
Pushmataha County
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Full Blood Conveyance Record No. 2.
Transcribed by Teresa Young

NEHKA, Mintahona
Gleamed information from the book of FULL BLOOD CONVEYANCE RECORD NO. 2

Page 5 and Page 6






 In the Matter of the Estate of MINTAHONA NEHKA, deceased.


 Now on this the 3rd day of October, 1908, this cause came onto be heard and parties to the petition here in filled being in court, and the Court having heard the petition read and the evidence given by the parties to said petition, finds that; ELIZA BILLY and AUSTIN BILLY are Full-blood Choctaw Indians, twenty-one years of age and residents of Pushmataha County, Oklahoma; and that MINTAHONA NEHKA died intestate on or about, in what in now Pushmataha County, Oklahoma and was at the time of her death the owner in fee of the South Half of the North-West Quarter and the South-West Quarter of the North-East Quarter of Section Seven, Township Nine North and Range Seven West; and that the deceased has no brothers nor sisters, nor any heirs of her body, surviving her; and that ELIZA BILLY is the Grand-daughter of the said MINTAHONA NEHKA, deceased and an heir-at-law, and that petitioners made and executed a deed conveying all the interest she, the ELIZA BILLY had as heir in the above described real estate to ARTHUR BOWEN in consideration of the sum of $260.00.

 The Court finds from the petition herein filed and the testimony heard, that the price paid is reasonable and adequate and in all particulars satisfactory to the petitioners.

 Therefore, the court doth adjudge, order and decree that said deed or conveyance be and the same is hereby approved, and in all things declared legal.

 (Signed) L. P. DAVENPORT, County Judge

 Endorsed: October 3, 1908

Recorded by BEULAH ALLEN

 This material is donated by people who want to help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material may not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

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(Note: Teresa Young favorite bible passage - John 6:35: Jesus said, "I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger;
and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.")