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Metcalf Cemetery

Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: J. Woodruff jwoodruff@mcloudteleco.com

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Metcalf Cemetery is located west and north of the intersection of Hwy 102 and Hwy 39 near Wanette. From the intersection of Hwys. 102 and 39 go west six miles. Turn north and follow the gravel and dirt road three miles north until it deadends. Turn west until it deadends about one eight of a mile. The cemetery is on the south side of the road. I have listed the graves by row starting from the west end of the cemetery with plots proceeding from north to south. Examples: R2-4 would be the fourth grave in from the north end of row 2. R7-3 would be the third grave in from the north end of the seventh row from the west end of the cemetery.

Lot Number Last First & Middle Born Died Comments
R13-1 BREWER D. T. 6/11/1853 7/5/1923  
R4-1 CHAMBERS TROY W. 1/20/1899 7/21/1922  
R5-1 CHANDLER DWAYNE 2/7/1930 4/25/1930  
R8-1 COKER Can't read it No dates    
R11-1 COLWELL EMMER 12/9/1903 1/22/1904 Daughter of W.H.& T.E.
R11-4 COLWELL JOSEPH B. 6/12/1868 12/4/1915  
R12-4 DODGE MARIE R. 12/27/1817 7/30/1902  
R11-2 FARR WILLIAM F. 5/3/1898 7/25/1919 Woodmen of the World
R11-3 FARR LORANE 3/19/1925 3/4/1928  
R12-1 GALLIS MRS. M.L.J. (McELROY) 2/7/1884 4/26/1903 Dau.of J.W. & Amelia
R5-2 HALE HEBERT 11/21/1881 9/?8/1933  
R5-3 HALE MARY E. 2/28/1905 8/27/1941  
R7-3 HARMON HENRY F. 5/25/1861 6/3/1918  
R7-4 HARMON IDA E. 5/9/1865 6/11/1922  
R8-3 HENNESSEE EMMA 3/15/1850 6/22/1920 Difficult to read
R8-4 HENNESSEE W. A. 12/4/1855 12/11/1933  
R8-5 HUDSON M. W. & BABY No dates    
R1-1 JUHAN JULIUS 7/5/1849 7/28/1931  
R1-2 JUHAN MOLLEY 3/3/1854 3/27/1938 Wife of Julius
R14-1 KIMBELL MARGARET E. 1/7/1852 11/2/1895  
R12-2 McELROY JAMES A. 2/25/1835 4/6/1899  
R12-3 McELROY SARAH J. 2/24/1841 3/4/1929  
R2-1 McPHERSON ALBERT 5/30/1910 10/21/1910 Son of J.M. & E.N.
R8-2 RAMSEY ETHEL 1/15/1909 5/15/1909  
R13-2 TRUSTEY E. J. 11/2/1899 1/28/1900 Dau. of Jasper & L.L.
R7-1 WALKER G. L. 2/13/1842 11/7/1939  
R7-2 WALKER ELVIRA 4/15/1845 6/15/1917  
R6-1 WILKERSON G. A. 2/2/1846 4/6/1924  
R6-2 WILKERSON SARAH 3/4/1851 5/5/1941 Wife of G.A.
R14-2 WILLIAMS BULA G. 8/27/1900 12/10/1904 Daughter of J.T.& L.A.