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Pushmataha County Civil Appearance Records CIVIL APPEARANCE DOCKET Book #2 February 22, 1917 to November 30, 1921 Transcribed by: Teresa Young |
The Civil Appearance files (Docket No.) vary in page number. Instructions for ordering Civil Appearance Docket Records: When you write to the Court Clerk, send a Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope ask them to count the pages in the docket package, so you will know how much money to send. Be sure to give the information as shown on the following page. WARNING!!! Some civil appearance files is missing in the file cabinets. I had made a note, whether dockets is in the file cabinets or missing. Price per copy: $1.00 for 1st page, additional copies .50 each. Send Stamped Self Addressed Envelope to: Pushmataha County Courthouse Court Clerk 302 S.W. B. St. Antlers, OK. 74523 Phone: (580) 298-2274 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. |
A AIKMAN, G. H. Docket No. 859, Page 267, September 29, 1919 Plaintiff: G. H. Aikman Defendant: James A. Carnes (Note: The docket is missing) AKARD, A. H. Docket No. 601, Page 9, March 20, 1917 Plaintiff: A. H. Akard Defendant: J. W. Lusk, et. al, Receives for St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ALDAY, John Docket No. 860, Page 268, September 29, 1919 Plaintiff: School District No. 19 of Push Co. Defendant: John Alday (Note: The docket is missing) ALEXANDER, J. H. Docket No. 902, Page 561, November 30, 1907 Plaintiff: J. H. Alexander Defendant: Pioneer Telegraph & Tel. Co. (Note: The docket #902 is in the file cabinet) ALLEN, B. F. Docket No. 684, Page 92, December 3, 1917 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendants: B. F. Allen, Nora Allen & Claud Earthman (Note: The docket is missing) ALLEN, George W. Docket No. 898, Page 306, January 26, 1920 Plaintiff: George W. Allen Defendant: Tiney Graham (Note: The docket is missing) ALLEN, J. L. Docket No. 814, Page 222, May 13, 1919 Plaintiff: J. L. Allen Defendants: County Treasurer of Push Co., Henry Halley, Dan Harmon, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) ALLEN, John S. Docket No. 992, Page 400, December 5, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla. Defendants: E. M. Pike, Perry Andres, John S. Allen & R. L. Payne (Note: The docket is missing) ANDERSON, Forest Docket No. 639, Page 47, July 18, 1917 Plaintiff: Farmers Exchange Bank Defendants: Forest Anderson, C. G. Gossett, Grady Gossett, Louie Gossett, Marion Gossett, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) ANDERSON, L. D. Docket No. 954, Page 362, August 27, 1920 Plaintiff: L. D. Anderson Defendant: American Railway Express Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ANDRES, Perry Docket No. 992, Page 400, December 5, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla. Defendants: E. M. Pike, Perry Andres, John S. Allen & R. L. Payne (Note: The docket is missing) ANTLERS AMERICAN-NEWS RECORD Docket No. 1086, Page 496, July 12, 1921 Plaintiff: W. W. Denson & Annie Johnson, doing business under the firm name and style of Antlers American-News Record Defendant: Board of County Commissioner (Note: The docket #1086 is in the file cabinet) ANTLERS WAREHOUSE CO. Docket No. 821, Page 229, June 13, 1919 In the Matter of Dissolution of the Antlers Warehouse Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ARMSTRONG, J. M. Docket No. 1080, Page 490, July 2, 1921 Plaintiff: Miester Brothers-Brackt Co. Defendant: John C. Hamilton & J. M. Armstrong (Note: The docket is missing) ARTHUR, John A. Docket No. 1136, Page 547, October 8, 1921 Plaintiff: J. H. Halley Defendant: John A. Arthur (Note: The docket is missing) ATKINSON-WILLIAMS HARDWARE CO. Docket No. 215, Page 567, November 29, 1922 Plaintiff: Atkinson-Williams Hardware Co. Defendant: H. M. Wilmoth (Note: The docket #215 is in the file cabinet) ATNIP, Mr. Docket No. 1110, Page 521, August 30, 1921 Plaintiff: W. O. Wilkins Defendant: Ray VanMatry & Mr. Atnip (Note: The docket is missing) AUSTIN, W. A. Docket No. 648, Page 56, August 27, 1917 Plaintiff: W. A. Austin Defendant: M. P. Wright (Note: The docket is missing) B BAGGETT, J. M. Docket No. 1130, Page 541, October 1, 1921 Plaintiff: J. M. Baggett Defendant: St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (Note: The docket is missing) BALDWIN, J. W. Docket No. 697, Page 105, February 1, 1918 Plaintiff: Betsy Frazier Defendant: J. W. Baldwin (Note: The docket is missing) BALDWIN, W. H. Docket No. 942, Page 350, July 1, 1920 Plaintiff: W. H. Baldwin Defendant: Pine Belt Lumber Company (Note: The docket is missing) BARHAM, G. H. Docket No. 896, Page 304, January 16, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla., exrel, H. L. Hardgrave, County Attorney Defendants: G. H. Barham, Will W. Wall, Jas F. Looper, J. W. Kidd, Robert N. Blair & J. D. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) BASKET, Lee Docket No. 622, Page 30, May 18, 1917 Plaintiff: Noel Johns Defendants: Lee Basket & Margaret Basket as Gdn. of Eva Johns. (Note: The docket is missing) BASSHAM, W. F. Docket No. 959, Page 367, September 11, 1920 Plaintiff: J. B. Colt Co. Defendant: W. F. Bassham (Note: The docket is missing) BATTICE, Byington Docket No. 647, Page 55, August 15, 1917 Plaintiff: Byington Battice Defendants: Jones B. Cobb, W. R. Hoard, Fred Bentley, Clarence Yarbrough, Silas Turner & Judy Potts (Note: The docket is missing) BATTIEST, Hannah Docket No. 866, Page 274, October 14, 1919 Plaintiff: Hannah Battiest nee Nowabbi Defendant: W. M. Kinnaird (Note: The docket is missing) BEAMES, Ella Carney Docket No. 617, Page 25, May 3, 1917 Plaintiff: Burthena Burris Defendants: Ella Beames, formerly Ella Carney & Guy A. Curry (Note: The docket is missing) BEAMS, Syrena Docket No. 1016, Page 425, February 5, 1921 Plaintiff: Syrena Beams Defendant: J. H. Welch, Guardian (Note: The docket is missing) BEDFORD, B. S. Docket No. 845, Page 253, August 14, 1919 Plaintiff: B. S. Bedford Defendant: D. A. Scott (Note: The docket is missing) BELL, George W. Docket No. 661, Page 69, October 11, 1917 Plaintiff: George W. Bell, Guardian of McKinney Ben Defendant: L. E. Davis & Gertrude Davis (Note: The docket is missing) BELL, Rosa Docket No. 981, Page 389, October 22, 1920 Plaintiff: Dave Bond Defendant: Rosa Bell (Note: The docket is missing) BEN, McKinney Docket No. 661, Page 69, October 11, 1917 Plaintiff: George W. Bell, Guardian of McKinney Ben Defendant: L. E. Davis & Gertrude Davis (Note: The docket is missing) BENJAMIN, Winey Docket No. 803, Page 212, February 10, 1919 In the Matter of the Estate of Winey Benjamin (Note: The docket is missing) BENNETT-WALTON Docket No. 732, Page 140, May 25, 1918 In the Matter of the Dissolution of Walton & Bennett, a corporation. (Note: The docket is missing) BENNETT, L. U. Docket No. 714, Page 122, April 18, 1918 Plaintiff: J. E. Kelly Defendant: L. U. Bennett (Note: The docket is missing) BENNETT, L. U. Docket No. 867, Page 275, October 21, 1919 Docket No. 868, Page 276, October 21, 1919 Plaintiff: Susie Noah nee Cole Defendant: L. U. Bennett (Note: The docket is missing) BENTLEY, Fred Docket No. 647, Page 55, August 15, 1917 Plaintiff: Byington Battice Defendants: Jones B. Cobb, W. R. Hoard, Fred Bentley, Clarence Yarbrough, Silas Turner & Judy Potts (Note: The docket is missing) BENTON, George Docket No. 1032, Page 442, March 5, 1921 Plaintiff: George Benton Defendant: Lee Marrell (Note: The docket is missing) BILBREY, I. J. Docket No. 771, Page 179, December 11, 1918 Plaintiff: I. J. Bilbrey Defendant: Henry McDaniel (Note: The docket is missing) BILBREY, I. J. Docket No. 984, Page 392, October 30, 1920 Plaintiff: I. J. Bilbrey Defendant: A. H. Jones (Note: The docket is missing) BILBREY, I. J. Docket No. 985, Page 393, October 30, 1920 Plaintiff: I. J. Bilbrey Defendant: Marion Bradberry (Note: The docket is missing) BILBREY, I. J. Docket No. 1075, Page 485, June 20, 1921 Plaintiff: Saunders Riggs & Dalton Defendant: I. J. Bilbrey & Son (Note: The docket is missing) BILLY, Alice Docket No. 651, Page 59, September 8, 1917 In the Matter of the Guardianship of Alice Billy (Note: The docket is missing) BILLY, Crawford Docket No. 650, Page 58, September 8, 1917 In the Matter of the Guardianship of Crawford Billy. (Note: The docket is missing) BILLY, Louis Docket No. 810, Page 218, April 29, 1919 Plaintiff: Louis Billy & Isom Billy, Guardian Defendant: W. R. Robertson (Note: The docket is missing) BILLY, Louise Docket No. 675, Page 83, December 1, 1917 In the Guardianship of Louise Billy, minor. (Note: The docket is missing) BILLY, Wesley Docket No. 613, Page 21, April 21, 1917 Plaintiffs: Wesley Billy, Moses Billy, Chubbas Billy & McKinley Billy, a minors Defendants: Pine Belt Lumber Company (H. Clark Ford & Benjamin Parmely, Jr.?) (Note: The docket is missing) BISHOP, T. B. Docket No. 1027, Page 437, March 4, 1921 Plaintiff: T. B. Bishop Defendant: Joshua Wesley (Note: The docket #1027 is in the file cabinet) BLAIR, Robert N. Docket No. 896, Page 304, January 16, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla., exrel, H. L. Hardgrave, County Attorney Defendants: G. H. Barham, Will W. Wall, Jas F. Looper, J. W. Kidd, Robert N. Blair & J. D. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) BLOCH, Herbert R. Docket No. 1120, Page 531, September 23, 1921 Plaintiff: Herbert R. Bloch Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER Docket No. 936, Page 344, June 8, 1920 Plaintiff: Farmers Exchange Bank of Antlers Defendant: Board of County Commissioner (Note: The docket #936 is in the file cabinet.) BOLLINGER, P. H. Docket No. 789, Page 197, February 7, 1919 Plaintiff: P. H. Bollinger Defendants: Gladys McIntire now Gladys Church & J. Alfred Johnson (Note: The docket is missing) BOND, Dave Docket No. 981, Page 389, October 22, 1920 Plaintiff: Dave Bond Defendant: Rosa Bell (Note: The docket is missing) BORMIAN?, Katie Bell Docket No. 916, Page 324, March 19, 1920 Plaintiff: Katie Bell Bormian? Defendant: H. F. Geib & the Antlers Potato Co. (Note: The docket is missing) BOWDEN, Lula Docket No. 884, Page 558, March 18, 1907 Plaintiff: Lula Bowden Defendant: J. L. Patman & Blocker-Miller Co. (Note: The docket #884 is in the file cabinet) BOWER, James Docket No. 849, Page 257, August 30, 1919 Plaintiffs: Leon Williams, Ernestine H. Bower, Bessie Bower & Mary K. Bower, heirs at law of James Bower, Deceased. Defendants: W. J. Johnston & M. S. Cohn (Note: The docket is missing) BOWERS, J. W. Docket No. 907A, Page 315, March 24, 1920 Plaintiff: Cordell Ford Co. Defendants: J. W. Bowers & J. R. Ferrell (Note: The docket is missing) BOYD, S. H. Docket No. 705, Page 113, March 8, 1918 Plaintiff: S. H. Boyd Defendant: Abner (A. B.) Cranford (Note: The docket is missing) BRADBERRY, Marion Docket No. 985, Page 393, October 30, 1920 Plaintiff: I. J. Bilbrey Defendant: Marion Bradberry (Note: The docket is missing) BRAZIEL, D. J. Docket No. 881, Page 289, December 2, 1919 Plaintiff: D. J. Braziel Defendant: W. C. Campbell (Note: The docket is missing) BRIDGES, Mary S. Docket No. 951, Page 359, August 12, 1920 Plaintiff: Mary S. Bridges Defendants: Will H. Ferrell, J. R. Ferrell, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) BROCK, M. A. Docket No. 983, Page 391, October 27, 1920 Plaintiff: H. B. Dockman Defendant: J. H. Lampe & M. A. Brock (Note: The docket is missing) BROKESHOULDER, James Docket No. 778, Page 186, December 31, 1918 Plaintiff: James Brokeshoulder Defendant: Pine Belt Lumber Co. (Note: The docket is missing) BROOKS, W. A. Docket No. 664, Page 72, October 22, 1917 Docket No. 665, Page 73, October 22, 1917 Docket No. 666, Page 74, October 22, 1917 Docket No. 667, Page 75, October 22, 1917 Docket No. 668, Page 76, October 22, 1917 Plaintiff: W. A. Brooks Defendant: Board of County Commissioner, Push Co. (Note: The dockets #664, #665, #666, #667, #668 is in the file cabinet) BROWN, J. B. Docket No. 828, Page 236, July 15, 1919 Plaintiff: National Importing Co. Defendant: J. B. Brown (Note: The docket is missing) BROWN, J. W. Docket No. 711, Page 119, April 21, 1918 Plaintiff: J. H. Miller Defendant: J. W. Brown & Douglas Phelps, a minor (Note: The docket is missing) BROWN-HINTON WHOLESALE GROCERY CO. Docket No. 972, Page 380, October 6, 1920 Plaintiff: Brown-Hinton Wholesale Grocery Co. Defendant: Louise V. Lambert (Note: The docket is missing) BRUCE, J. B. Docket No. 784, Page 192, January 29, 1919 Plaintiff: State National Bank of Heavener, OK. Defendants: J. B. Bruce & W. P. Daman (Note: The docket is missing) BRYAN, Wm. M. Docket No. 645, Page 53, August 2, 1917 Plaintiff: S. P. Petty Defendant: Wm. M. Bryan & Belle Bryan Nature of action: Foreclosure of Lien (Note: The docket is missing) BRYANT, Russell Docket No. 708, Page 116, March 15, 1918 Plaintiff: Albion Mercantile Co. Defendant: Russell Bryant (Note: The docket is missing) BRYANT, Russell Docket No. 719, Page 127, May 6, 1918 Plaintiff: Russell Bryant, a minor, by his guardian & next friend, J. F. Renegar Defendant: Tead Files (Note: The docket is