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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Wynnewood Township "L" Surname Index

Name                                Page

Lael,  Edward(?) E                  294B

Lael,  Celeste E                    294B

Lafoy,  Dewey                       289B

Lafoy,  Nora                        289B

Lamar,  Henrietta                   297B

Lamar,  Richard H                   297B

Lamar,  Marvin                      297B

Langston,   Edward A                291A

Langston,   Elzy E                  291A

Langston,   Eva L                   291A

Langston,   Florence A              291A

Langston,   Quail(?)                291A

Lanham(?),  Myrtle L                294B

Lanham(?),  Wanda(?) D????          294B

Lanham(?),  Andrew N                294B

Lanham(?),  Perry(?)                294B

Lanham(?),  ??ael(?) ?              294B

Lanham(?),   Voncille(?)            294B

Lanham,   Jimmie R                  293A

Lanham,   Minta?oyo                 293A

Laurance,  Andrew                   302B

Laurance,  Addie                    302B

Laurance,  Bessie                   302B

Laurance,  Lizzie                   302B

Laurance,  Willie                   302B

Laurence,   David B                 292A

Laurence,   James A                 292A

Laurence,   Rhinia(?) B             292A

Lavender(?),   Ida                  290A

Lawrence,   ???????                 290B

Layton,  John A                     300A

Lee,  Billy E                       306A

Lee,  Patsy                         305A
Lee,  Thelma L                      306A

Lee,  Mollie E                      296B

Lee,   Alpha E                      296B

Lee,  Charles M                     296B

Lee,  Henry C(?)                    296B

Lee,  Louis E                       296B

Lee,  Ray O                         296B

Lee,  Robert E                      305A

Lee,  Lonnie                        306A

Lee,  Beulah                        306A

Lee,  Maxine                        305A

Lee,  Bobby J                       305A

Lee,  Geraldine                     305A

Lee,  Ruthie                        305A

Leewright,  Alleyne W               294A

Lenhart(?),  Betty I(?)             295A

Lenhart(?),   Julia                 295A

Lenhart(?),  Dorothy O              295A

Lenhart(?),   LoreeLora(?)  O       295A

Lester,  Lucille                    304B

Lewis,   Myrtle                     292B

Lindsay,  Virginia                  294B

Litchfield,  Irma T                 301B

Litchfield,  Irma Lee               301B

Livingsont,  Mallie(Mattie?) G      289A

Livingston,  George B               289A

Lloyd,  Rosie L                     301B

London,   James P                   290A

Long,   J W                         291B

Love,   Florence M                  301A

Love,   Fred T                      301A

Love(Lowe?),  Garner L              300B

Love,  Fred T                       301A

Loyld,  Oscar C                     291A

Loyld,  Rila(?) M                   291A

Loyld,  Virginia A(?)               291A

Loyld,  ?ance E                     291A

Lucas,  Garner E                    291B

Lucas,  Jannella(?) H               291B

Lucas,  Mary E                      291B

Lucas,  Mary E                      291B

Lucas,  Myrtle                      291B

Lucas,  Ruth E(?)                   291B

Luke(?),   Ennis(?) W               289B

Luke(?),   Louise                   289B

Luke(?),   Lucille                  289B

Luke(?),   Raymond E                289B 

Luke(?),   Raymond E  Jr            289B

Luke(?),  Vera(?) E                 289B

Lyne,  Anna M                       300B

Lyne,  Walace H                     300B

Lyne,  George P                     300B

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