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Ella Elizabeth Seymour and William "Bill" Emory Etter


     My parents are William "Bill" Emory ETTER and Ella Elizabeth SEYMOUR.  Daddy was born June 7, 1884 at Gibtown, Jack, Texas to John Henry ETTER and Amanda Jane ARMSTRONG.
     Mama was born October 7, 1898 at Forney, Kaufman, Texas to Thomas Hunter SEYMOUR and Josephine Evaline TAYLOR.
     Daddy came to Alex, Oklahoma about 1916 and Mama came with her parents by 1907 to Rush Springs.  They were married June 21, 1917 at Chickasha, Oklahoma.
     They moved into Comanche County from Grady County, Oklahoma by January 1928.  They lived around the Elgin and Fletcher area until 1949, when they moved to the town of Fletcher.  We lived just east of the ball park until about 1951, when we moved 1 block north on a little hill.
     Daddy died on January 13, 1961 and Mama died November 23, 1973 and both are buried in the Fletcher Cemetery with three of their children and many relatives.
     After Daddy's death, Mama married Charlie Morrison from the Paradise Valley area of Comanche County.
     Mama and Daddy had 15 children: Wauneta, Johnnie, Gerline, Kenneth, C.W., Homer, Pauline, Floyd, Mildred, Madeline, Shirley, Billy Jean, Jess, Lucille, and Margie.  Homer and Billy Jean die in infancy.
     Kenneth died September 10, 1973, Pauline died July 21, 1995, C.W. died March 1, 2000 and Wauneta died December 10, 2002.
     Mama and Daddy always had a big garden which Mama canned.  I do remember washing the canning jars,  it seems as if my hands stayed small enough to fit the jars until I married.
     Mama made flavored fried pies, which I remember so well.  Just how she made them, I don't recall.  But she would put banana, cherry, and various food flavorings, butter, and sugar as the filling and deepfry them.  They were great!  My sister, Shirley, recalls that they would carried the pies in their lunches and other kids would trade their food for the pies.
     Daddy farmed for a living.  I remember Daddy enjoyed wolf hunting.  Both Mama and Daddy loved to fish and when school was out, we went to the lakes or creeks and camped out.  I don't care for fishing to this day.  Daddy also enjoyed going to the domino parlor in town and playing with his friends.
     In 1985, we started having our "Etter Reunions" which became a 3 day event at the Ft. Cobb Lake.  We have our "Etter Olympics" with ribbons and trophies for the kids and Etter Carnival with small games and prizes.  We have Etter t-shirts, bingo, auctions with homemade items to raise money to pay expenses for the reunion and bi-annually newsletters.
     On Saturday, we have our big dinner with the Table of Honor, which the children of Bill and Ella sit.  The table is color coordinated with the color of our t-shirts.  Sharon Crawford, daughter of Pauline, furnishes the center piece and then gives it to someone at the table.  The food is great!
     I have a web site for my husband and my parents' genealogy as well as some friends' genealogy at

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Comanche County OKGenWeb
County Coordinator:
Margie Etter
Sharon Burnett Crawford
This Page Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 19:38:58 UTC
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