missing) BRYANT, R. W. Docket No. 1039, Page 449, March 28, 1921 Plaintiff: R. W. Bryant Defendant: Emma Phelps (Note: The docket is missing) BUMPASS, J. A. Docket No. 718, Page 126, April 29, 1918 Plaintiff: J. A. Bumpass Defendant: E. Rymel (Note: The docket is missing) BURKE, E. A. Docket No. 988, Page 396, November 15, 1920 Plaintiff: Ellis Thompson Defendant: B. D. Jordan & E. A. Burke (Note: The docket is missing) BURKS, W. H. Docket No. 780, Page 188, January 4, 1919 Plaintiffs: E. O. Sims & D. L. Smith Defendants: Joe Harkey, Bura Dunham & W. H. Burks (Note: The docket is missing) BURNETT, C. T. Docket No. 1028, Page 438, March 4, 1921 Plaintiff: John Workman Defendant: C. T. Burnett & G. W. Cobble (Note: The docket #1028 is in the file cabinet) BURRIS, Burthena Docket No. 617, Page 25, May 3, 1917 Plaintiff: Burthena Burris Defendants: Ella Beames, formerly Ella Carney & Guy A. Curry (Note: The docket is missing) C CAIN, A. E. Docket No. 1011, Page 420, January 28, 1921 Plaintiff: T. F. Home & A. E. Cain Defendant: Frank Hargraves (Note: The docket is missing) CAMPBELL, W. C. Docket No. 881, Page 289, December 2, 1919 Plaintiff: D. J. Braziel Defendant: W. C. Campbell (Note: The docket is missing) CAPPS, S. L. Docket No. 727, Page 135, May 11, 1918 Plaintiff: Wilson Cole Defendant: S. L. Capps (Note: The docket is missing) CAPPS, S. L. Docket No. 794, Page 202, February 25, 1919 Plaintiff: S. L. Capps Defendant: Wilson Cole & Mary Hudson (Note: The docket is missing) CARNES, James A. Docket No. 859, Page 267, September 29, 1919 Plaintiff: G. H. Aikman Defendant: James A. Carnes (Note: The docket is missing) CARROLL, B. C. Docket No. 820, Page 228, June 12, 1919 Plaintiff: Gertrude Field Defendant: Alex Delph & B. C. Carroll (Note: The docket is missing) CARROLL, L. A. Docket No. 945, Page 353, July 26, 1920 Plaintiff: Georgia Dyer, a minor, by Sarah Dyer, her legal guardian. Defendant: L. A. Carroll (Note: The docket is missing) CATHER, W. C. Docket No. 1057, Page 467, May 19, 1921 Plaintiff: Thomas Harrison, Guardian of William Harrison, a minor. Defendant: W. C. Cather & Ruby Cather (Note: The docket is missing) CAYLOR WRIGHT LUMBER CO. Docket No. 875, Page 283, November 14, 1919 Plaintiff: Caylor Wright Lumber Co. Defendant: A. Laxon (Note: The docket is missing) CAYLOR WRIGHT LUMBER CO. Docket No. 876, Page 284, November 14, 1919 Plaintiff: Caylor Wright Lumber Co. Defendants: G. W. Williams & R. W. Williams (Note: The docket is missing) CHAPMAN, A. D. Docket No. 634, Page 42, July 10, 1917 Plaintiff: England Haynes Gro. Co. Defendant: A. D. Chapman (Note: The docket is missing) CHILDERS, R. L. Docket No. 1047, Page 457, April 18, 1921 Plaintiff: The Alliance Trust Co. Defendant: R. L. Childers & Stella Childers (Note: The docket is missing) CHOWNING, S. L. Docket No. 872, Page 280, November 7, 1919 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendants: B. W. Rains, Clara Rains & S. L. Chowning (Note: The docket is missing) CHOWNING, S. L. Docket No. 873, Page 281, November 7, 1919 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendants: J. W. Hixon & S. L. Chowning (Note: The docket is missing) CHURCH, Gladys Docket No. 789, Page 197, February 7, 1919 Plaintiff: P. H. Bollinger Defendants: Gladys McIntire now Gladys Church & J. Alfred Johnson (Note: The docket is missing) CLARK, Ardella P. Docket No. 966, Page 374, September 17, 1920 Plaintiff: William A. Kennedy Defendant: Ardella P. Clark & Thomas J. Clark (Note: The docket is missing) COBB, Jones B. Docket No. 647, Page 55, August 15, 1917 Plaintiff: Byington Battice Defendants: Jones B. Cobb, W. R. Hoard, Fred Bentley, Clarence Yarbrough, Silas Turner & Judy Potts (Note: The docket is missing) COBBLE, G. W. Docket No. 1028, Page 438, March 4, 1921 Plaintiff: John Workman Defendant: C. T. Burnett & G. W. Cobble (Note: The docket #1028 is in the file cabinet) COCHRAN, W. P. Docket No. 798, Page 206, March 10, 1919 Plaintiff: Central Broom Co. Defendant: W. P. Cochran (Note: The docket is missing) COCHRUM, Hugh Docket No. 982, Page 390, October 25, 1920 Plaintiffs: Mrs. Dollie Demasters, Edmon Demasters & Lena Demasters Defendant: Hugh Cochrum (Note: The docket is missing) COCKE, John Docket No. 1055, Page 465, May 11, 1921 Plaintiff: Harrison Gibson, Guardian of Pipkin P. Gibson Defendant: John Cocke, County Judge (Note: The docket is missing) COFFEY, Edd Docket No. 691, Page 99, January 12, 1918 Plaintiff: John Underwood Defendant: Edd Coffey (Note: The docket is missing) COHN, M. S. Docket No. 849, Page 257, August 30, 1919 Plaintiffs: Leon Williams, Ernestine H. Bower, Bessie Bower & Mary K. Bower, heirs at law of James Bower, Deceased. Defendants: W. J. Johnston & M. S. Cohn (Note: The docket is missing) COHN, Will V. Docket No. 850, Page 258, August 30, 1919 Plaintiff: Leon A. Williams Defendants: W. J. Johnston, Will V. Cohn & M. S. Cohn. (Note: The docket #850 is in the file cabinet.) COLBERT, Holmes B. Docket No. 801, Page 209, March 25, 1919 Plaintiff: John D. Townsend Defendants: Holmes B. Colbert, Douglas Colbert, Ed Percival, & Durant National Bank of Durant. (Note: The docket is missing) COLBERT, J. B. Docket No. 932, Page 340, May 14, 1920 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Durant Defendant: J. B. Colbert (Note: The docket is missing) COLE, Anice Docket No. 958, Page 366, September 11, 1920 Plaintiff: Anice Cole Defendants: Jake Easton, L. C. Goodgeon, Annie Silverman, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) COLE, Susie Docket No. 867, Page 275, October 21, 1919 Docket No. 868, Page 276, October 21, 1919 Plaintiff: Susie Noah nee Cole Defendant: L. U. Bennett (Note: The docket is missing) COLE, Wilson Docket No. 727, Page 135, May 11, 1918 Plaintiff: Wilson Cole Defendant: S. L. Capps (Note: The docket is missing) COLE, Wilson Docket No. 794, Page 202, February 25, 1919 Plaintiff: S. L. Capps Defendant: Wilson Cole & Mary Hudson (Note: The docket is missing) COOPER, T. W. Docket No. 641, Page 49, July 20, 1917 Plaintiff: F. B. Collins Investment Co. Defendant: T. W. Cooper & M. J. Cooper, his wife (Note: The docket is missing) CORDELL FORD CO. Docket No. 907A, Page 315, March 24, 1920 Plaintiff: Cordell Ford Co. Defendants: J. W. Bowers & J. R. Ferrell (Note: The docket is missing) CRANFORD, Abner (A. B.) Docket No. 705, Page 113, March 8, 1918 Plaintiff: S. H. Boyd Defendant: Abner (A. B.) Cranford (Note: The docket is missing) CRANFORD, Mel Docket No. 635, Page 43, July 12, 1917 In Re-Habeus Corpus of Mel Cranford (Note: The docket is missing) CROWNOVER, M. Docket No. 1170, Page 565, November 30, 1921 Plaintiff: M. Crownover Defendant: Pushmataha County (Note: The docket is missing) CRUTHIS, J. H. Docket No. 795, Page 203, February 28, 1919 Plaintiff: Alfred Pike, a minor, by J. H. Cruthis, as guardian. Defendants: Frank Moyer, as administrator of the Estate of Geo. Hall, Deceased & Jennie Hall & G. W. Dukes. (Note: The docket is missing) CUMMINGS, D. R. Docket No. 747, Page 155, August 19, 1918 Plaintiff: D. R. Cummings Defendants: F. R. Wildman, Lienella Wildman & F. C. Jewell (Note: The docket is missing) CURRY, Guy A. Docket No. 617, Page 25, May 3, 1917 Plaintiff: Burthena Burris Defendants: Ella Beames, formerly Ella Carney & Guy A. Curry (Note: The docket is missing) D DAMAN, W. P. Docket No. 784, Page 192, January 29, 1919 Plaintiff: State National Bank of Heavener, OK. Defendants: J. B. Bruce & W. P. Daman (Note: The docket is missing) DAVENPORT, L. P. Docket No. 870, Page 278, October 23, 1919 Plaintiff: Ludella Jackson Defendants: H. L. Westphal, C. G. Messer & L. P. Davenport (Note: The docket is missing) DAVIDSON, E. A. Docket No. 621, Page 29, May 18, 1917 Plaintiff: Ira R. Wade Defendants: F. A. Pierce & E. A. Davidson (Note: The docket is missing) DAVIS, L. E. Docket No. 661, Page 69, October 11, 1917 Plaintiff: George W. Bell, Guardian of McKinney Ben Defendant: L. E. Davis & Gertrude Davis (Note: The docket is missing) DAVIS, L. E. Docket No. 753, Page 161, September 13, 1918 Plaintiff: L. E. Davis Defendant: Push Co, State of Okla. (Note: The docket is missing) DAVIS, L. E. Docket No. 1004, Page 412, January 13, 1921 Plaintiff: Hugo Milling Co. Defendant: L. E. Davis & H. B. Davis (Note: The docket is missing) DAVIS, Mrs. T. J. Docket No. 827, Page 235, July 10, 1919 Plaintiff: Mrs. T. J. Davis Defendant: J. E. Emery & Melissa B. Emery (Note: The docket is missing) DELPH, Alex Docket No. 820, Page 228, June 12, 1919 Plaintiff: Gertrude Field Defendant: Alex Delph & B. C. Carroll (Note: The docket is missing) DEMASTERS, Dollie Docket No. 982, Page 390, October 25, 1920 Plaintiffs: Mrs. Dollie Demasters, Edmon Demasters & Lena Demasters Defendant: Hugh Cochrum (Note: The docket is missing) DEMENT, Frank Docket No. 644, Page 52, July 28, 1917 Plaintiff: Frank Dement Defendant: S. C. Jackson Nature of action: Damages (Note: The docket is missing) DENBY, B. W. Docket No. 878, Page 286, November 20, 1919 Plaintiff: Wm. Westmoreland Defendant: B. W. Denby (Note: The docket is missing) DENHAM, Dewey Docket No. 1060, Page 470, May 26, 1921 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Dewey Denham (Note: The docket is missing) DENHAM, Dewey Docket No. 1095, Page 505, July 1921 In Re: Application for Bail of Dewey Denham. (Note: The docket is missing) DENSON, W. W. Docket No. 1086, Page 496, July 12, 1921 Plaintiff: W. W. Denson & Annie Johnson, doing business under the firm name and style of Antlers American-News Record Defendant: Board of County Commissioner (Note: The docket #1086 is in the file cabinet) DICKERSON, W. S. Docket No. 897, Page 305, January 19, 1920 Plaintiff: J. H. Vreeland Defendant: W. S. Dickerson (Note: The docket is missing) DOCKUM, H. B. Docket No. 721, Page 129, May 7, 1918 Plaintiff: W. M. Parker Defendant: H. B. Dockum & Son (Note: The docket is missing) DOCKMAN, H. B. Docket No. 983, Page 391, October 27, 1920 Plaintiff: H. B. Dockman Defendant: J. H. Lampe & M. A. Brock (Note: The docket is missing) DODSON, D. D. Docket No. 976, Page 384, October 19, 1920 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: W. D. Higgin & D. D. Dodson (Note: The docket is missing) DODSON, S. H. Docket No. 1097, Page 507, July 28, 1921 Plaintiff: Frank Shields Defendant: S. H. Dodson (Note: The docket is missing) DOVER, T. R. Docket No. 700, Page 108, February 11, 1918 Plaintiff: T. R. Dover Defendant: William C. Sanders (Note: The docket is missing) DOW, Mary Docket No. 890, Page 298, January 2, 1920 Plaintiffs: John Vines & Sarah Vines Defendants: Mary Dow nee Rich, Lucy Golding nee Rich, Minnie Fulkerson nee Rich, John Rich, Willie Rich & Harry Rich (Note: The docket is missing) DUDLEY, C. E. Docket No. 831, Page 239, July 18, 1919 Plaintiff: C. E. Dudley Defendant: Incorporated Town of Antlers (Note: The docket is missing) DUDLEY, C. E. Docket No. 934, Page 342, May 28, 1920 Plaintiff: C. E. Dudley Defendant: The Incorporated Town of Antlers (Note: The docket is missing) DUKES, G. W. Docket No. 795, Page 203, February 28, 1919 Plaintiff: Alfred Pike, a minor, by J. H. Cruthis, as guardian. Defendants: Frank Moyer, as administrator of the Estate of Geo. Hall, Deceased & Jennie Hall & G. W. Dukes. (Note: The docket is missing) DUNHAM, Bura Docket No. 780, Page 188, January 4, 1919 Plaintiffs: E. O. Sims & D. L. Smith Defendants: Joe Harkey, Bura Dunham & W. H. Burks (Note: The docket is missing) DUNN, U. S. Docket No. 607, Page 15, April 10, 1917 Plaintiff: John W. Mueller Defendant: U. S. Dunn (Note: The docket is missing) DUNN, U. S. Docket No. 1089, Page 499, July 14, 1921 Plaintiff: John W. Mueller Defendant: U. S. Dunn (Note: The docket is missing) DURANT, Jincy Docket No. 785, Page 193, January 30, 1919 In the Matter of the Guardianship of Jincy Durant & Anna Durant, minor. (Note: The docket is missing) DYE, Marvin Docket No. 788, Page 196, February 5, 1919 Plaintiff: J. J. Helm Defendant: Marvin Dye (Note: The docket is missing) DYER, Georgia Docket No. 945, Page 353, July 26, 1920 Plaintiff: Georgia Dyer, a minor, by Sarah Dyer, her legal guardian. Defendant: L. A. Carroll (Note: The docket is missing) E EARTHMAN, Claud Docket No. 684, Page 92, December 3, 1917 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendants: B. F. Allen, Nora Allen & Claud Earthman (Note: The docket is missing) EASTIP, W. M. Docket No. 1123, Page 534, September 26, 1921 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendant: W. M. Eastip (Note: The docket is missing) EASTON, Jake Docket No. 653, Page 61, September 20, 1917 Plaintiff: Jake Easton Defendants: Mrs. Carrie Finley, Bessie Finley, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) EASTON, Jake Docket No. 901, Page 309, January 26, 1920 Plaintiffs: Wm. Westmoreland & Jake Easton Defendant: Joshua Wesley, minor (Note: The docket #901 is in the file cabinet.) EASTON, Jake Docket No. 958, Page 366, September 11, 1920 Plaintiff: Anice Cole Defendants: Jake Easton, L. C. Goodgeon, Annie Silverman, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) EDGE, J. O. Docket No. 990, page 398, December 