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Census Card Application # 611-John Twist

Department of the Interior

Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

Stilwell, I. T. , July 25, 1900

In the matter of the application of Abraham Twist for his father, John Twist, for enrollment as a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, said Abraham Twist being sworn by Commissioner Needles, testifies as follows:

Q. What is your name? A. Abraham Twist

Q. How old are you? A. 23

Q. Your post office? A. Dutch Mills, Arkansas

Q. Whom do you apply to have enrolled? A. My father

Q. What is his name? A. John Twist

Q. What is his age? A. About 63

Q. What is his post office? A. Dutch Mills, Arkansas

Q. Where does he live? A. Goingsnake

Q. How long has be lived there? A. I don't know

Q. Lived there 20 years? A. Yes, long that that, I guess

Q. Is his name upon any of the rolls of the Cherokee Nation? A. Yes

John Twist, on 1880 Roll, pg. 480, # 1742

On 1896 Roll, pg. 795, # 2057

On 1894 Roll, pg. 721, # 2244

Q. Is his father living? A. No, sir

Q. Neither his mother? A. No, sir

Q. What proportion of Cherokee blood does he claim? A. ½

Q. Is he married? A. Yes

Q. Is his wife a white woman? A. Yes

Q. Has he any children under 21 years of age? A. Yes

Q. What are their names? A. Bertha, 14 years old

On 1896 Roll, pg. 795, # 2061

On 1894 Roll, pg. 721, # 2248

Q. Any other children? A. No, sir

Q. Does she live with her father? A. Yes

Q. What is the reason your father is not here? A. He is unable to come.

The name of John Twist appearing upon the rolls of 1880 as well as upon the census rolls of 1896 and the pay-rolls of 1894, and his daughter, Bertha's, name appearing upon the census roll of 1896 and pay-roll of 1894, and being fully identified according to page and number as indicated in the testimony, they are ordered enrolled as Cherokee by blood.

Brown McDonald, being duly sworn, say as Stenographer to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, he reported in full the testimony of the above name witness, and that the foregoing is a full, true and correct transcript of his notes.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st day of July 1900.


Department of the Interior

Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

Cherokee Land Office

Tahlequah, I. T., October 17, 1904

In the matter of the application of John Twist for the enrollment of himself and daughter, Bertha Twist, as citizens by blood of the Cherokee Nation.

Supplemental Testimony

Bertha Baughman, being sworn and examined by the Commission, testified as follows:

Q. What is your name? A. Bertha Baughman

Q. How old are you? A. 18

Q. What is your post office? A. Braggs

Q. Was your postoffice Dutch Mills, Arkansas, when you enrolled? A. Yes, sir

Q. Have you married since you enrolled? A. Yes, sir

Q. What is the name of your husband? A. Samuel Baughman

Q. Is he a citizen of the Cherokee Nation? A. No, sir

Q. When were you married? A. 27th of June

Q. What year? A. 1903

Q. Last June a year ago? A. Yes, sir

Stenographer notes...

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October, 1904.

Samuel Freeman, notary

Transcribed by Catherine Widener, 2002

John Twist b. August 13, 1835 d. April 21, 1907

Drennen Roll 1851- Group # 404-Goingsnake District as John Twist-HH (alone)

Dawes Roll # 22597, Census Card # 611 as John Twist-Goingsnake District-Dutch Mills, Ark.

Miller Roll # 27491, app. # 1418 as John Twist-Dutch Mills, Ark.

Parents: Twist Bearpaw and Rachel Morris

Bertha Twist b. 1887

Dawes Roll # 22598, Census Card # 611 as Bertha Twist-Goingsnake District-Dutch Mills, Arkansas

Miller Roll # 4414, app. # 24915 as Bertha Baughman-20 yrs


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