This information is offered FREE and taken from If you have arrived here using a pay site please know that this information has been donated by volunteers in a joint effort to provide FREE genealogy material online. ================================ Contributed by a member of the Caddo county genealogical society ---------------------------------------------- The Anadarko Tribune Thursday, January 5, 1911 ANADARKO AS IT WAS TWENTY YEARS AGO Twenty years ago today Dr. Hume and family moved to Anadarko. At that time the old stage road ran from Minco, the terminus of the Rock Island. The mail arrived each evening and a relay stage carried it to Ft. Sill during the night. Four trader stores were here, one of which has since burned and another sold out. The Agency was located near the present Enid line northeast of town, and the cottages east of the present office had just been built. There were two Indian schools, one of which has since been abandoned. These, with the old Episcopal church and Masonic hall, comprised the Anadarko of that day. The doctor and the army surgeon at Ft. Sill were the only physicians in the reservation, which comprised the three counties About 75 whites lived here at that time, surrounded by 4,000 Indians, and Chickasha had not even been dreamed of.