2, 1920 Plaintiff: Stuart B. Halley Defendant: J. O. Edge & Ida J. Edge (Note: The docket is missing) EDWARDS, Cely Docket No. 779, Page 187, January 4, 1919 Plaintiff: Jennie Harland Defendant: Cely Edwards (Note: The docket is missing) ELAPASHOBBE, Barnett Docket No. 797, Page 205, March 4, 1919 Plaintiff: Barnett Elapashobbe Defendant: Walter Hawkins (Note: The docket is missing) EL RENO MILL & ELEVATOR CO. Docket No. 935, Page 343, June 3, 1920 Plaintiff: El Reno Mill & Elevator Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts, doing business as Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) EMERY, J. E. Docket No. 827, Page 235, July 10, 1919 Plaintiff: Mrs. T. J. Davis Defendant: J. E. Emery & Melissa B. Emery (Note: The docket is missing) EMERY, J. E. Docket No. 882, Page 290, December 2, 1919 Plaintiff: Carl Moore Defendant: J. E. Emery (Note: The docket #882 is in the file cabinet.) EMERY, J. E. Docket No. 893, Page 301, January 14, 1920 Plaintiff: Paris Grocery Company Defendants: J. E. Emery & Gladstone Emery (Note: The docket is missing) EMERY, J. E. Docket No. 894, Page 302, January 14, 1920 Plaintiff: England Haynes Grocery Co. Defendants: J. E. Emery & Gladstone Emery, partners doing business under the firm of J. E. Emery & Son. (Note: The docket is missing) EMERY, J. E. Docket No. 895, Page 303, January 14, 1920 Plaintiff: Hugo Milling Company Defendants: J. E. Emery & Gladstone Emery (Note: The docket is missing) EMERY, J. E. Docket No. 1100, Page 510, July 30, 1921 Plaintiff: R. C. Hicks Defendant: J. E. Emery (Note: The docket is missing) ENGLAND-HAYNES GROCERY CO. Docket No. 930, Page 338, May 11, 1920 Plaintiff: England-Haynes Grocery Co. Defendant: C. Thurman (Note: The docket is missing) ENLOW, Homer J. Docket No. 807, Page 215, April 23, 1919 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Albion Defendant: Homer J. Enlow (Note: The docket is missing) ENNIS, J. M. Docket No. 632, Page 40, July 5, 1917 Plaintiff: J. M. Ennis Defendant: St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Co. Nature of cause: Damage (Note: The docket is missing) EVANS, James D. Docket No. 1044, Page 454, April 14, 1921 Plaintiff: James D. Evans as administrator of Wilson Robbins, Deceased. Defendant: Sam Parks (Note: The docket is missing) EWING, Geo. P. Docket No. 1087, Page 497, July 12, 1921 Plaintiff: Milburn Wogan Co. Defendant: Geo. P. Ewing (Note: The docket is missing) F FAIN, O. T. Docket No. 1116, Page 527, September 15, 1921 Plaintiff: O. T. Fain Defendant: W. T. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) FERRELL, J. R. Docket No. 906A, Page 314, March 12, 1920 Docket No. 906B, Page 314, March 12, 1920 Plaintiff: Oklahoma State Bank Defendant: J. R. Ferrell (Note: The docket #906A is in the file cabinet.) (Note: The docket #906B is missing) FERRELL, J. R. Docket No. 907A, Page 315, March 24, 1920 Plaintiff: Cordell Ford Co. Defendants: J. W. Bowers & J. R. Ferrell (Note: The docket is missing) FERRELL, Will H. Docket No. 951, Page 359, August 12, 1920 Plaintiff: Mary S. Bridges Defendants: Will H. Ferrell, J. R. Ferrell, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) FIELD, Gertrude Docket No. 820, Page 228, June 12, 1919 Plaintiff: Gertrude Field Defendant: Alex Delph & B. C. Carroll (Note: The docket is missing) FIKE, William Docket No. 941, Page 349, June 28, 1920 Plaintiff: Babara Kerz Defendants: H. G. Ward, a single person, William & Dean Fike & First National Bank of Talihina (Note: The docket is missing) FILES, Tead Docket No. 719, Page 127, May 6, 1918 Plaintiff: Russell Bryant, a minor, by his guardian & next friend, J. F. Renegar Defendant: Tead Files (Note: The docket is missing) FINCHER, J. H. Docket No. 863, Page 271, October 3, 1919 Plaintiff: J. H. Fincher Defendant: J. E. McMahan (Note: The docket is missing) FINLEY, C. A. Docket No. 615, Page 23, April 21, 1917 Plaintiff: C. A. Finley Defendant: Ben D. Locke (Note: The docket is missing) FINLEY, Carrie Docket No. 653, Page 61, September 20, 1917 Plaintiff: Jake Easton Defendants: Mrs. Carrie Finley, Bessie Finley, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) FLEMING, W. O. Docket No. 1065, Page 475, June 4, 1921 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorne Defendant: W. O. Fleming & Clara M. Fleming (Note: The docket #1065 is in the file cabinet) FLEMING, W. O. Docket No. 1072, Page 482, June 16, 1921 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorne Defendant: W. O. Fleming (Note: The docket is missing) FLYNN, Henry W. Docket No. 1092, Page 502, July 15, 1921 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorn Defendant: Henry W. Flynn (Note: The docket is missing) FLYNN, Henry W. Docket No. 1092, Page 554, September 2, 1922 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorn Defendant: Henry W. Flynn (Note: The docket is missing) FOBB, Benjamin Docket No. 933, Page 341, May 20, 1920 Plaintiff: Wm. Westmoreland Defendants: Ida Graham, Juston Graham, minors & Benjamin Fobb, Guardian. (Note: The docket is missing) FORD, T. F. Docket No. 793, Page 201, February 24, 1919 Plaintiff: T. B. Howard Defendant: T. F. Ford (Note: The docket is missing) FORD, Tom Docket No. 973, Page 381, October 12, 1920 Plaintiff: Nancy Sockey Defendant: Tom Ford (Note: The docket is missing) FRAZIER, Betsy Docket No. 697, Page 105, February 1, 1918 Plaintiff: Betsy Frazier Defendant: J. W. Baldwin (Note: The docket is missing) FRAZIER, Lawrence Docket No. 1124, Page 535, September 26, 1921 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendant: Lawrence Frazier (Note: The docket is missing) FRYER, Gordon Docket No. 1085, Page 495, July 11, 1921 Plaintiff: Gordon Fryer Defendant: Jno. Ellis Tie Co. (Note: The docket is missing) FULKERSON, Minnie Docket No. 890, Page 298, January 2, 1920 Plaintiffs: John Vines & Sarah Vines Defendants: Mary Dow nee Rich, Lucy Golding nee Rich, Minnie Fulkerson nee Rich, John Rich, Willie Rich & Harry Rich (Note: The docket is missing) G GAGE, C. E. Docket No. 657, Page 65, October 1, 1917 Plaintiff: G. P. Hunt Defendant: C. E. Gage (Note: The docket is missing) GARY, J. L. Docket No. 892, Page 300, January 6, 1920 Plaintiff: J. L. Gary Defendant: M. L. Harris Lumber Company (Note: The docket is missing) GEIB, H. F. Docket No. 916, Page 324, March 19, 1920 Plaintiff: Katie Bell Bormian? Defendant: H. F. Geib & the Antlers Potato Co. (Note: The docket is missing) GIBSON, Harrison Docket No. 858, Page 266, September 23, 1919 Plaintiffs: Harrison Gibson, Guardian of William & Eliza Lewis, minors. Defendant: H. L. Westphal, Marjorie Westphal & Home-Farm Saving Association. (Note: The docket is missing) GIBSON, Harrison Docket No. 1055, Page 465, May 11, 1921 Plaintiff: Harrison Gibson, Guardian of Pipkin P. Gibson Defendant: John Cocke, County Judge (Note: The docket is missing) GIBSON, Levicey Docket No. 1132, Page 543, October 1, 1921 Plaintiff: D. D. Miller Defendant: Levicey Gibson (Note: The docket is missing) GOLDFEDER, Harry Docket No. 869, Page 277, October 22, 1919 Plaintiff: Ellis Thompson Defendant: Harry Goldfeder (Note: The docket is missing) GOLDING, Lucy Docket No. 890, Page 298, January 2, 1920 Plaintiffs: John Vines & Sarah Vines Defendants: Mary Dow nee Rich, Lucy Golding nee Rich, Minnie Fulkerson nee Rich, John Rich, Willie Rich & Harry Rich (Note: The docket is missing) GOODALL, Levi Docket No. 596, Page 4, March 21, 1917 In the Matter of the Application of Levi Goodall, for majority right. (Note: The docket is missing) GOODEN, C. L. Docket No. 1003, Page 411, January 12, 1921 Plaintiff: C. L. Gooden Defendant: C. E. Green & R. E. Green (Note: The docket is missing) GOODGEON, L. C. Docket No. 958, Page 366, September 11, 1920 Plaintiff: Anice Cole Defendants: Jake Easton, L. C. Goodgeon, Annie Silverman, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) GOSSETT, Grady Docket No. 639, Page 47, July 18, 1917 Plaintiff: Farmers Exchange Bank Defendants: Forest Anderson, C. G. Gossett, Grady Gossett, Louie Gossett, Marion Gossett, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) GRAHAM, Ida Docket No. 933, Page 341, May 20, 1920 Plaintiff: Wm. Westmoreland Defendants: Ida Graham, Juston Graham, minors & Benjamin Fobb, Guardian. (Note: The docket is missing) GRAHAM, Tiney Docket No. 898, Page 306, January 26, 1920 Plaintiff: George W. Allen Defendant: Tiney Graham (Note: The docket is missing) GRANT, J. W. Docket No. 646, Page 54, August 15, 1917 In Re-Habeas Corpus of J. W. Grant (Note: The docket is missing) GREEN, C. E. Docket No. 1003, Page 411, January 12, 1921 Plaintiff: C. L. Gooden Defendant: C. E. Green & R. E. Green (Note: The docket is missing) GREENE, R. E. Docket No. 848, Page 256, August 30, 1919 Plaintiffs: H. C. Johnson & E. Guinn Defendant: R. E. Greene (Note: The docket is missing) GULF PIPE LINE COMPANY Docket No. 693, Page 101, January 18, 1918 Plaintiff: Gulf Pipe Line Company Defendant: W. A. Redman as County Treasurer (Note: The docket #693 is in the file cabinet) GULF PIPE LINE COMPANY Docket No. 738, Page 146, June 27, 1918 Plaintiff: Gulf Pipe Line Company Defendant: W. A. Redman, as County Treasurer of Push Co. (Note: The docket #738 is in the file cabinet) GUINN, E. Docket No. 848, Page 256, August 30, 1919 Plaintiffs: H. C. Johnson & E. Guinn Defendant: R. E. Greene (Note: The docket is missing) H HALL, Geo. Docket No. 795, Page 203, February 28, 1919 Plaintiff: Alfred Pike, a minor, by J. H. Cruthis, as guardian. Defendants: Frank Moyer, as administrator of the Estate of Geo. Hall, Deceased & Jennie Hall & G. W. Dukes. (Note: The docket is missing) HALL, William Henry Docket No. 782, Page 190, January 11, 1919 Plaintiff: W. J. Jones Defendant: William Henry Hall (Note: The docket is missing) HALLEY, Henry Docket No. 814, Page 222, May 13, 1919 Plaintiff: J. L. Allen Defendants: County Treasurer of Push Co., Henry Halley, Dan Harmon, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) HALLEY, J. H. Docket No. 1118, Page 529, September 16, 1921 Plaintiff: J. H. Halley & Co. Defendant: Camden Fire Insurance Association. (Note: The docket is missing) HALLEY, J. H. Docket No. 1136, Page 547, October 8, 1921 Plaintiff: J. H. Halley Defendant: John A. Arthur (Note: The docket is missing) HALLEY, Stuart B. Docket No. 990, page 398, December 2, 1920 Plaintiff: Stuart B. Halley Defendant: J. O. Edge & Ida J. Edge (Note: The docket is missing) HAMBY, Mike Docket No. 905, Page 313, February 6, 1920 Plaintiff: C. A. Roberson Defendant: Mike Hamby (Note: The docket is missing) HAMILTON, David Docket No. 687, Page 95, December 24, 1917 Plaintiff: David Hamilton Defendant: C. T. Hamilton Nature of cause: Injunction (Note: The docket is missing) HAMILTON, John C. Docket No. 1080, Page 490, July 2, 1921 Plaintiff: Miester Brothers-Brackt Co. Defendant: John C. Hamilton & J. M. Armstrong (Note: The docket is missing) HAMILTON, Ora Docket No. 804, Page 212, April 21, 1919 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Ora Hamilton. (Note: The docket is missing) HAMM BROS LIVESTOCK CO. Docket No. 841, Page 249, August 6, 1919 Plaintiff: Hamm Bros, Livestock Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) HAMMOND, O. T. Docket No. 1067, Page 477, June 10, 1921 Plaintiff: O. T. Hammond Defendant: W. D. Hasting & G. Robnett (Note: The docket is missing) HANKINS, P. T. Docket No. 1007, Page 415, January 19, 1921 Plaintiff: John B. Moore Defendant: P. T. Hankins (Note: The docket is missing) HARDGRAVE, H. L. Docket No. 896, Page 304, January 16, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla., exrel, H. L. Hardgrave, County Attorney Defendants: G. H. Barham, Will W. Wall, Jas F. Looper, J. W. Kidd, Robert N. Blair & J. D. