Beckham County OK Query Board

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Queries, obits, cemeteries, etc, archived on the OKBECKHA mail list

Queries, obits, etc, on Ancestry Message Board back to March 1998


Queries from Beseen Board, July 2001, Dec 2001, Jan - March etc.

         R.W. Crosman  Karen Brandn  5:24 pm thursday april 4, 2002
   I am looking for information on a R. W. Crossman who married
   Emma Valentine in 1888, Young Co. TX  Any help will be so
   appreciate.  Will share informaiton.
    SHEILA  DALE, need to find her  Debbie Woolf  8:23 pm friday march 8,
   I'm looking for Sheila Dale who posted on the old query board,
   but no emails listed.  She is related, and I have lots to share.
   She broke down one of my brick walls with her post, and created
   A TON of questions. PLEASE, if anyone knows how to locate her
   pass this note to her.  contact me:Debbie (
    John  Huff  Family  of  Elk  City   Betty  Chigbrow   10:09 am monday
   february 25, 2002
   John Huff w/wife Judith or Julia moved into Elk City, Ok in the
   1890s or early 1900s.  John died there c1916 & I assume his wife
   died there too.  They also had children marry there.  When I try
   to bring up the Huff name in Beckham Co. it says there are no
   Huffs.  What other source could I check to look further?  Thank

     Sweetwater in 1917  Lisa Jackson  11:05 am monday january 28, 2002
    What county was county Sweetwater City in during the year 1917?
            Peels  Jonel Jones  4:07 pm saturday january 26, 2002
   I am looking for info on Emma Catherine and Phylander W Peel.
   They were my great grandparents.  Emma ran a boarding house in
   Erick in the early 1900's.  She also had a little girl (under 6
   years of age, I think she was 3) that died and is buried around
   there somewhere.  Emma and Phylander had a daughter (Sibyl) and
   two sons (Henry and Alec).

            Johnston   B. Grider  2:47 am sunday december 9, 2001
       Seeking the maiden name of Annie L. Johnston, wife of John L.,
           who died in 1948 and is buried in the Erick Cemetery.

          Ella Nelson  Minnie Hill  8:44 am friday december 7, 2001
       I am looking for information on Ella Nelson, who lived in Elk
        City at least during 1950's, and may be earlier.  During the
      1950's, she was honored as being one of the oldest residents of
      Elk City.  Her picture was published in the Elk City newspaper.
          From the picture, I would say that she was in her 80's.
       She is my great aunt on my father's side. My father's name was
       Martin Oscar Doran.  I have very little information about her.
          Any information about her would be greatly appreciated.
                                Minnie Hill

     county founder  Meredith Beckham  8:51 am tuesday november 27, 2001
       I was wondering the origin of the name of Beckham County. Was
      there a namesake? or a Beckham family? Any information would be
                                 Thank you.

      KELLEY/KELLY  Herschel G. Kelley  3:47 am monday october 22, 2001
   KELLEY/KELLY, Leonidas "Lee" Cardwell.  We looking for any
   information on the death date and place of burial of our Lee
   Kelley.  He died after 1 Jan 1903.  Lee's son, Charles Douglas
   Kelly died in Elk City 6 Oct 1970.  Any help or suggestions
   would be greatly appreciated.  Herschel G. Kelley, 1027 Oak Ave,
   Rockport, TX 78382,
    Jones  of  Beckham County  Fred Gilchrist  7:21 am tuesday october 2,
   I need some help in tracking down the Jones of Beckham County
   They lived in Elk City, near Carter and around Taylor com.
   Can anyone help?
   Any help would be appreciated.
   Thanks Fred
    Leslie J. Jones Obit.  Fred Gilchrist  9:37 pm saturday september 29,
   I need some help.
   I am looking for a obit. for Leslie J. Jones died September5,
   1927. He is buried at fairlawn in Elk City, Beckham Co. Okla.
   Can anyone help?
   Thank you
      Beason - Whalley  Linda Honnell  3:59 pm tuesday august 28, 2001
   I am looking for Clarence Beason b:1849? and Sue Whalley Beason
   b:1853?  Came from Sweetwater, hit by train both killed.
   Children (Boy) Criss b:1897? two girls Lizzie b: 1877? and
   Maggie b; 12-12-1869.  Found by Scott's of Arkansas.  Scotts's
   took Maggie to El Dorado, AR.  The other two went to Little
   Rock, AR.  Maggie married William Robert Woolsey in El Dorado,
   AR.  They are my grandparents. Scott's said they tought they we
   Indian.  Can anyone help me find my family?  Any help would be
   great thank you.
         O.L.Kelly  Fred Gilchrist  4:25 am thursday august 16, 2001
   I need some help. I am a a copy of O.L. Kelly Obit. cand anyone
   He died August 24, 1950 in Elk City. And is burried at fairlawn.
   I would appreciate the help.
   Thank you
        Obits on file  Marlene Dykes  9:40 am wednesday july 18, 2001
   Hi. I would like to let every one that may see this site know I
   have 13,500 obits completed with as much info as we were able to
   find. The 1901 news papers is our starting point and we are up
   to 1947 at this time and completeing more every day. If you
   would like me to look for your family please let me know.
   If you would like to share your obit with us please send it to
   me at 827 N. 8th St.  Arkansas City,KS. 67005  I would love to
   here from you with any question you may have. If I don't know
   the answer I will find some one who does.
   Thank You Marlene
           re: Obits on file  Judy  2:11 pm thursday july 19, 2001
   Marlene, I'm assuming you are talking about Beckham Co.
   newspapers. I'm looking for information on a Laura Ann Moore
   Sewell, wife of I.Q. (Quimby) Sewell who died in 1915 or 1916 (or
   so I'm told) and is buried in Texola Cemetery. If you have an obit
   for her, I'd appreciate it. I live in Ft. Worth, TX, and if I can
   look for any info for you here in return, I'll certainly do it!

           Henson  Marlene Dykes  9:27 am wednesday july 18, 2001
   I would like to know the maiden name of Willie E. Henson. It has
   come through to me as Eaves & Evans. would like correct on to
   put on her obit. Marlene

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