Bob Diggs Funeral Home Records

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

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Index to Bob Diggs Records 1964 - 1984

Ora M. Anderson
Ellis B. Baker
Ruby Estell Baker
Dorsey Barnett
Ola Grace Bonham
Minnie Lee Bowlin
James A. Brown
Leona Bell Brown
Lily L. Brumfield
Walter Russell Brumley
Dossie Burnett Bryant
Margie Pearl Buckner
Allie Estel Burgin
Willis D. Carouthers
Jerold Dean Carpenter
Richard Francis Coder
Claude Phillip Cross
Francis Edward Culbertson
Floyd August Davis
Lee Roy Davis
Thelma Grace Diggs
Mart Dunigan
Bishop Marvin Edgar
Malon Brett Felan
Joe Bailey Frizzell
Dewey William Fuller
Thomas Gaylord Garland
Dorothy Mae Gilley
Felisitaz Gobea
Linna Mae Gordon
Curlie Hamilton
Maude Caudle Hargis
Nina Mae Henderson (Haderson?)
Ruby Ray Henderson
Rosie Ann Hicks
Henry Alfred Higgs
John W. Horton
Kimberly Rochelle Jackson
Simon James
John Lahman Lawson
Sybil Marion Laws
James Kevin Lynn
Ernest D. Mantooth
Edward Martin
Albert Gustuf May
Bryan Keith McClain
Ostell Meadows
Oscar Charley Moody
Douglas Ray Moore
James Ray Morton
Travis Earl Mundell
Iva Cleo Moore Munn
Canzy Murphy
Della Frances Nichols
Robert Bettus Owens
Audra Elanor Peters
Baby Boy Peters
Fisher Peters
Jessie Lee Pierce
John Pitchford
Verdie Elmer Pool
Sallie Alma Reece
Albert Matthews Rennie
Theo Arly Roberson
Leon Billie Rouse
Pearl Singleton
John William Slaughter
Everett Preston Smith
L. B. Springer
Booker T. Stevenson
Carl W. Streak
Forest M. Talley
Garland Eugene Thompson
James Harry Thompson
Mary Etta Thompson
Homer William Vestal
Jessie C. Ward
Dallas L. Weeden
Joseph Andy Welch
Martha Jane Welch
Juanita Bell Wilcoxson
Ona Mae Williamson
Burl Hester Wills
Cora Aenone Wright

This page was last updated on 02/10/24 

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