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) HARDGRAVE, H. L. Docket No. 910, Page 318, March 6, 1920 Plaintiff: H. L. Hardgrave Defendants: W. E. Henderson & Julia Henderson (Note: The docket is missing) HARGRAVES, Frank Docket No. 1011, Page 420, January 28, 1921 Plaintiff: T. F. Home & A. E. Cain Defendant: Frank Hargraves (Note: The docket is missing) HARKEY, Joe Docket No. 780, Page 188, January 4, 1919 Plaintiffs: E. O. Sims & D. L. Smith Defendants: Joe Harkey, Bura Dunham & W. H. Burks (Note: The docket is missing) HARLAND, Jennie Docket No. 779, Page 187, January 4, 1919 Plaintiff: Jennie Harland Defendant: Cely Edwards (Note: The docket is missing) HARMON, Dan Docket No. 814, Page 222, May 13, 1919 Plaintiff: J. L. Allen Defendants: County Treasurer of Push Co., Henry Halley, Dan Harmon, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) HARRIS, Charley Docket No. 1018, Page 428, February 14, 1921 Plaintiff: H. C. Redman Defendant: Charley Harris (Note: The docket is missing) HARRIS, H. M. Docket No. 920, Page 328, April 2, 1920 Plaintiff: Hugo National Bank Defendant: H. M. Harris & Mrs. H. M. Harris (Note: The docket is missing) HARRIS, Lee Docket No. 917, Page 325, March 1, 1920 Plaintiff: E. B. Hayes Defendant: Lee Harris (Note: The docket is missing) HARRIS, Lee Docket No. 948, Page 356, August 10, 1920 Plaintiff: Lee Harris Defendants: H. V. Panter, L. T. Panter, Calvin Panter, etc. (Note: The docket #948 is in the file cabinet.) M. L. HARRIS LUMBER COMPANY Docket No. 892, Page 300, January 6, 1920 Plaintiff: J. L. Gary Defendant: M. L. Harris Lumber Company (Note: The docket is missing) HARRISON, Thomas Docket No. 1057, Page 467, May 19, 1921 Plaintiff: Thomas Harrison, Guardian of William Harrison, a minor. Defendant: W. C. Cather & Ruby Cather (Note: The docket is missing) HASTING, W. D. Docket No. 1067, Page 477, June 10, 1921 Plaintiff: O. T. Hammond Defendant: W. D. Hasting & G. Robnett (Note: The docket is missing) HAWKINS, Walter Docket No. 797, Page 205, March 4, 1919 Plaintiff: Barnett Elapashobbe Defendant: Walter Hawkins (Note: The docket is missing) HAYES, E. B. Docket No. 917, Page 325, March 1, 1920 Plaintiff: E. B. Hayes Defendant: Lee Harris (Note: The docket is missing) HAYES, John W. Docket No. 781, Page 189, January 8, 1919 Plaintiff: John W. Hayes Defendant: Mary Eliza Yerion (Note: The docket is missing) HELM, J. J. Docket No. 788, Page 196, February 5, 1919 Plaintiff: J. J. Helm Defendant: Marvin Dye (Note: The docket is missing) HENDERSON, Orena Docket No. 1063, Page 473, June 1, 1921 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Antlers Defendant: Orena Henderson (Note: The docket is missing) HENDERSON, W. A. Docket No. 1064, Page 474, June 2, 1921 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Antlers Defendant: Orena Henderson, W. A. Henderson & L. R. Morgan (Note: The docket is missing) HENDERSON, W. E. Docket No. 910, Page 318, March 6, 1920 Plaintiff: H. L. Hardgrave Defendants: W. E. Henderson & Julia Henderson (Note: The docket is missing) HENNING, Pink Docket No. 986, Page 394, November 3, 1920 Plaintiff: Ollie Hurst nee Lewis Defendant: Pink Henning (Note: The docket is missing) HESS, Ed Docket No. 1140, Page 551, October 12, 1921 Plaintiff: Benno Stein, doing business of Stein Wholesale Dry Co. Defendant: Ed Hess & Flausa Hess (Note: The docket is missing) HICKMAN, William Docket No. 776, Page 184, December 28, 1918 Plaintiff: In the Matter of the Guardianship of William Hickman, a minor. Defendant: Wm. Westmoreland (Note: The docket is missing) HICKOX, C. F. Docket No. 823, Page 231, June 26, 1919 Plaintiff: Edward R. Holmes & Ralph W. Holmes, partners, doing business under the name of R. E. Holmes & Son. Defendants: C. F. Hickox & Mattie Hickox, his wife. (Note: The docket is missing) HICKS, R. C. Docket No. 1100, Page 510, July 30, 1921 Plaintiff: R. C. Hicks Defendant: J. E. Emery (Note: The docket is missing) HIGGIN, W. D. Docket No. 976, Page 384, October 19, 1920 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: W. D. Higgin & D. D. Dodson (Note: The docket is missing) HILLERY, Edward L. Docket No. 937, Page 345, June 11, 1920 Plaintiff: W. E. Husselman Defendants: Edward L. Hillery & Maud K. Hillery (Note: The docket #937 is in the file cabinet.) HINES, Walker D. Docket No. 783, Page 191, January 27, 1919 Plaintiff: Walker D. Hines Defendant: W. A. Redman, County Treasurer (Note: The docket #783 is in the file cabinet) HINES, Walker D. Docket No. 899, Page 307, January 26, 1920 Plaintiff: Walker D. Hines, Director of General of Railroads, & St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. Defendant: W. E. Leslie, County Treasurer of Push Co. (Note: The docket #899 is in the file cabinet.) HIXON, J. W. Docket No. 873, Page 281, November 7, 1919 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendants: J. W. Hixon & S. L. Chowning (Note: The docket is missing) HIXON, J. W. Docket No. 999, Page 407, January 1, 1921 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendant: J. W. Hixon & S. L. Chowning (Note: The docket is missing) HOARD, W. R. Docket No. 647, Page 55, August 15, 1917 Plaintiff: Byington Battice Defendants: Jones B. Cobb, W. R. Hoard, Fred Bentley, Clarence Yarbrough, Silas Turner & Judy Potts (Note: The docket is missing) HODGES, Celestine Docket No. 623, Page 31, May 21, 1917 Plaintiff: R. E. Richardson Defendant: Celestine Hodges (Note: The docket is missing) HOLMAN, Nellie Docket No. 606, Page 14, April 7, 1917 In the Matter of Guardianship of Nellie Holman & Nelson Holman, minors. (Note: The docket is missing) HOLMAN, Nellie Docket No. 694, Page 102, January 18, 1918 In the Guardianship of Nellie Holman, minor. (Note: The docket is missing) HOLMAN, Nelson Docket No. 695, Page 103, January 18, 1918 In Re: Guardianship of Nelson Holman, minor Nature of action: Appeal (Note: The docket is missing) HOLMES, Edward R. Docket No. 1037, Page 447, March 17, 1921 Plaintiff: Edward R. Holmes Defendant: H. G. Ward (Note: The docket is missing) HOLT, James A. Docket No. 2484, Page 566, May 18, 1929 Plaintiff: James A. Holt Defendant: Board of County Commissioner (Note: The docket is missing) HOOPER, A. M. Docket No. 1109, Page 520, August 27, 1921 Plaintiff: A. M. Hooper Defendant: Cloid McCarty (Note: The docket is missing) HOOVER, J. W. Docket No. 971, Page 379, September 30, 1920 Plaintiff: J. W. Hoover Defendant: John Burton Payne, Director of General of Railroad & St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Co. (Note: The docket is missing) HOWARD, E. Docket No. 877, Page 285, November 15, 1919 Plaintiff: Pine Belt Lumber Co. Defendant: E. Howard & Mrs. E. Howard (Note: The docket #877 is in the file cabinet.) HOWARD, T. B. Docket No. 793, Page 201, February 24, 1919 Plaintiff: T. B. Howard Defendant: T. F. Ford (Note: The docket is missing) HOWARD, W. F. Docket No. 809, Page 217, April 28, 1919 Plaintiff: State of Okla. Defendant: W. F. Howard Nature of action: Habeas Corpus (Note: The docket is missing) HUDSON, Mary Docket No. 794, Page 202, February 25, 1919 Plaintiff: S. L. Capps Defendant: Wilson Cole & Mary Hudson (Note: The docket is missing) HUDSON, Peter W. Docket No. 1111, Page 522, September 7, 1921 Plaintiff: F. B. Collins Investment Co. Defendant: Peter W. Hudosn & Myrtle Hudson (Note: The docket is missing) HUNT, G. P. Docket No. 657, Page 65, October 1, 1917 Plaintiff: G. P. Hunt Defendant: C. E. Gage (Note: The docket is missing) HUNT, J. R. Docket No. 836, Page 244, July 29, 1919 Plaintiff: J. R. Hunt Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) HURST, Ollie Docket No. 986, Page 394, November 3, 1920 Plaintiff: Ollie Hurst nee Lewis Defendant: Pink Henning (Note: The docket is missing) HUSSELMAN, W. E. Docket No. 937, Page 345, June 11, 1920 Plaintiff: W. E. Husselman Defendants: Edward L. Hillery & Maud K. Hillery (Note: The docket #937 is in the file cabinet.) I IRVAN, Clide Docket No. 957, Page 365, September 9, 1920 Plaintiff: W. F. Logan Defendant: Clide Irvan (Note: The docket is missing) ISBELL, J. H. Docket No. 663, Page 71, October 20, 1917 Plaintiff: County Commissioners of Push Co. Defendant: J. H. Isbell, County Attorney Nature of action: Accusation (Note: The docket is missing) J JACKSON, J. B. Docket No. 1128, Page 539, September 28, 1921 Plaintiff: Wheeler & Matter Mercantile Co. Defendant: J. B. Jackson (Note: The docket is missing) JACKSON, J. M. Docket No. 1133, Page 544, October 3, 1921 Plaintiff: J. M. Jackson Defendant: Board of County Commissioner (Note: The docket is missing) JACKSON, Ludella Docket No. 870, Page 278, October 23, 1919 Plaintiff: Ludella Jackson Defendants: H. L. Westphal, C. G. Messer & L. P. Davenport (Note: The docket is missing) JACKSON, S. C. Docket No. 644, Page 52, July 28, 1917 Plaintiff: Frank Dement Defendant: S. C. Jackson Nature of action: Damages (Note: The docket is missing) JACKSON, Sampson Docket No. 730, Page 138, May 17, 1918 Plaintiff: Sampson Jackson, as Guardian of Bicy Jackson. Defendants: Jessie Tom & Betsy Jefferson (Note: The docket is missing) JEFFERSON, Betsy Docket No. 730, Page 138, May 17, 1918 Plaintiff: Sampson Jackson, as Guardian of Bicy Jackson. Defendants: Jessie Tom & Betsy Jefferson (Note: The docket is missing) JEFFRIES, G. F. Docket No. 775, Page 183, December 18, 1918 Plaintiff: E. A. Lenz Defendant: G. F. Jeffries & Rebecca Jeffries (Note: The docket is missing) JEWELL, F. C. Docket No. 747, Page 155, August 19, 1918 Plaintiff: D. R. Cummings Defendants: F. R. Wildman, Lienella Wildman & F. C. Jewell (Note: The docket is missing) JOHNS, Noel Docket No. 622, Page 30, May 18, 1917 Plaintiff: Noel Johns Defendants: Lee Basket & Margaret Basket as Gdn. of Eva Johns. (Note: The docket is missing) JOHNSON, Annie Docket No. 1086, Page 496, July 12, 1921 Plaintiff: W. W. Denson & Annie Johnson, doing business under the firm name and style of Antlers American-News Record Defendant: Board of County Commissioner (Note: The docket #1086 is in the file cabinet) JOHNSON, Charles B. Docket No. 913, Page 321, March 11, 1920 Plaintiff: Charles B. Johnson Defendants: Push Co. by its Board of Commissioners, B. B. Smith, L. C. Oliver & J. M. Stuart. (Note: The docket #913 is in the file cabinet.) JOHNSON, H. C. Docket No. 848, Page 256, August 30, 1919 Plaintiffs: H. C. Johnson & E. Guinn Defendant: R. E. Greene (Note: The docket is missing) JOHNSON, J. Alfred Docket No. 789, Page 197, February 7, 1919 Plaintiff: P. H. Bollinger Defendants: Gladys McIntire now Gladys Church & J. Alfred Johnson (Note: The docket is missing) JOHNSON, Hattie Docket No. 610, Page 18, April 13, 1917 Plaintiff: Hattie Johnson Defendant: Pine Belt Lumber Co (I. B. Davis) (Note: The docket is missing) JOHNSON, Wilmon J. Docket No. 755, Page 163, September 30, 1918 Plaintiffs: Ellis Johnson & Noel Johnson, a minor, by Wilmon J. Johnson, his legal guardian. Defendant: The Pine Belt Lumber Company (Note: The docket #755 is in the file cabinet) JOHNSTON, W. J. Docket No. 849, Page 257, August 30, 1919 Plaintiffs: Leon Williams, Ernestine H. Bower, Bessie Bower & Mary K. Bower, heirs at law of James Bower, Deceased. Defendants: W. J. Johnston & M. S. Cohn (Note: The docket is missing) JOHNSTON, W. J. Docket No. 850, Page 258, August 30, 1919 Plaintiff: Leon A. Williams Defendants: W. J. Johnston, Will V. Cohn & M. S. Cohn. (Note: The docket #850 is in the file cabinet.) JONES, A. H. Docket No. 984, Page 392, October 30, 1920 Plaintiff: I. J. Bilbrey Defendant: A. H. Jones (Note: The docket is missing) JONES, W. J. Docket No. 782, Page 190, January 11, 1919 Plaintiff: W. J. Jones Defendant: William Henry Hall (Note: The docket is missing) JORDAN, B. D. Docket No. 988, Page 396, November 15, 1920 Plaintiff: Ellis Thompson Defendant: B. D. Jordan & E. A. Burke (Note: The docket is missing) JORDAN, Geo. W. Docket No. 1019, Page 429, February 21, 1921 Plaintiff: Geo. W. Jordan Defendant: Elizabeth Harris Nelson & Cole E. Nelson (Note: The docket is missing) JORDAN, M. D. Docket No. 1041, Page 451, March 26, 1921 Plaintiff: M. D. Jordan Defendant: W. C. Lambert (Note: The docket is missing) JUSTICE, W. E. Docket No. 1071, Page 481, June 15, 1921 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendant: W. E. Justice (Note: The docket is missing) K KELLY, J. E. Docket No. 714, Page 122, April 18, 1918 Plaintiff: J. E. Kelly Defendant: L. U. Bennett (Note: The docket is missing) KENNARD, J. E. Docket No. 736, Page 144, June 13, 1918 Plaintiff: J. E. Kennard Defendant: Farmers Exchange Bank (Note: The docket is missing) KENNARD, J. E. Docket No. 754, Page 162, September 14, 1918 Plaintiff: John G. Long Defendant: J. E. Kennard (Note: The docket is missing) KENNEDY, William A. Docket No. 966, Page 374, September 17, 1920 Plaintiff: William A. Kennedy Defendant: Ardella P. Clark & Thomas J. Clark (Note: The docket is missing) KERZ, Babara Docket No. 941, Page 349, June 28, 1920 Plaintiff: Babara Kerz Defendants: H. G. Ward, a single person, William & Dean Fike & First National Bank of Talihina (Note: The docket is missing) KIDD, J. W. Docket No. 896, Page 304, January 16, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla., exrel, H. L. Hardgrave, County Attorney Defendants: G. H. Barham, Will W. Wall, Jas F. Looper, J. W. Kidd, Robert N. Blair & J. D. