This information is offered FREE and taken from If you have arrived here using a pay site please know that this information has been donated by volunteers in a joint effort to provide FREE genealogy material online. ================================================== Caddo County Oklahoma - WW I submitted by C.C.G.S. volunteer email *************************************************** The Anadarko Tribune November 28, 1918 HINTON BOY DIES IN FRANCE On Nov. 24 Mrs. Epta Gilum of near Hinton received a telegram announcing the death of her son, Jesse V. Gilum, who went from here to Camp Travis and from there to France with the 112th Infantry. Last week, Miss Area received a communication from the Red Cross Home Service Department, asking her to make inquries concerning Mrs. Gilum, as her son had written the Home Service headquarters that he was worried because his mother was not receiving his allotment. Miss Area wrote Mrs. Gilum, as she could not reach her by phone, and this week received an answer. Mrs. Gilum wrote thanking the Home Service department for their help and answering their questions. To this letter was added a postscript saying that she had just received a telegram informing her of the death of her son in France. Mrs. Gilum will receive, we are informed, the delayed allotment money, the $10,000 insurance made out in her name, in allotments, and two bonds of the Second Liberty Loan, which her son had bought.