city excluding Sentinel city North of the township line dividing townships 8 and 9 North; Dill city should be shown separately on schedules.
262 Elk township (part of) and Sentinel city Wards 1, 2, and 3 excluding Dill city South of the township line dividing townships 8 and 9 North; Sentinel city should be shown separately on schedules.
263 Oakdale township
264 Rainey township (part of) and Rocky town All west of the Center line of Range 17 W.; Rocky town should be shown separately on schedules.
265 Rainey township (part of) excluding Rocky town All east of the Center line of Range 17 W.
266 description not available
267 Seger township (part of) All north of the township line dividing townships 9 and 10 N.
268 Texas township and Union township; Each township should be shown separately on schedules
269 Turkey Creek township (part of) and Foss city Wards 1, 2 and 3 Township 11 N. Range 19 W., and west third of T. 11 N., R. 18 W.; Fess city should be shown separately on schedules.
270 Turkey Creek township (part of) excluding Foss city Township 11 N. Range 20 W., Township 10 N. Ranges 19 and 20 W. and the west third of Township 10 N., Range 18 W.
271 Bessie township (part of), All of 24 square miles in the South East corner of Bessie township of Washita county as follows, 6 miles East and West and 4 miles North and South, comprising Sections 24-25-35 and 36 in township 11 North, Range 17 West and Sections 1-2-11 and 12 in township 10 North, Range 17 West and Sections 27 to 34 inclusive in township 11 North, Range 16 West and Sections 3 to 10 inclusive in township 10 North, Range 16 West.

1920 Federal Census
Roll T625-1489

184 Bessie township (part of), excluding Bessie town. All the north one-half of township.
185 Bessie township (part of), and Bessie town. All the south one-half of township.; Bessie town should be shown separately on schedules.
186 Cordell township (part of), including Cordell city. Wards 1,2 3. & 4 including County Jail Letter 5/15/00 M.D.F. All east of center line of R, 17.; Each ward of Cordell city should be shown separately on schedules.
187 Cordell township (part of), excluding Cordell City. All west of center line of R. 17
188 Elk township (part of) and Dill city, excluding Sentinel city. All north of a line extending from the southeast corner of section 17 T 9 N R 18 W westwardly to the county line.; Dill city could be shown separately on schedules.
189 Elk township (part of), excluding Dill city and Sentinel city. The south one-half of T.9 N ranges 19 and 20 W and sections 19, 20, 29, 30, 31 and 32 of T 9 N R 18 W.
190 Elk township (part of), excluding Dill city and Sentinel city. The north one-half of T 8 N, Rs 19 and 20 and sections 5,6,7,8,17and18, of T 8 N., R.18 W.
191 Elk township (part of), and Sentinel city, wards 1,2 and 3, excluding Dill city, All south of a line extending from the southeast corner of section 17 T.8 N R 18 W westwardly to county line.; Each ward in Sentinel city should be shown separately on schedules.
192 Oakdale township (part of). All west of the range line dividing ranges 14 and 15 W.
193 Oakdale township (part of), All east of the range line dividing ranges 14 and 15 W.
194 Rainey township (part of) and Rocky town. All west of the center line of range 17 W.; Rocky town should be shown separately on schedules.
195 Rainey township (part of) excluding Rocky town. All east of the center line of range 17 W.
196 Seger township (part of) All that part of township lying north of township line dividing townships 9 and 10 N.
197 Seger township (part of). The west one-half of T 9 N, R 15 W and that part of T 9 N.,R.16 W in Seger township.
198 Seger township (part of). That part of T.9 N R 14 W. and that part of the east one-half of T.9 N, R 15 W in Seger township.
199 Texas township, Union township; Each township should be shown separately on schedules.
200 Turkey Creek township (part of), and Foss city. Wards 1,2 and 3. The west one-third of T 11 N R 18 W and the east one-half of T 11 N R 19 W.; Each ward of Foss city should be shown separately on schedules.
201 Turkey Creek township (part of), excluding Foss city. The west one-half of T 11 N R 19 W and T 11 N., P 20 W.
202 [Heifner & North Burns] Turkey Creek township (part of), excluding Foss city. T.10 N R 19 and 20-W and the west one-third of T,10 N.,R.18 W.

1930 Federal Census
Roll T626-1938

75-1 Bessie Town
75-2 Bessie Twp. (North Part) excluding Bessie Town
75-3 Bessie Twp. (South Part) excluding Bessie Town
75-4 Canute Town
75-5 Cordell City (Northwest Part)
including Oklahoma Christian College
75-6 Cordell City (Northeast Part), Ward 2 including Washita County Jail
75-7 Cordell City (Southeast Part), Ward 3
75-8 Cordell City (Southwest Part), Ward 4 including Florence Hospital
75-9 Cordell Twp. (South Part), excluding Cordell City
75-10 ??
75-11 Dill City
75-12 Elk Twp. (Part) excluding Dill and Sentinel Cities
75-13 Elk Twp. (Part) excluding Dill and Sentinel Cities
75-14 Elk Twp. (Part) excluding Dill and Sentinel Cities
75-15 Elk Twp. (Part) excluding Dill and Sentinel Cities
75-16 75-16
75-17 Oakdale Twp. (West Part)
75-18 Oakdale Twp. (East Part)
75-19 Rainey Twp. (West Part) excluding Rocky Town
75-20 Rainey Twp. (East Part) excluding Rocky Town
75-21 Rocky Town
75-22 Seger Twp. (Part)
75-23 Seger Indian School Reserve and Seger Indian School
75-24 Seger Twp. (East Part)
75-25 Seger Twp. (West Part)
75-26 Sentinel City including Sentinel Hospital and Shattuck Hospital
75-27 Texas Twp.
75-28 Turkey Creek Twp. (Part) excluding Canute Town and Foss City
75-29 Turkey Creek Twp. (Part) excluding Canute Town and Foss City
75-30 Turkey Creek Twp. (Part) excluding Canute Town and Foss City
75-31 Turkey Creek Twp. (Part) excluding Canute Town and Foss City
75-32 Union Twp. including Corn Bible School and Academy


Copyright © 1996-2025 by OKGenWeb ~
Washita Co.
Coordinator - Susan Bradford (Nov 2003 - 2023)
Updated:  02/14/25 January 08, 2025