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) KING, H. M. Docket No. 835, Page 243, July 31, 1919 Plaintiff: W. W. Sledge Defendant: H. M. King (Note: The docket is missing) KINNAIRD, W. M. Docket No. 866, Page 274, October 14, 1919 Plaintiff: Hannah Battiest nee Nowabbi Defendant: W. M. Kinnaird (Note: The docket is missing) L LABOR, Henry Docket No. 1045, Page 455, April 14, 1921 Plaintiff: Commerce Trust Co. Defendants: S. H. Moore, Rena M. Moore, Henry Labor & Mary Labor. (Note: The docket is missing) LAMBERT, Louise V. Docket No. 972, Page 380, October 6, 1920 Plaintiff: Brown-Hinton Wholesale Grocery Co. Defendant: Louise V. Lambert (Note: The docket is missing) LAMBERT, Louise V. Docket No. 1008, Page 417, January 21, 1921 Plaintiff: Commercial Jewelry Co. Defendant: Louise V. Lambert (Note: The docket is missing) LAMBERT, W. C. Docket No. 1041, Page 451, March 26, 1921 Plaintiff: M. D. Jordan Defendant: W. C. Lambert (Note: The docket is missing) LAMPE, J. H. Docket No. 983, Page 391, October 27, 1920 Plaintiff: H. B. Dockman Defendant: J. H. Lampe & M. A. Brock (Note: The docket is missing) LANE, J. A. Y. Docket No. 699, Page 107, February 9, 1918 Plaintiff: David E. Strickland Defendant: J. A. Y. Lane (Note: Last name hard to decipher. Could be J. A. Y. Love) (Note: The docket is missing) LAXON, A. Docket No. 875, Page 283, November 14, 1919 Plaintiff: Caylor Wright Lumber Co. Defendant: A. Laxon (Note: The docket is missing) LEARD, J. N. Docket No. 1114, Page 525, September 14, 1921 Plaintiff: Kinsalla Hat Co. Defendant: J. N. Leard (Note: The docket is missing) LENTZ, E. A. Docket No. 775, Page 183, December 18, 1918 Plaintiff: E. A. Lenz Defendant: G. F. Jeffries & Rebecca Jeffries (Note: The docket is missing) LESLIE, W. E. Docket No. 899, Page 307, January 26, 1920 Plaintiff: Walker D. Hines, Director of General of Railroads, & St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. Defendant: W. E. Leslie, County Treasurer of Push Co. (Note: The docket #899 is in the file cabinet.) LESLIE, W. E. Docket No. 1010, Page 419, January 25, 1921 Plaintiff: St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. Defendant: W. E. Leslie, County Treasurer (Note: The docket #1010 is in the file cabinet) LEWIS, Adam Docket No. 716, Page 124, April 23, 1918 Plaintiff: Farmers Exchange Bank Defendant: Adam Lewis (Note: The docket is missing) LEWIS, Adam Docket No. 717, Page 125, April 23, 1918 Plaintiff: Farmers Exchange Bank Defendants: W. C. Swearengin & Adam Lewis (Note: The docket is missing) LEWIS, William Docket No. 858, Page 266, September 23, 1919 Plaintiffs: Harrison Gibson, Guardian of William & Eliza Lewis, minors. Defendant: H. L. Westphal, Marjorie Westphal & Home-Farm Saving Association. (Note: The docket is missing) LINDLEY, E. J. Docket No. 637, Page 45, July 16, 1917 Plaintiff: E. J. Lindley Defendant: Pine Belt Lumber Co. (Note: The docket is missing) LOCKE, Ben D. Docket No. 615, Page 23, April 21, 1917 Plaintiff: C. A. Finley Defendant: Ben D. Locke (Note: The docket is missing) LOCKE, Martha E. Docket No. 636, Page 44, July 13, 1917 Plaintiff: Martha E. Locke Defendant: St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Co. Nature of cause: Damages (Note: The docket is missing) LOCKE, Victor B. Docket No. 599, Page 7, March 10, 1917 In the Matter of the Application of Victor B. Locke, for the rights of majority. (Note: The docket is missing) LOCKE, Victor M. Docket No. 787, Page 195, February 5, 1919 Plaintiff: W. Silverman & the Farmers Exchange Bank of Antlers Defendants: Victor M. Locke & M. F. Shouse (Note: The docket is missing) LOGAN, W. F. Docket No. 957, Page 365, September 9, 1920 Plaintiff: W. F. Logan Defendant: Clide Irvan (Note: The docket is missing) LOMAN, Ketsie Docket No. 630, Page 38, June 28, 1917 In the Matter of the Probate of Ketsie Loman, Deceased. (Note: The docket is missing) LONG, John G. Docket No. 754, Page 162, September 14, 1918 Plaintiff: John G. Long Defendant: J. E. Kennard (Note: The docket is missing) LOOPER, Jas F. Docket No. 896, Page 304, January 16, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla., exrel, H. L. Hardgrave, County Attorney Defendants: G. H. Barham, Will W. Wall, Jas F. Looper, J. W. Kidd, Robert N. Blair & J. D. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) LOVE, J. A. Y. Docket No. 699, Page 107, February 9, 1918 Plaintiff: David E. Strickland Defendant: J. A. Y. Love (Note: Last name hard to decipher. Could be J. A. Y. Lane) (Note: The docket is missing) LUCAS, W. T. Docket No. 890, Page 559, March 23, 1907 Plaintiff: W. J. Warren Defendant: W. T. Lucas (Note: The docket #890 is in the file cabinet) LYLES, Henry Docket No. 1025, Page 435, March 3, 1921 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Henry Lyles (Note: The docket is missing) M MADDING, I. M. Docket No. 786, Page 194, February 1, 1919 Plaintiff: Push Co. Lumber Company Defendant: I. M. Madding (Note: The docket is missing) MADDING, I. M. Docket No. 1107, Page 518, August 24, 1921 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: I. M. Madding (Note: The docket is missing) MAIN, Myrtle Docket No. 891, Page 299, December 30, 1919 In Re: Guardianship of Myrtle, Iva & Rosa Belle Main, minors. (Note: The docket is missing) MAKINTUBEE, Douglas Docket No. 662, Page 70, October 19, 1917 Plaintiff: E. L. West Defendants: Floyd Nevins, Douglas Makintubee, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) MANLEY, W. T. Docket No. 907, Page 315, February 13, 1920 Plaintiff: Wayside State Bank Defendants: J. L. Norwood & W. T. Manley (Note: The docket is missing) MARRELL, Lee Docket No. 1032, Page 442, March 5, 1921 Plaintiff: George Benton Defendant: Lee Marrell (Note: The docket is missing) MARSHALL, Nat Docket No. 864, Page 272, October 11, 1919 Plaintiff: J. T. Spears Defendant: Nat Marshall (Note: The docket #864 is in the file cabinet.) MAULDING, L. Docket No. 1040, Page 450, March 23, 1921 Plaintiff: L. Maulding Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts, trading as T. E. Roberts Merc. Co. (Note: The docket is missing) MAY, A. F. Docket No. 1117, Page 528, September 16, 1921 Plaintiff: A. F. May Defendant: John W. Rooks (Note: The docket is missing) McCARTY, C. C. Docket No. 722, Page 130, May 7, 1918 Plaintiff: Holmes Mortgage Company Defendant: Albert E. Smith, Nancy Smith, his wife & C. C. McCarty (Note: The docket is missing) McCARTY, Cloid Docket No. 1109, Page 520, August 27, 1921 Plaintiff: A. M. Hooper Defendant: Cloid McCarty (Note: The docket is missing) McDANIEL, Henry Docket No. 771, Page 179, December 11, 1918 Plaintiff: I. J. Bilbrey Defendant: Henry McDaniel (Note: The docket is missing) McGEE, Sol Docket No. 1054, Page 464, April 28, 1921 In the Matter of Guardianship of Sol McGee, an incompent. (Note: The docket is missing) McINTIRE, Gladys Docket No. 789, Page 197, February 7, 1919 Plaintiff: P. H. Bollinger Defendants: Gladys McIntire now Gladys Church & J. Alfred Johnson (Note: The docket is missing) McINTYRE, T. K. Docket No. 949, Page 357, August 10, 1920 Plaintiff: George F. Schuessler Defendant: T. K. McIntyre (Note: The docket is missing) McMAHAN, J. E. Docket No. 863, Page 271, October 3, 1919 Plaintiff: J. H. Fincher Defendant: J. E. McMahan (Note: The docket is missing) MEASHINTUBBY, Abe Docket No. 600, Page 8, March 20, 1917 In the Matter of the Guardianship of Abe & Wisey Meashintubby, minors (Note: The docket is missing) MEASHINTUBBY, Abe Docket No. 857, Page 265, September 26, 1919 In Re: Guardianship of Abe Meashintubby, a minor. (Note: The docket is missing) MEASHINTUBBY, Martha Docket No. 1113, Page 524, September 10, 1921 Plaintiff: Martha Meashintubby Defendant: First State Bank of Tuskahoma (Note: The docket is missing) MEASHINTUBBY, Wisey Docket No. 856, Page 264, September 26, 1919 In Re: Guardianship of Wisey Meashintubby, a minor. (Note: The docket is missing) MESSER, A. Docket No. 978, Page 386, October 19, 1920 Plaintiff: O. J. Stallings Defendant: A. Messer (Note: The docket is missing) MESSER, C. G. Docket No. 870, Page 278, October 23, 1919 Plaintiff: Ludella Jackson Defendants: H. L. Westphal, C. G. Messer & L. P. Davenport (Note: The docket is missing) METTS, J. W. Docket No. 763, Page 171, November 15, 1918 Plaintiff: J. W. Metts Defendant: Oscar Nichols (Note: The docket is missing) MILLER, D. D. Docket No. 1132, Page 543, October 1, 1921 Plaintiff: D. D. Miller Defendant: Levicey Gibson (Note: The docket is missing) MILLER, J. H. Docket No. 711, Page 119, April 21, 1918 Plaintiff: J. H. Miller Defendant: J. W. Brown & Douglas Phelps, a minor (Note: The docket is missing) MILLER, J. H. Docket No. 880, Page 288, November 25, 1919 Plaintiff: W. M. Phelps & Allie Phelps Defendant: J. H. Miller (Note: The docket is missing) MILLER, May Docket No. 1137, Page 548, October 8, 1921 Plaintiff: May Miller Defendant: St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (Note: The docket is missing) MONROE, John B. Docket No. 1007, Page 415, January 19, 1921 Plaintiff: John B. Moore Defendant: P. T. Hankins (Note: The docket is missing) MOON, R. B. Docket No. 946, Page 354, July 29, 1920 Plaintiff: R. B. Moon & Sallie Moon Defendant: St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (Note: The docket is missing) MOON, R. B. Docket No. 1115, Page 526, September 15, 1921 Plaintiff: R. B. Moon Defendant: St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. (Note: The docket is missing) MOORE, C. F. Docket No. 939, Page 347, June 14, 1920 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Ft. Towson Defendant: C. F. Moore (Note: The docket is missing) MOORE, Carl Docket No. 882, Page 290, December 2, 1919 Plaintiff: Carl Moore Defendant: J. E. Emery (Note: The docket #882 is in the file cabinet.) MOORE, S. H. Docket No. 1045, Page 455, April 14, 1921 Plaintiff: Commerce Trust Co. Defendants: S. H. Moore, Rena M. Moore, Henry Labor & Mary Labor. (Note: The docket is missing) MORGAN, L. R. Docket No. 1064, Page 474, June 2, 1921 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Antlers Defendant: Orena Henderson, W. A. Henderson & L. R. Morgan (Note: The docket is missing) MORGAN, T. A. Docket No. 1026, Page 436, March 3, 1921 Plaintiff: A. W. Rison Defendant: T. A. Morgan (Note: The docket is missing) MORGAN, T. A. Docket No. 1059, Page 469, May 23, 1921 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Antlers Defendant: T. A. Morgan (Note: The docket is missing) MORGAN, T. A. Docket No. 1134, Page 545, October 3, 1921 Plaintiff: Geo. H. Schweining Defendant: T. A. Morgan (Note: The docket is missing) MORRIS, Gus Docket No. 944, Page 352, July 26, 1920 Plaintiffs: Gus Morris & Cecil Morris Defendants: J. L. Rose & Geo. L. Rose (Note: The docket is missing) MOYER, Frank Docket No. 795, Page 203, February 28, 1919 Plaintiff: Alfred Pike, a minor, by J. H. Cruthis, as guardian. Defendants: Frank Moyer, as administrator of the Estate of Geo. Hall, Deceased & Jennie Hall & G. W. Dukes. (Note: The docket is missing) MUELLER, John W. Docket No. 607, Page 15, April 10, 1917 Plaintiff: John W. Mueller Defendant: U. S. Dunn (Note: The docket is missing) MUELLER, John W. Docket No. 1089, Page 499, July 14, 1921 Plaintiff: John W. Mueller Defendant: U. S. Dunn (Note: The docket is missing) MURRELL, William D. Docket No. 690, Page 98, January 8, 1918 Plaintiffs: Fannie M. Murrell & Samuel H. Davis, Executors of the Estate of William D. Murrell, Deceased. Defendants: J. H. Neal & Iola Neal (Note: The docket is missing) MUSGRAVE, G. W. Docket No. 1036, Page 446, March 6, 1921 Plaintiff: B. Zimmerman Defendant: G. W. Musgrave (Note: The docket is missing) N NARRELL, J. J. Docket No. 993, Page 401, December 10, 1920 Plaintiff: Citizen National Bank of Antlers Defendant: J. J. Narrell (Note: The docket is missing) NASH, Nic Docket No. 729, Page 137, May 14, 1918 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: Nic Nash (Note: The docket is missing) NEAL, J. H. Docket No. 690, Page 98, January 8, 1918 Plaintiffs: Fannie M. Murrell & Samuel H. Davis, Executors of the Estate of William D. Murrell, Deceased. Defendants: J. H. Neal & Iola Neal (Note: The docket is missing) NEHKA, Phillip Docket No. 1104, Page 515, August 17, 1921 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Phillip Nehka (Note: The docket is missing) NELSON, Elizabeth Harris Docket No. 1019, Page 429, February 21, 1921 Plaintiff: Geo. W. Jordan Defendant: Elizabeth Harris Nelson & Cole E. Nelson (Note: The docket is missing) NELSON, R. L. Docket No. 749, Page 157, August 30, 1918 Plaintiff: Emma D. Sewell Defendants: William H. Shults, Dora A. Shults, R. L. Nelson, Conservative Loan Co., Mrs. Robt. Wilson. (Note: The docket is missing) NEVILL, T. M. Docket No. 1135, Page 546, October 6, 1921 Plaintiff: T. M. Nevill Defendant: J. W. Parker (Note: The docket is missing) NEVINS, Floyd Docket No. 662, Page 70, October 19, 1917 Plaintiff: E. L. West Defendants: Floyd Nevins, Douglas Makintubee, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) NEVINS, Floyd Docket No. 685, Page 93, December 13, 1917 Plaintiff: Floyd Nevins Defendants: Maggie Reed, James Reed, Elbert Reed, Martha Reed, etc. (Note: The docket #685 is in the file cabinet) NICHOLES, M. B. Docket No. 1020, Page 430, February 21, 1921 Plaintiff: Myrtle Walker nee Orr Defendant: M. B. Nicholes (Note: The docket is missing) NICHOLS, Oscar Docket No. 763, Page 171, November 15, 1918 Plaintiff: J. W. Metts Defendant: Oscar Nichols (Note: The docket is missing) NICHOLS, Oscar Docket No. 837, Page 245, August 1, 1919 Plaintiff: American Investment Co. Defendant: Oscar Nichols (Note: The docket is missing) NOAH, Susie Docket No. 867, Page 275, October 21, 1919 Docket No. 868, Page 276, October 21, 1919 Plaintiff: Susie Noah nee Cole Defendant: L. U. Bennett (Note: The docket is missing) NOEL, Curtis Docket No. 660, Page 68, October 6, 1917 Plaintiff: Curtis Noel Defendant: C. A. Welch & Adelia Welch (Note: The docket is missing) NOEL, Maggie M. Docket No. 649, Page 57, September 10, 1917 Plaintiff: Maggie M. Noel nee Frazier Defendant: W. O. Wilkins (Note: The docket is missing) NORWOOD, J. L. Docket No. 907, Page 315, February 13, 1920 Plaintiff: Wayside State Bank