This information is offered FREE and taken from If you have arrived here using a pay site please know that this information has been donated by volunteers in a joint effort to provide FREE genealogy material online. Caddo County Newspapers - Stecker News Submitted by: Sheri Hammons Anadarko American ***************************************************************** October 26, 1911 STECKER NEWS A. F. Gump has bought John B. Franklin’s house and five lots on thy west side. L. E. Risk is moving his store to the Kuhlman building just being completed. Mr. J. E. Hart is moving to his ranch at Ona. Woodard & Tinker will move their grocery store into their own building just vacated by the Risk cash store. A. F. Gump made a business trip to Anadarko Monday. T. A. Clemons and F. A. Black are business visitors in Oklahoma City this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kunse accompanied their son Fred to Oklahoma City Monday. Fred was suffering from a severe attack of appendicitis and has gone to a hospital in Oklahoma City. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kees Friday night. ****************************************************************** November 2, 1911 STECKER NEWS Tom Franklin has just returned from a weeks visit to South Texas. He was a accompanied home by his daughter, Mrs. Coffman. J. W. Leazenby of Anadarko is opening up a stock of merchandise. Mr. Leazenby is a Stecker pioneer being one of the first business men of the town. C. C. Campbell made his weekly visit to Verden Monday in the interest of the Pond Creek Elevator Company Mrs. Breitienstien enjoyed a visit from her mother, Mrs. Crouch of Enid Dodd Tinker and mother of Fredonia Kansas came down Monday to visit relatives. Baptist church held a "Fifth Sunday" meeting beginning Friday evening and continuing until Sunday evening. A number of out of town workers were present and took part in the services. Dinner was served in the church Saturday and Sunday. At this meeting all indebtedness was taken off the church much to the satisfaction of the local membership. Rev. Mr. Costs closed the protracted meeting at the Christian church Sunday, and the ordinance of baptism was celebrated Sunday afternoon. ********************************************************************** November 16, 1911 STECKER NEWS The merchants are reporting a handsome increase in business lately. The Modern Woodsmen of America will give an oyster supper Thursday night in honor of their wives. Guess the boys want to get a "stand in " before Christmas. Been "hog killing" weather for a week. Robert Dutcher, one of Stecker's most enterprising farmers, threshed a hundred bushel of peanuts this week. Tom Ballew and O. R. Nation, contractor and editor of the Anadarko American, respectively, came down in Mr. Ballew's auto Friday. Both gentlemen attended to business and left sober. We didn't notice that Nation was peculiarly "bench-legged" or "long-eared". Come to Stecker again, gentlemen. Herb Meeting spent Sunday in Anadarko. Miss Nellie Key, of Fayetteville, Ark., has been the guest of Mrs. And Dr. Ramsay the past week. Miss Key was head nurse in All Saints Hospital at McAlester, Okla., while Doctor Ramsay was Superintendent for several years. J. R. Long, John Weiss, W. S. Balis, W. F. Cox , and Mr. Gay were in Anadarko Saturday. Mrs. G. W. Ramsay and her friend, Miss Key were visitors in Anadarko Saturday. ****************************************************************** November 23, 1911 STECKER NEWS James Layton and John Sharp have bought the Timker builking of Woodard & Tinker. Consideration $2,850. including all fixtures. The business men of the north side of Main street have treated themselves to a side walk. A. C. Campbell, of the Pond Creek Elevator Co., made his weekly visit to Verden in the interest of the company Monday. If the sportsmen continue as energetically during the entire hunting seasor as they have begun, few quails will remain to tell the tale. Miss Mary. Balis of Anadarko, visited her parents over Sunday.