This information is offered FREE and taken from If you have arrived here using a pay site please know that this information has been donated by volunteers in a joint effort to provide FREE genealogy material online. ================================================== Caddo County Oklahoma - WW I submitted by C.C.G.S. volunteer email *************************************************** The Anadarko Tribune December 5, 1918 KILLED IN ACTION Bugler John W. Havens, Formerly of Anadarko Was killed in action in France November 4, according to a telegram received from the war department by his mother, Mrs. Nellie Cunningham, 205 West Fifth street, Oklahoma City, Tuesday. Young Havens was a member of Co. M, 357th Infantry. His regiment was a part of the Ninetieth division, which left Camp Travis for France last June. When last heard from he was a short distance north of Verdun. Besides his mother, Bugler Havens is survived by two sisters and a brother, all of whom live in Oklahoma City. One of the sisters is Mrs. Jake Rotchstein, wife of a printer who worked in Anadarko for eight or ten years. Havens entered the military service from Anadarko. He had lived here for ten years or longer. His mother, then Mrs. Havens, used to live here, and for some time before going to Oklahoma City, ran the Windsor (now Rock Island) hotel on Main street.