Defendants: J. L. Norwood & W. T. Manley (Note: The docket is missing) NOWABBI, David Docket No. 909, Page 317, February 23, 1920 In Re: Guardianship of David Nowabbi, a minor. (Note: The docket is missing) NOWABBI, Hannah Docket No. 866, Page 274, October 14, 1919 Plaintiff: Hannah Battiest nee Nowabbi Defendant: W. M. Kinnaird (Note: The docket is missing) O OLIVER, L. C. Docket No. 913, Page 321, March 11, 1920 Plaintiff: Charles B. Johnson Defendants: Push Co. by its Board of Commissioners, B. B. Smith, L. C. Oliver & J. M. Stuart. (Note: The docket #913 is in the file cabinet.) OLIVER, L. C. Docket No. 914, Page 322, March 10, 1920 Plaintiff: J. H. Wonsch Defendants: Push Co. by its Board of Commissioners, B. B. Smith, L. C. Oliver & J. M. Stuart. (Note: The docket #914 is in the file cabinet.) OLIVER, Zoie Docket No. 751, Page 159, September 7, 1918 Plaintiff: Zoie Oliver Defendants: A. J. Oliver & Addie White (Note: The docket is missing) ORR, Myrtle Docket No. 1020, Page 430, February 21, 1921 Plaintiff: Myrtle Walker nee Orr Defendant: M. B. Nicholes (Note: The docket is missing) P PANTER, H. V. Docket No. 948, Page 356, August 10, 1920 Plaintiff: Lee Harris Defendants: H. V. Panter, L. T. Panter, Calvin Panter, etc. (Note: The docket #948 is in the file cabinet.) PANTER, Mrs. R. C. Docket No. 735, Page 143, June 6, 1918 Plaintiff: Mrs. R. C. Panter Defendant: Mrs. Clara Spicher (Note: The docket is missing) PARKER, J. W. Docket No. 1135, Page 546, October 6, 1921 Plaintiff: T. M. Nevill Defendant: J. W. Parker (Note: The docket is missing) PARKER, W. M. Docket No. 721, Page 129, May 7, 1918 Plaintiff: W. M. Parker Defendant: H. B. Dockum & Son (Note: The docket is missing) PARKS, Sam Docket No. 1044, Page 454, April 14, 1921 Plaintiff: James D. Evans as administrator of Wilson Robbins, Deceased. Defendant: Sam Parks (Note: The docket is missing) PARKS, Samuel P. Docket No. 926, Page 334, April 17, 1920 Plaintiff: State Life Insurance Co. Defendant: Samuel P. Parks & Lallna Parks (Note: The docket is missing) PATMAN, J. L. Docket No. 884, Page 558, March 18, 1907 Plaintiff: Lula Bowden Defendant: J. L. Patman & Blocker-Miller Co. (Note: The docket #884 is in the file cabinet) PAYNE, J. F. Docket No. 833, Page 241, July 21, 1919 Plaintiff: F. W. Wilbanks Defendant: J. F. Payne (Note: The docket is missing) PAYNE, John Burton Docket No. 971, Page 379, September 30, 1920 Plaintiff: J. W. Hoover Defendant: John Burton Payne, Director of General of Railroad & St. Louis-San Francisco Railroad Co. (Note: The docket is missing) PAYNE, John Bartow Docket No. 987, Page 395, November 4, 1920 Plaintiff: John Bartow Payne Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) PAYNE, R. L. Docket No. 992, Page 400, December 5, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla. Defendants: E. M. Pike, Perry Andres, John S. Allen & R. L. Payne (Note: The docket is missing) PERCIVAL, Ed Docket No. 801, Page 209, March 25, 1919 Plaintiff: John D. Townsend Defendants: Holmes B. Colbert, Douglas Colbert, Ed Percival, & Durant National Bank of Durant. (Note: The docket is missing) PERRY, M. A. Docket No. 991, Page 399, December 3, 1920 Plaintiffs: W. E. Shioes? & M. A. Perry Defendants: G. M. Roberts, Ray Robert & W. W. Robert (Note: The docket is missing) PETTY, S. P. Docket No. 645, Page 53, August 2, 1917 Plaintiff: S. P. Petty Defendant: Wm. M. Bryan & Belle Bryan Nature of action: Foreclosure of Lien (Note: The docket is missing) PHELPS, Douglas Docket No. 711, Page 119, April 21, 1918 Plaintiff: J. H. Miller Defendant: J. W. Brown & Douglas Phelps, a minor (Note: The docket is missing) PHELPS, Emma Docket No. 1039, Page 449, March 28, 1921 Plaintiff: R. W. Bryant Defendant: Emma Phelps (Note: The docket is missing) PHELPS, Nickless Docket No. 746, Page 154, August 19, 1918 In the Matter of the Guardianship of Nickless Phelps, a minor. (Note: The docket is missing) PHELPS, W. M. Docket No. 880, Page 288, November 25, 1919 Plaintiff: W. M. Phelps & Allie Phelps Defendant: J. H. Miller (Note: The docket is missing) PICKENS, Johnson Docket No. 629, Page 37, June 28, 1917 Plaintiff: Johnson Pickens Defendant: C. C. Stephenson (Note: The docket is missing) PIERCE, F. A. Docket No. 621, Page 29, May 18, 1917 Plaintiff: Ira R. Wade Defendants: F. A. Pierce & E. A. Davidson (Note: The docket is missing) PIKE, Alfred Docket No. 795, Page 203, February 28, 1919 Plaintiff: Alfred Pike, a minor, by J. H. Cruthis, as guardian. Defendants: Frank Moyer, as administrator of the Estate of Geo. Hall, Deceased & Jennie Hall & G. W. Dukes. (Note: The docket is missing) PIKE, E. M. Docket No. 992, Page 400, December 5, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla. Defendants: E. M. Pike, Perry Andres, John S. Allen & R. L. Payne (Note: The docket is missing) PINE BELT LUMBER CO. Docket No. 610, Page 18, April 13, 1917 Plaintiff: Hattie Johnson Defendant: Pine Belt Lumber Co (I. B. Davis) (Note: The docket is missing) PINE BELT LUMBER CO. Docket No. 613, Page 21, April 21, 1917 Plaintiffs: Wesley Billy, Moses Billy, Chubbas Billy & McKinley Billy, a minors Defendants: Pine Belt Lumber Company (H. Clark Ford & Benjamin Parmely, Jr.?) (Note: The docket is missing) PINE BELT LUMBER CO. Docket No. 755, Page 163, September 30, 1918 Plaintiffs: Ellis Johnson & Noel Johnson, a minor, by Wilmon J. Johnson, his legal guardian. Defendant: The Pine Belt Lumber Company (Note: The docket #755 is in the file cabinet) PINE BELT LUMBER COMPANY Docket No. 778, Page 186, December 31, 1918 Plaintiff: James Brokeshoulder Defendant: Pine Belt Lumber Co. (Note: The docket is missing) PINE BELT LUMBER CO. Docket No. 877, Page 285, November 15, 1919 Plaintiff: Pine Belt Lumber Co. Defendant: E. Howard & Mrs. E. Howard (Note: The docket #877 is in the file cabinet.) PINE BELT LUMBER COMPANY Docket No. 942, Page 350, July 1, 1920 Plaintiff: W. H. Baldwin Defendant: Pine Belt Lumber Company (Note: The docket is missing) PINE CREEK LUMBER CO. Docket No. 799, Page 207, March 22, 1919 Nature of action: Dissolution (Note: The docket is missing) PLUNKETT, Mary E. Docket No. 1046, Page 456, April 14, 1921 Plaintiff: The Alliance Trust Co. Defendant: Mary E. Plunkett (Note: The docket is missing) POTTS, Judy Docket No. 647, Page 55, August 15, 1917 Plaintiff: Byington Battice Defendants: Jones B. Cobb, W. R. Hoard, Fred Bentley, Clarence Yarbrough, Silas Turner & Judy Potts (Note: The docket is missing) POWELL, Sam Docket No. 989, Page 397, November 30, 1920 Plaintiff: Citizen National Bank of Antlers Defendant: Sam Powell (Note: The docket #989 is in the file cabinet) POWELL, Sam Docket No. 994, Page 402, December 21, 1920 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Clayton Defendant: Sam Powell & Alice Powell (Note: The docket is missing) PURKEY, Mary Docket No. 696, Page 104, January 23, 1918 Plaintiff: J. R. Robinson Defendant: Mary Purkey (Note: The docket is missing) R RAINS, B. W. Docket No. 872, Page 280, November 7, 1919 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendants: B. W. Rains, Clara Rains & S. L. Chowning (Note: The docket is missing) RAINS, B. W. Docket No. 998, Page 406, January 1, 1921 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendant: B. W. Rains & Clara Rains (Note: The docket is missing) RAY, C. B. Docket No.1077, Page 487, June 25, 1921 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: C. B. Ray (Note: The docket is missing) REDMAN, H. C. Docket No. 1018, Page 428, February 14, 1921 Plaintiff: H. C. Redman Defendant: Charley Harris (Note: The docket is missing) REDMAN, W. A. Docket No. 693, Page 101, January 18, 1918 Plaintiff: Gulf Pipe Line Company Defendant: W. A. Redman as County Treasurer (Note: The docket #693 is in the file cabinet) REDMAN, W. A. Docket No. 738, Page 146, June 27, 1918 Plaintiff: Gulf Pipe Line Company Defendant: W. A. Redman, as County Treasurer of Push Co. (Note: The docket #738 is in the file cabinet) REDMAN, W. A. Docket No. 783, Page 191, January 27, 1919 Plaintiff: Walker D. Hines Defendant: W. A. Redman, County Treasurer (Note: The docket #783 is in the file cabinet) REECE, John Docket No. 768, Page 176, December 7, 1918 In Re: Habeas Corpus of John Reece (Note: The docket is missing) REED, Maggie Docket No. 685, Page 93, December 13, 1917 Plaintiff: Floyd Nevins Defendants: Maggie Reed, James Reed, Elbert Reed, Martha Reed, etc. (Note: The docket #685 is in the file cabinet) RENEGAR, J. F. Docket No. 719, Page 127, May 6, 1918 Plaintiff: Russell Bryant, a minor, by his guardian & next friend, J. F. Renegar Defendant: Tead Files (Note: The docket is missing) RICH, John Docket No. 890, Page 298, January 2, 1920 Plaintiffs: John Vines & Sarah Vines Defendants: Mary Dow nee Rich, Lucy Golding nee Rich, Minnie Fulkerson nee Rich, John Rich, Willie Rich & Harry Rich (Note: The docket is missing) RICHARDSON, M. J. Docket No. 593, Page 1, February 22, 1917 Plaintiff: M. J. Richardson Defendants: Melvin P. & Betty Riddle, G. S. & R. H. Riddle Nature of cause: Debt & Foreclosure of Mortgage (Note: The docket is missing) RICHARDSON, R. E. Docket No. 623, Page 31, May 21, 1917 Plaintiff: R. E. Richardson Defendant: Celestine Hodges (Note: The docket is missing) RICKETT, Sarah F. Docket No. 767, Page 175, December 5, 1918 Plaintiff: Sarah F. Rickett Defendant: Western Union Telegraph (Note: The docket is missing) RIDDLE, Melvin P. Docket No. 593, Page 1, February 22, 1917 Plaintiff: M. J. Richardson Defendants: Melvin P. & Betty Riddle, G. S. & R. H. Riddle Nature of cause: Debt & Foreclosure of Mortgage (Note: The docket is missing) RISON, A. W. Docket No. 883, Page 291, December 11, 1919 Plaintiff: Clara Whalen Defendant: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Push Co. (Note: The docket is missing) RISON, A. W. Docket No. 1026, Page 436, March 3, 1921 Plaintiff: A. W. Rison Defendant: T. A. Morgan (Note: The docket is missing) ROBBINS, L. W. Docket No. 597, Page 5, March 2, 1917 Plaintiff: L. W. Robbins Defendants: T. E. Roberts & Martha J. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBBINS, Wilson Docket No. 1044, Page 454, April 14, 1921 Plaintiff: James D. Evans as administrator of Wilson Robbins, Deceased. Defendant: Sam Parks (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERSON, C. A. Docket No. 905, Page 313, February 6, 1920 Plaintiff: C. A. Roberson Defendant: Mike Hamby (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, G. M. Docket No. 991, Page 399, December 3, 1920 Plaintiffs: W. E. Shioes? & M. A. Perry Defendants: G. M. Roberts, Ray Robert & W. W. Robert (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS MERCANTILE CO. Docket No. 974, Page 382, October 15, 1920 Plaintiff: N. Nigro Co. Defendant: Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS MERCANTILE CO. Docket No. 975, Page 383, October 15, 1920 Plaintiff: Dallas Paper Co. Defendant: Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 597, Page 5, March 2, 1917 Plaintiff: L. W. Robbins Defendants: T. E. Roberts & Martha J. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 836, Page 244, July 29, 1919 Plaintiff: J. R. Hunt Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 841, Page 249, August 6, 1919 Plaintiff: Hamm Bros, Livestock Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 935, Page 343, June 3, 1920 Plaintiff: El Reno Mill & Elevator Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts, doing business as Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 953, Page 361, August 16, 1920 Plaintiff: Morris J. Whiser, doing business as S. Whiser & Son Defendant: T. E. Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 987, Page 395, November 4, 1920 Plaintiff: John Bartow Payne Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1024, Page 434, March 3, 1921 Plaintiff: Butler Bros. Defendant: T. E. Roberts as Roberts Merc. Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1029, Page 439, March 5, 1921 Plaintiff: Lacenburg Hat Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts as Roberts Mercantile Co. Nature of action: Recovery of money (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1030, Page 440, March 5, 1921 Plaintiff: Higginbotham-Bailey-Logan Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts as Roberts Mercantile Co. Nature of action: Recovery of money (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1031, Page 441, March 5, 1921 Plaintiff: Perkins Dry Goods Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts Nature of action: Recovery of money (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1040, Page 450, March 23, 1921 Plaintiff: L. Maulding Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts, trading as T. E. Roberts Merc. Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1049, Page 459, April 23, 1921 Plaintiff: Western Raincoat Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts, trading as Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1056, Page 466, May 11, 1921 Plaintiff: Wichita Flour Mill Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts as Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1062, Page 472, May 27, 1921 Plaintiff: James Clark Leather Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts as Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1074, Page 484, June 20, 1921 Plaintiff: The O'Leary Produce Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts as Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1081, Page 491, July 2, 1921 Plaintiff: Hood Rubber Product Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1093, Page 503, July 18, 1921 Plaintiff: L. & H. Garmint Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1120, Page 531, September 23, 1921 Plaintiff: Herbert R. Bloch Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1138, Page 549, October 11, 1921 Plaintiff: Tucker Duck Rubber Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTS, T. E. Docket No. 1141, Page 552, October 13, 1921 Plaintiff: Mexican American Hat Co. Defendant: T. E. Roberts (Note: The docket is missing) ROBERTSON, W. R. Docket No. 810, Page 218, April 29, 1919 Plaintiff: Louis Billy & Isom Billy, Guardian Defendant: W. R. Robertson (Note: The docket is missing) ROBINSON, J. R. Docket No. 696, Page 104, January 23, 1918 Plaintiff: J. R. Robinson Defendant: Mary Purkey (Note: The docket is missing) ROBNETT, G. Docket No. 1067, Page 477, June 10, 1921 Plaintiff: O. T. Hammond Defendant: W. D. Hasting & G. Robnett (Note: The docket is missing) ROGERS, Monroe Docket No. 1096, Page 506, July 25, 1921 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Monroe Rogers. (Note: The docket is missing) ROOKS, John W. Docket No. 1106, Page 517, August 22, 1921 Plaintiff: John W. Rooks Defendant: Board of County Commissioner (Note: The docket #1106 is in the file cabinet) ROOKS, John W. Docket No. 1117, Page 528, September 16, 1921 Plaintiff: A. F. May Defendant: John W. Rooks (Note: The docket is missing) ROSE, J. L. Docket No. 944, Page 352, July 26, 1920 Plaintiffs: Gus Morris & Cecil Morris Defendants: J. L. Rose & Geo. L. Rose (Note: The docket is missing) RYMEL, E. Docket No. 718, Page 126, April 29, 1918 Plaintiff: J. A. Bumpass Defendant: E. Rymel (Note: The docket is missing) S SAMIS, Frank Docket No. 862, Page 270, September 30, 1919 Plaintiff: E. E. Westmoreland Defendants: Frank Samis, Noah Samis, Henry Samis, Julia Samis, Ollie Samis & Lyman Samis. (Note: The docket is missing) SANDERS, William C. Docket No. 700, Page 108, February 11, 1918 Plaintiff: T. R. Dover Defendant: William C. Sanders (Note: The docket is missing) SCHWEINING, Geo. H. Docket No. 1134, Page 545, October 3, 1921 Plaintiff: Geo. H. Schweining Defendant: T. A. Morgan (Note: The docket is missing) SCHUESSLER, George F. Docket No. 949, Page 357, August 10, 1920 Plaintiff: George F. Schuessler Defendant: T. K. McIntyre (Note: The docket is missing) SCOTT, D. A. Docket No. 845, Page 253, August 14, 1919 Plaintiff: B. S. Bedford Defendant: D. A. Scott (Note: The docket is missing) SELF, C. E. Docket No. 689, Page 97, December 31, 1917 Plaintiff: W. Silverman Defendant: C. E. Self (Note: The docket is missing) SEWELL, Emma D. Docket No. 749, Page 157, August 30, 1918 Plaintiff: Emma D. Sewell Defendants: William H. Shults, Dora A. Shults, R. L. Nelson, Conservative Loan Co., Mrs. Robt. Wilson. (Note: The docket is missing) SHEARN, B. W. Docket No. 902, Page 310, January 27, 1920 Plaintiff: Benno Stein, doing business as Stein Wholesale Dry Goods Co. Defendant: B. W. Shearn (Note: The docket is missing) SHEARON, B. W. Docket No. 943, Page 351, July 12, 1920 Plaintiff: J. B. Colt Co. Defendant: B. W. Shearon (Note: The docket #943 is in the file cabinet.) SHIELDS, Frank Docket No. 1097, Page 507, July 28, 1921 Plaintiff: Frank Shields Defendant: S. H. Dodson (Note: The docket is missing) SHOUSE, M. F. Docket No. 787, Page 195, February 5, 1919 Plaintiff: W. Silverman & the Farmers Exchange Bank of Antlers Defendants: Victor M. Locke & M. F. Shouse (Note: The docket is missing) SHULTS, William H. Docket No. 749, Page 157, August 30, 1918 Plaintiff: Emma D. Sewell Defendants: William H. Shults, Dora A. Shults, R. L. Nelson, Conservative Loan Co., Mrs. Robt. Wilson. (Note: The docket is missing) SILVERMAN, Annie Docket No. 958, Page 366, September 11, 1920 Plaintiff: Anice Cole Defendants: Jake Easton, L. C. Goodgeon, Annie Silverman, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) SILVERMAN, L. Docket No. 602, Page 10, March 21, 1917 Plaintiff: Walton & Bennett Defendant: L. Silverman Nature of cause: Appeal (Note: The docket is missing) SILVERMAN, W. Docket No. 689, Page 97, December 31, 1917 Plaintiff: W. Silverman Defendant: C. E. Self (Note: The docket is missing) SILVERMAN, W. Docket No. 908, Page 316, February 14, 1920 Plaintiffs: W. Silverman & B. Zimmerman Defendants: W. T. Trammell & Belle Trammell (Note: The docket is missing) SIMPSON, B. A. Docket No. 1022, Page 432, February 25, 1921 Plaintiff: Dickinson-Reed-Randerson Co. Defendant: B. A. Simpson & Bessie Simpson, his wife (Note: The docket #1022 is in the file cabinet) SIMS, E. O. Docket No. 780, Page 188, January 4, 1919 Plaintiffs: E. O. Sims & D. L. Smith Defendants: Joe Harkey, Bura Dunham & W. H. Burks (Note: The docket is missing) SLEDGE, W. W. Docket No. 835, Page 243, July 31, 1919 Plaintiff: W. W. Sledge Defendant: H. M. King (Note: The docket is missing) SMELSER, Florence Docket No. 879, Page 287, November 25, 1919 Plaintiff: Islin Wright Defendant: Florence Smelser (Note: The docket is missing) SMITH, A. W. Docket No. 885, Page 293, December 3, 1919 Plaintiff: A. W. Smith Defendant: Walker Hopkins Lumber Company (Note: The docket is missing) SMITH, Albert E. Docket No. 722, Page 130, May 7, 1918 Plaintiff: Holmes Mortgage Company Defendant: Albert E. Smith, Nancy Smith, his wife & C. C. McCarty (Note: The docket is missing) SMITH, Andy Docket No. 1091, Page 501, July 16, 1921 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hartshorne, OK Defendant: Andy Smith (Note: The docket is missing) SMITH, B. B. Docket No. 914, Page 322, March 10, 1920 Plaintiff: J. H. Wonsch Defendants: Push Co. by its Board of Commissioners, B. B. Smith, L. C. Oliver & J. M. Stuart. (Note: The docket #914 is in the file cabinet.) SMITH, B. B. Docket No. 913, Page 321, March 11, 1920 Plaintiff: Charles B. Johnson Defendants: Push Co. by its Board of Commissioners, B. B. Smith, L. C. Oliver & J. M. Stuart. (Note: The docket #913 is in the file cabinet.) SMITH, C. H. Docket No. 842, Page 250, August 8, 1919 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: C. H. Smith (Note: The docket is missing) SMITH, D. L. Docket No. 780, Page 188, January 4, 1919 Plaintiffs: E. O. Sims & D. L. Smith Defendants: Joe Harkey, Bura Dunham & W. H. Burks (Note: The docket is missing) SMITH, G. P. Docket No. 1017, Page 427, February 10, 1921 Plaintiff: W. H. Sweeten Defendant: G. P. Smith (Note: The docket is missing) SMITH, J. J. Docket No. 1079, Page 489, June 29, 1921 Plaintiff: State of Okla. Defendant: J. J. Smith (Note: The docket is missing) SMITH, Lindsey Docket No. 979, Page 387, October 19, 1920 Plaintiff: W. W. Williams Defendant: Lindsey Smith (Note: The docket is missing) SOCKEY, Nancy Docket No. 973, Page 381, October 12, 1920 Plaintiff: Nancy Sockey Defendant: Tom Ford (Note: The docket is missing) SPEARS, J. T. Docket No. 864, Page 272, October 11, 1919 Plaintiff: J. T. Spears Defendant: Nat Marshall (Note: The docket #864 is in the file cabinet.) SPICHER, Clara Docket No. 735, Page 143, June 6, 1918 Plaintiff: Mrs. R. C. Panter Defendant: Mrs. Clara Spicher (Note: The docket is missing) SPRINGS, Edward Docket No. 772, Page 180, December 13, 1918 In Re: Guardianship of Fatie Springs & Edward Springs, a minor. (Note: The docket is missing) ST. LOUIS-SAN FRANCISCO RAILWAY CO. Docket No. 1010, Page 419, January 25, 1921 Plaintiff: St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Co. Defendant: W. E. Leslie, County Treasurer (Note: The docket #1010 is in the file cabinet) STALLINGS, O. J. Docket No. 978, Page 386, October 19, 1920 Plaintiff: O. J. Stallings Defendant: A. Messer (Note: The docket is missing) STANLEY, Sam Docket No. 956, Page 364, September 1, 1920 Plaintiff: Sam Stanley Defendants: Robert Wood, John Wood, Seth Wood & Oliver Wood, doing business as Woods Bro. (Note: The docket is missing) STEIN, Benno Docket No. 902, Page 310, January 27, 1920 Plaintiff: Benno Stein, doing business as Stein Wholesale Dry Goods Co. Defendant: B. W. Shearn (Note: The docket is missing) STEIN, Benno Docket No. 1140, Page 551, October 12, 1921 Plaintiff: Benno Stein, doing business of Stein Wholesale Dry Co. Defendant: Ed Hess & Flausa Hess (Note: The docket is missing) STEPHENS, S. A. Docket No. 1013, Page 422, January 31, 1921 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Hartshorne, OK Defendant: S. A. Stephens (Note: The docket #1013 is in the file cabinet) STEPHENS, S. A. Docket No. 1013, Page 556, December 19, 1929 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Hartshorne, OK Defendant: S. A. Stephens (Note: The docket is missing) STEPHENSON, C. C. Docket No. 629, Page 37, June 28, 1917 Plaintiff: Johnson Pickens Defendant: C. C. Stephenson (Note: The docket is missing) STEWART, Dallas Docket No. 865, Page 273, October 13, 1919 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: Dallas Stewart (Note: The docket is missing) STRICKLAND, David E. Docket No. 699, Page 107, February 9, 1918 Plaintiff: David E. Strickland Defendant: J. A. Y. Lane (Note: Last name hard to decipher. Could be J. A. Y. Love) (Note: The docket is missing) STUART, J. M. Docket No. 913, Page 321, March 11, 1920 Plaintiff: Charles B. Johnson Defendants: Push Co. by its Board of Commissioners, B. B. Smith, L. C. Oliver & J. M. Stuart. (Note: The docket #913 is in the file cabinet.) STUART, J. M. Docket No. 914, Page 322, March 10, 1920 Plaintiff: J. H. Wonsch Defendants: Push Co. by its Board of Commissioners, B. B. Smith, L. C. Oliver & J. M. Stuart. (Note: The docket #914 is in the file cabinet.) SWEARENGIN, W. C. Docket No. 717, Page 125, April 23, 1918 Plaintiff: Farmers Exchange Bank Defendants: W. C. Swearengin & Adam Lewis (Note: The docket is missing) SWEETEN, W. H. Docket No. 1017, Page 427, February 10, 1921 Plaintiff: W. H. Sweeten Defendant: G. P. Smith (Note: The docket is missing) T TERRY, Frank Docket No. 698, Page 106, February 2, 1918 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Frank Terry. (Note: The docket is missing) THOMAS, E. C. Docket No. 1065, Page 555, January 23, 1923 Plaintiff: E. C. Thomas Defendant: W. O. Fleming (Note: The docket is missing) THOMAS, Impson Docket No. 832, Page 240, July 19, 1919 In Re: Guardianship of Impson Thomas, a minor. (Note: The docket is missing) THOMAS, Impson Docket No. 843, Page 251, August 7, 1919 In Re: Guardianship of Impson Thomas, a minor. (Note: The docket is missing) THOMPSON, Ellis Docket No. 869, Page 277, October 22, 1919 Plaintiff: Ellis Thompson Defendant: Harry Goldfeder (Note: The docket is missing) THOMPSON, Ellis Docket No. 988, Page 396, November 15, 1920 Plaintiff: Ellis Thompson Defendant: B. D. Jordan & E. A. Burke (Note: The docket is missing) THOMPSON, John Docket No. 1034, Page 444, April 13, 1921 Determination of Heirship of John Thompson, Deceased. (Note: The docket #1034 is in the file cabinet) THORNE, E. C. Docket No. 839, Page 247, August 2, 1919 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorne Defendant: R. VanTess (Note: The docket is missing) THORNE, E. C. Docket No. 1065, Page 475, June 4, 1921 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorne Defendant: W. O. Fleming & Clara M. Fleming (Note: The docket #1065 is in the file cabinet) THORNE, E. C. Docket No. 1072, Page 482, June 16, 1921 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorne Defendant: W. O. Fleming (Note: The docket is missing) THORN, E. C. Docket No. 1092, Page 502, July 15, 1921 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorn Defendant: Henry W. Flynn (Note: The docket is missing) THORN, E. C. Docket No. 1092, Page 554, September 2, 1922 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorn Defendant: Henry W. Flynn (Note: The docket is missing) THURMAN, C. Docket No. 930, Page 338, May 11, 1920 Plaintiff: England-Haynes Grocery Co. Defendant: C. Thurman (Note: The docket is missing) TOM, Jessie Docket No. 730, Page 138, May 17, 1918 Plaintiff: Sampson Jackson, as Guardian of Bicy Jackson. Defendants: Jessie Tom & Betsy Jefferson (Note: The docket is missing) TOWN OF ANTLERS Docket No. 914, Page 562, September 26, 1907 In the Matter of Petition for Annexation of Territory to the Town of Antlers. (Note: The docket #914 is in the file cabinet) TOWNSEND, John D. Docket No. 734, Page 142, June 3, 1918 Plaintiff: Henry Walker Defendant: John D. Townsend (Note: The docket is missing) TOWNSEND, John D. Docket No. 801, Page 209, March 25, 1919 Plaintiff: John D. Townsend Defendants: Holmes B. Colbert, Douglas Colbert, Ed Percival, & Durant National Bank of Durant. (Note: The docket is missing) TOWNSEND, W. M. Docket No. 854, Page 262, September 13, 1919 Plaintiff: