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Obituary for Harrison Tinkle
submitted by
Janet Newman

Harrison Tinkle
Dies Here Today

Harrison Tinkle, 70, retired Comanche County farmer and former grocer here, died at 11:30am today in the family home, 1510 H, following a heart attack suffered July 7.

Funeral services will be held at 3pm Friday in the Ritter Funeral Home with Rev. A. M. Brown, Baptist minister, conducting the services.

Born March 10, 1875 near DeQueen, Ark., Mr. Tinkle and his family moved to Lawton in 1907 from Duncan, engaging in farming three miles west of the city. He later moved into Lawton where he entered the grocery business. He married Miss Selina Louisa Stinnett, Nov. 1, 1896 in Bowie, Tex.
Other than his wife, survivors are a son, Samuel A. Tinkle, Oklahoma City; three daughters, Mrs. W. E. Lewis, Roswell, N.M; Mrs. Claude Hight, 310 Park; Mrs. Jack Hankins, 1016 A; four grandsons, Jackie Hankins, Lawton, and three in service; four granddaughters and one great granddaughter. Also a sister, Mrs. J. M. Stephens, 806 South Second, a twin brother, Henry Tinkle, Sulphur, Okla., and another brother, George Tinkle, Fort Worth, Tex., and other relatives.

Burial will be in the family plot in Flower Mound cemetery. Ritter Funeral Home will be in charge of arrangements.

Comanche County OKGenWeb
County Coordinator:
Margie Etter
Sharon Burnett Crawford
This Page Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 19:38:58 UTC
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