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William Neff 

SALLISAW, I. T., AUGUST 8, 1900 

In the matter of the application of William Neff for enrollment of himself, wife and children, as citizens of the Cherokee Nation, said Neff being sworn by Commissioner Needles, testified as follows: 

Q What is your name?.......William Neff 

Q Your age? 34 

Q Your post office address?.........A Gritts. 

Q Are you a Cherokee citizen by blood?......A yes 

Q What district do you live in? ......A Canadian. 

Q How long have you lived there?.......A All my life. 

Q Never lived outside of the Territory?........No Sir. 

Q What is your father's name?.....A Isaac Neff 

Q Is he living?........No Sir 

Q Was he a citizen by blood? ......No sir. 

Q What is your mother name?...A Mary Jones, now. 

Q Is she living?.....A Yes 

Q Citizen by blood?......A Yes 

Q Are you married? .....A Yes 

Q What is your wife's name?......Mattie 

Q How old is she?........28 years old. 

Q Is she a citizen by blood?......A Yes 

Q What is her father name? ......A Jesse Ross. 

Q Is she living?......A Yes 

Q What is her mother's name? Is she living.....A Yes 

Q They are citizens by blood?.....A Jesse Ross is. 

Q Have you any children? A Yes 

Q What is the name of the eldest one have at home?......A Hooley P., 10 years old 

.........On '96 roll, page 54, number 1492 as Hoolie; 
.........On '94 roll, page 74, number 1592, as Hooly. 

Q Next one?.......A Ezra, 8 years old. 

.........On '96 roll, page 54, number 1493 as Hezy. 
.........On '94 roll, page 74, number 1593. 

Q Next one?........A America, 6 years old. 

.........On '96 roll, page 54, number 1494, as Mickie. 

Q Next one?......A Arizona, 3 years old. 

Q Are these children all alive and living with you?..... A yes. 

Applicant on '80 roll, page 27, number 738, as Wm. Jones. 
.........On '96 roll, page 54, number 1490; 
.........On '94 roll, page 74, number 1590. 

.........Applicant's wife on '80 roll as Lucinda Ross, page 41, number 1117. 
.........On '96 roll, page 54, number 1491; 
.........On '94 roll, pge 74, number 1591. 

The name of William Neff appears upon the authenticated roll of '80 as William Jones and on the census roll of '96 and pay-roll of '94 as William Neff. The name of his wife, Mattie, appears on the '94 as Mattie, and they being duly identified as stated according to page and number as indicated in the testimony, will be duly listed by this Commission as Cherokee citizens by blood. And the names of their children, Hooley P., Ezra and America appear upon the census roll of '96 as well as the pay-roll of '94, they being fully identified and will be listed for enrollment as Cherokee citizens by blood. The name of his youngest child, Arizona, not appearing upon the roll of '96 having been born thereafter, and satisfactory proof of its birth having been filed will be duly listed as a Cherokee citizen by blood. 

Brown McDonald, being sworn, says as Stenographer to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, he reported in full the testimony of the above name witness, and the foregoing is a full, true and correct transcript of his notes. 

Brown McDonald 

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of August, 1900 at Fort Gibson, I.T. 

Submitted by Kenyon Littles


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