W. M. Townsend Defendant: Walker-Hopkins Lumber Co. & Walker Logging Co. (Note: The docket is missing) TOWNSEND, Wm. Docket No. 1121, Page 532, September 26, 1921 Plaintiff: Okla. Farm Mortgage Co. Defendant: Wm. Townsend (Note: The docket is missing) TRAMMELL, W. T. Docket No. 908, Page 316, February 14, 1920 Plaintiffs: W. Silverman & B. Zimmerman Defendants: W. T. Trammell & Belle Trammell (Note: The docket is missing) TRUDGEON, W. H. P. Docket No. 838, Page 246, August 21, 1919 Plaintiff: W. H. P. Trudgeon Defendant: R. VanTress (Note: The docket is missing) TURNER, J. K. Docket No. 1099, Page 509, July 30, 1921 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Hugo Defendant: J. K. Turner (Note: The docket is missing) TURNER, Silas Docket No. 647, Page 55, August 15, 1917 Plaintiff: Byington Battice Defendants: Jones B. Cobb, W. R. Hoard, Fred Bentley, Clarence Yarbrough, Silas Turner & Judy Potts (Note: The docket is missing) U UNDERWOOD, John Docket No. 691, Page 99, January 12, 1918 Plaintiff: John Underwood Defendant: Edd Coffey (Note: The docket is missing) V VANMATRY, Ray Docket No. 1110, Page 521, August 30, 1921 Plaintiff: W. O. Wilkins Defendant: Ray VanMatry & Mr. Atnip (Note: The docket is missing) VANTESS, R. Docket No. 839, Page 247, August 2, 1919 Plaintiff: E. C. Thorne Defendant: R. VanTess (Note: The docket is missing) VANTRESS, R. Docket No. 838, Page 246, August 21, 1919 Plaintiff: W. H. P. Trudgeon Defendant: R. VanTess (Note: The docket is missing) VINES, John Docket No. 890, Page 298, January 2, 1920 Plaintiffs: John Vines & Sarah Vines Defendants: Mary Dow nee Rich, Lucy Golding nee Rich, Minnie Fulkerson nee Rich, John Rich, Willie Rich & Harry Rich (Note: The docket is missing) VREELAND, J. H. Docket No. 897, Page 305, January 19, 1920 Plaintiff: J. H. Vreeland Defendant: W. S. Dickerson (Note: The docket is missing) W WADE, Esau Docket No. 1083, Page 493, July 6, 1921 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Esau Wade (Note: The docket is missing) WADE, Ira R. Docket No. 621, Page 29, May 18, 1917 Plaintiff: Ira R. Wade Defendants: F. A. Pierce & E. A. Davidson (Note: The docket is missing) WADE, J. D. Docket No. 896, Page 304, January 16, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla., exrel, H. L. Hardgrave, County Attorney Defendants: G. H. Barham, Will W. Wall, Jas F. Looper, J. W. Kidd, Robert N. Blair & J. D. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) WADE, W. T. Docket No. 1116, Page 527, September 15, 1921 Plaintiff: O. T. Fain Defendant: W. T. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) WALKER, Henry Docket No. 725, Page 133, May 7, 1918 Plaintiff: E. L. West Defendant: Henry Walker (Note: The docket is missing) WALKER, Henry Docket No. 734, Page 142, June 3, 1918 Plaintiff: Henry Walker Defendant: John D. Townsend (Note: The docket is missing) WALKER, Myrtle Docket No. 1020, Page 430, February 21, 1921 Plaintiff: Myrtle Walker nee Orr Defendant: M. B. Nicholes (Note: The docket is missing) WALKER-HOPKINS LUMBER CO. Docket No. 854, Page 262, September 13, 1919 Plaintiff: W. M. Townsend Defendant: Walker-Hopkins Lumber Co. & Walker Logging Co. (Note: The docket is missing) WALKER-HOPKINS LUMBER CO. Docket No. 885, Page 293, December 3, 1919 Plaintiff: A. W. Smith Defendant: Walker Hopkins Lumber Company (Note: The docket is missing) WALKER TAYLOR CO. Docket No. 227, Page 557, September 5, 1923 Plaintiff: Walker Taylor Co. Defendant: Board of County Commissioner (Note: The docket #227 is in the file cabinet) WALL, Will W. Docket No. 896, Page 304, January 16, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla., exrel, H. L. Hardgrave, County Attorney Defendants: G. H. Barham, Will W. Wall, Jas F. Looper, J. W. Kidd, Robert N. Blair & J. D. Wade (Note: The docket is missing) WALTON & BENNETT Docket No. 602, Page 10, March 21, 1917 Plaintiff: Walton & Bennett Defendant: L. Silverman Nature of cause: Appeal (Note: The docket is missing) WALTON-BENNETT Docket No. 732, Page 140, May 25, 1918 In the Matter of the Dissolution of Walton & Bennett, a corporation. (Note: The docket is missing) WARD, H. G. Docket No. 941, Page 349, June 28, 1920 Plaintiff: Babara Kerz Defendants: H. G. Ward, a single person, William & Dean Fike & First National Bank of Talihina (Note: The docket is missing) WARD, H. G. Docket No. 1037, Page 447, March 17, 1921 Plaintiff: Edward R. Holmes Defendant: H. G. Ward (Note: The docket is missing) WARRELL MANUFACTURING CO. Docket No. 790, Page 198, February 7, 1919 Plaintiff: Worrell Manufacturing Co. Defendant: Board of County Commissioner, Push Co. (Note: The docket #790 is in the file cabinet) WARREN, W. J. Docket No. 890, Page 559, March 23, 1907 Plaintiff: W. J. Warren Defendant: W. T. Lucas (Note: The docket #890 is in the file cabinet) WATERS, Jim Docket No. 1122, Page 533, September 26, 1921 Plaintiff: First State Bank of Tuskahoma Defendant: Jim Waters (Note: The docket is missing) WATSON GROCERY CO. Docket No. 826, Page 234, July 3, 1919 In the Matter of the Dissolution of Watson Grocery Co. (Note: The docket is missing) WATSON, John Docket No. 918, Page 326, March 24, 1920 Plaintiff: Tucker Duck & Rubber Co. Defendant: John Watson (Note: The docket is missing) WEAVER, Emma Docket No. 960, Page 368, September 13, 1920 Plaintiff: State of Okla. Defendants: Emma Weaver, James L. Weaver, A. W. Weaver, C. A. Weaver, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) WELCH, C. A. Docket No. 660, Page 68, October 6, 1917 Plaintiff: Curtis Noel Defendant: C. A. Welch & Adelia Welch (Note: The docket is missing) WELCH, J. H. Docket No. 887, Page 295, December 31, 1919 Plaintiff: J. H. Welch Defendant: H. L. Westphal (Note: The docket is missing) WELCH, J. H. Docket No. 1016, Page 425, February 5, 1921 Plaintiff: Syrena Beams Defendant: J. H. Welch, Guardian (Note: The docket is missing) WESLEY, Johnson Docket No. 774, Page 182, December 16, 1918 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: Johnson Wesley (Note: The docket is missing) WESLEY, Joshua Docket No. 901, Page 309, January 26, 1920 Plaintiffs: Wm. Westmoreland & Jake Easton Defendant: Joshua Wesley, minor (Note: The docket #901 is in the file cabinet.) WESLEY, Joshua Docket No. 1027, Page 437, March 4, 1921 Plaintiff: T. B. Bishop Defendant: Joshua Wesley (Note: The docket #1027 is in the file cabinet) WEST, E. L. Docket No. 662, Page 70, October 19, 1917 Plaintiff: E. L. West Defendants: Floyd Nevins, Douglas Makintubee, etc. (Note: The docket is missing) WEST, E. L. Docket No. 725, Page 133, May 7, 1918 Plaintiff: E. L. West Defendant: Henry Walker (Note: The docket is missing) WESTMORELAND, E. E. Docket No. 862, Page 270, September 30, 1919 Plaintiff: E. E. Westmoreland Defendants: Frank Samis, Noah Samis, Henry Samis, Julia Samis, Ollie Samis & Lyman Samis. (Note: The docket is missing) WESTMORELAND, Wm. Docket No. 776, Page 184, December 28, 1918 Plaintiff: In the Matter of the Guardianship of William Hickman, a minor. Defendant: Wm. Westmoreland (Note: The docket is missing) WESTMORELAND, Wm. Docket No. 878, Page 286, November 20, 1919 Plaintiff: Wm. Westmoreland Defendant: B. W. Denby (Note: The docket is missing) WESTMORELAND, Wm. Docket No. 901, Page 309, January 26, 1920 Plaintiffs: Wm. Westmoreland & Jake Easton Defendant: Joshua Wesley, minor (Note: The docket #901 is in the file cabinet.) WESTMORELAND, Wm. Docket No. 933, Page 341, May 20, 1920 Plaintiff: Wm. Westmoreland Defendants: Ida Graham, Juston Graham, minors & Benjamin Fobb, Guardian. (Note: The docket is missing) WESTPHAL, H. L. Docket No. 858, Page 266, September 23, 1919 Plaintiffs: Harrison Gibson, Guardian of William & Eliza Lewis, minors. Defendant: H. L. Westphal, Marjorie Westphal & Home-Farm Saving Association. (Note: The docket is missing) WESTPHAL, H. L. Docket No. 870, Page 278, October 23, 1919 Plaintiff: Ludella Jackson Defendants: H. L. Westphal, C. G. Messer & L. P. Davenport (Note: The docket is missing) WESTPHAL, H. L. Docket No. 887, Page 295, December 31, 1919 Plaintiff: J. H. Welch Defendant: H. L. Westphal (Note: The docket is missing) WESTPHAL, Marjorie Docket No. 731, Page 139, May 18, 1918 Plaintiff: F. B. Collins Investment Co. Defendants: Marjorie Westphal & H. L. Westphal (Note: The docket is missing) WHALEN, Clara Docket No. 883, Page 291, December 11, 1919 Plaintiff: Clara Whalen Defendant: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Push Co. (Note: The docket is missing) WHISER, Morris J. Docket No. 953, Page 361, August 16, 1920 Plaintiff: Morris J. Whiser, doing business as S. Whiser & Son Defendant: T. E. Roberts Mercantile Co. (Note: The docket is missing) WHITE, Addie Docket No. 751, Page 159, September 7, 1918 Plaintiff: Zoie Oliver Defendants: A. J. Oliver & Addie White (Note: The docket is missing) WILBANKS, F. W. Docket No. 833, Page 241, July 21, 1919 Plaintiff: F. W. Wilbanks Defendant: J. F. Payne (Note: The docket is missing) WILDMAN, F. R. Docket No. 747, Page 155, August 19, 1918 Plaintiff: D. R. Cummings Defendants: F. R. Wildman, Lienella Wildman & F. C. Jewell (Note: The docket is missing) WILKINS, W. O. Docket No. 649, Page 57, September 10, 1917 Plaintiff: Maggie M. Noel nee Frazier Defendant: W. O. Wilkins (Note: The docket is missing) WILKINS, W. O. Docket No. 1110, Page 521, August 30, 1921 Plaintiff: W. O. Wilkins Defendant: Ray VanMatry & Mr. Atnip (Note: The docket is missing) WILLIAM, Al Docket No. 1061, Page 471, May 26, 1921 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Al William. (Note: The docket is missing) WILLIAMS, Al Docket No. 1098, Page 508, July 28, 1921 In Re: Application for Bail of Al Williams. (Note: The docket is missing) WILLIAMS, Betsy Docket No. 619, Page 27, May 10, 1917 In the Matter of the Estate of Betsy Williams, Deceased. (Note: The docket is missing) WILLIAMS, G. W. Docket No. 876, Page 284, November 14, 1919 Plaintiff: Caylor Wright Lumber Co. Defendants: G. W. Williams & R. W. Williams (Note: The docket is missing) WILLIAMS, Leon Docket No. 849, Page 257, August 30, 1919 Plaintiffs: Leon Williams, Ernestine H. Bower, Bessie Bower & Mary K. Bower, heirs at law of James Bower, Deceased. Defendants: W. J. Johnston & M. S. Cohn (Note: The docket is missing) WILLIAMS, Leon A. Docket No. 850, Page 258, August 30, 1919 Plaintiff: Leon A. Williams Defendants: W. J. Johnston, Will V. Cohn & M. S. Cohn. (Note: The docket #850 is in the file cabinet.) WILLIAMS, Milton Docket No. 805, Page 213, April 21, 1919 In Re: Habeas Corpus of Milton Williams (Note: The docket is missing) WILLIAMS, Ola May Docket No. 1042, Page 452, March 31, 1921 In the Matter of Guardianship of Ola May Williams. (Note: The docket is missing) WILLIAMS, W. W. Docket No. 979, Page 387, October 19, 1920 Plaintiff: W. W. Williams Defendant: Lindsey Smith (Note: The docket is missing) WILMOTH, H. M. Docket No. 215, Page 567, November 29, 1922 Plaintiff: Atkinson-Williams Hardware Co. Defendant: H. M. Wilmoth (Note: The docket #215 is in the file cabinet) WOOD, Robert Docket No. 956, Page 364, September 1, 1920 Plaintiff: Sam Stanley Defendants: Robert Wood, John Wood, Seth Wood & Oliver Wood, doing business as Woods Bro. (Note: The docket is missing) WOOLARD, T. W. Docket No. 1078, Page 488, June 27, 1921 Plaintiff: First National Bank of Hugo Defendant: T. W. Woolard (Note: The docket is missing) WONSCH, J. H. Docket No. 914, Page 322, March 10, 1920 Plaintiff: J. H. Wonsch Defendants: Push Co. by its Board of Commissioners, B. B. Smith, L. C. Oliver & J. M. Stuart. (Note: The docket #914 is in the file cabinet.) WORKMAN, John Docket No. 1028, Page 438, March 4, 1921 Plaintiff: John Workman Defendant: C. T. Burnett & G. W. Cobble (Note: The docket #1028 is in the file cabinet) WRIGHT, Mrs. Bertha Docket No. 609, Page 17, April 18, 1917 In the Matter of the Probate of Last Will & Testament of Mrs. Bertha Wright. (Note: The docket is missing) WRIGHT, Islin Docket No. 879, Page 287, November 25, 1919 Plaintiff: Islin Wright Defendant: Florence Smelser (Note: The docket is missing) WRIGHT, M. P. Docket No. 648, Page 56, August 27, 1917 Plaintiff: W. A. Austin Defendant: M. P. Wright (Note: The docket is missing) Y YARBROUGH, Clarence Docket No. 647, Page 55, August 15, 1917 Plaintiff: Byington Battice Defendants: Jones B. Cobb, W. R. Hoard, Fred Bentley, Clarence Yarbrough, Silas Turner & Judy Potts (Note: The docket is missing) YERION, Mary Eliza Docket No. 781, Page 189, January 8, 1919 Plaintiff: John W. Hayes Defendant: Mary Eliza Yerion (Note: The docket is missing) Z ZIMMERMAN, B. Docket No. 612, Page 20, April 19, 1917 Plaintiff: Apple Hat Co. Defendant: B. Zimmerman Nature of cause: Balance on account (Note: The docket is missing) ZIMMERMAN, B. Docket No. 908, Page 316, February 14, 1920 Plaintiffs: W. Silverman & B. Zimmerman Defendants: W. T. Trammell & Belle Trammell (Note: The docket is missing) ZIMMERMAN, B. Docket No. 1036, Page 446, March 6, 1921 Plaintiff: B. Zimmerman Defendant: G. W. Musgrave (Note: The docket is missing) |
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