This information is offered FREE and taken from If you have arrived here using a pay site please know that this information has been donated by volunteers in a joint effort to provide FREE genealogy material online. ======================================================== Those who served WW II ======================================================== submitted by Caddo County Genealogical Society unless noted otherwise ======================================================== OLNEY, PVT. WILBUR W., 28, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William O. Olney and the grandson of Mrs. Jennie Davis, all of Anadarko. He attended the Anadarko High School as a freshman and has been in the service of the army since June of 1942. He received his basic training at Camp Callan, San Diego, Calif., where he received a medal for shooting and a diploma for bugling. He is now stationed somewhere in Alaska. He is married and his wife makes her home in Minco where she is employed in the newspaper office. ---------------------------------------------- O'NEAL, CPT. GLENN E., entered the service with the mobilization of the National Guard in September of 1940 and is now in Africa. He was a member of the National Guard for 12 years previously to its mobilization. Before entering the service he was connected with the Sinclair Oil Company. He is married and his wife makes her home in Anadarko. ---------------------------------------------- ONEY, RICHARD P., 32, is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Oney, serving in the armed forces with the U.S. Navy. He has been stationed at San Diego, Calif., having enlisted in the navy on February of 1942. He was reared at Oney and attended school there. He is a brother of Noah W. Oney of Binger, Mrs. Orville Sailes of Fort Cobb and Mrs. Rob Tackett, also of Fort Cobb. ---------------------------------------------- OXLEY, PVT. ELLSWORTH T., son of Mrs. Sylven Oxley of the Broxton community. He entered the service in August of 1944. He received his training in Camp Wolters, Texas. He is in the infantry and is now in the Southwest Pacific theatre of war. His wife is the former Ruth Emma Wernlie who lives in Britton. Previous to entering the service, Oxley was engaged in farming. ----------------------------------------------