This information is offered FREE and taken from If you have arrived here using a pay site please know that this information has been donated by volunteers in a joint effort to provide FREE genealogy material online. Caddo Co. OK - Newspaper The Caddo County Times Submitted By: Sandy Miller ========================================================================= 13-Feb-1902 Two Captured Two of the gang of outlaws that murdered Sheriff Smith and Deputy Beck a few weeks ago were captured last week near Alma, I.T., by a man sent there for that purpose by Deputy Al Burchett. Both of the fellows are nothing much but boys, being not more than 22 or 23 years old. There is not the least doubt in the world that they are two of the fellows wanted as both made separate and complete confessions, which did not vary in the least. One claims he did not fire a shot but when they saw the sheriff and his deputies coming he proposed that the gang mount their horses and ride away, but that the leader, who is a desperate man, would not let them; the other one told how he fired the shot that killed Beck, and how the leader after shooting down Smith and while he was still alive, but dying, went up to him, and after spreading his arms out, one on each side, stood over him with a foot planted on either hand and cursed him; and how before the life had left the brave man's body the wretch who stood over him reached down and robbed him of his valuables. They told how they had robbed the persons west of the city the evening before, and how, after the killing, they rode together towards the Keeche hills and did not separate until night had spread a mantle of darkness over Earth; and while they told their story a guilty conscience wrung tears of anguish from their eyes and they cried out in anguish for mercy and compassion. They were taken to Guthrie for safe keeping, the officers knowing it would be unsafe to bring them here. The other two members of the gang are still at large but the officers feel certain they will yet succeed in capturing them. Al Burchett claims the honor of locating and causing the arrest of the two now in custody and there are none to say him nay. ========================================================================= 13-Feb-1902 Bold, Bad Men! Two Horses Stolen From the Sheriff Between the hours of 9 and 11 Monday night; thieves stole the two horses left by the murderers of Smith and Beck. The officers had been notified during the afternoon that some desperate characters were near Anadarko, and the horses which have been in the possession of the sheriff since the killing, were tied in the shed at the back of the jail so as to be handy should the officers be called out during the night. About half past 10 one of them discovered that the horses were gone. Pinned to the jail was found a note which read as follows: We will get a man next time, from your Esteemed Friend, Burt. =========================================================================