This information is offered FREE and taken from If you have arrived here using a pay site please know that this information has been donated by volunteers in a joint effort to provide FREE genealogy material online. Gracemont Graphic 1908 RISK - FLANAGAN Mr. Lucien E. Risk and Miss Avis Flanagan were married at the residence of R. M. Billingsley in Anadarko on Thanksgiving, November 26, 1908. Dr. Farrington of the M.E. church officiating. Those witnessing the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. A. Flanagan, parents of the bride, Miss Rouens Monsell and the family of Mr. Billingsley. The wedding occurred at 4:00 p.m., and a little later an elegant lunch was served and the party from here returnd in the evening. Mr. Risk is the manager of the Grcemont Drug Co. store, and though he has lived here but a short time, he has made many friends and is highly esteemed both in a business and social way. His bride has a wide circle of acquaintances here and in other places and is one of the most popular young ladies in this part of the state. The young couple have the best wishes of all here, and the GRAPGIC joins in the congratualations. Mrs. Risk is having rooms fitted up in the rear of the store, where, in a short time, they will be at home to their friends for the present. Mrs. Risk, who has been deputy post mistress here for some time past, will continuein that position until the first of the year. Submitted by Nila Risk Tyrrel (daughter of the Bride and Groom)