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John Morris

Department of the Interior
Commission of the Five Civilized Tribed
Fort Gibson, Indian Territory
September 16, 1901

In the matter of the application of John Morris for the enrollment of himself and five children as Cherokee Freedmen; said Morris being sworn and examined by Commissioner Handles, testified as follows: 

1. What is your name? A. John Morris 

2. What is your age, Mr. Morris? A. Born in 1849-1853 

3. What is your post office? A. Salisaw 

4. What District so you live in? A. Sequoyah District 

5. Do you apply to be enrolled as a Cherokee? 
A. I come to try to apply as a Cherokee 

6. Cherokee by Blood? A. Yes, sir 

7. Do you want to enroll anybody besides yourself? 
A. I want to enroll my children 

8. What are the names of your children? A. George Morris 

9. How old his he? A. 19 

10. The next one? A. Sallie Morris 

11. How old is she? A. She is 18 

12. The next one? A. Rufus Morris 

13. How old is Rufus? A. 16 

14. The next one? A. Joe Morris 

15. Joseph, how old is Joseph? A. 14 

16. The next one? A. Lizzie Morris 

17. Elizabeth? A. Yes, sir she is three years old past 

18. Are you married? A. My wife is dead 

19. What was your wife’s name? A. Annie Morris 

20. Was she a Cherokee by Blood? A. Yes, sir 

21. How long has she been dead? 
A. She has been dead pretty near four years. 

22. What was her father’s name? 
A. Her father’s name was Sautake. 

23. Is he living? A. No sir, he is dead 

24. Is her mother dead? A. Yes, sir 

25. What was her name? A. Genuchie 

26. They were both Indians? A. Yes, sir 

27. Have you been recognized by the Cherokee authorities? A. Yes, sir 

28. Does you name appear upon any of the rolls? A. Yes, sir 

1880 Authenticated roll of Cherokee citizens examined and name of applicant and his deceased wife found thereon as follows: 

Page 381, # 915, John Morris, Flint District, adopted Cherokee 

Page 381, # 916, Anie Morris, Flint District 

29. Are your father and mother living? A. My mother is living. 
1896 Census Roll of Cherokee citizens examined and names of applicants found thereon as follows: 

Page 1083, # 921, John Morris, Sequoyah District 

Page 1083, # 923, George Morris, Sequoyah District 

Page 1083, # 922, Sallie Morris, Sequoyah District 

Page 1083, # 924, Rufus Morris, Sequoyah District 

Page 1083, # 925, Joe Morris, Sequoyah District 

30. Is Sallie older than George? A. No, sir 
1880 Authenticated roll of Cherokee citizens examined and name of applicant’s child, Sallie, found thereon, page 381, # 919, Sallie Morris, Flint District. 

31. You say that you are a Cherokee by Blood yourself? A. Yes, sir 

32. Is your mother’s name on the roll of 1880? A. Yes, sir, I guess it is 

33. What was her name? A. Annie Morris 

34. Are these children all living at this time? A. Yes, sir 

35. Living with you? A. Yes, sir 

36. Annie Morris was your wife? A. Yes, sir 

37. But your mother? A. Her name is Ellen Morris 
1880 Authenticated Roll of Cherokee citizens examined and name of applicants mother found thereon, page 554, # 2135, Ellen Morris, Illinois District 

38. How long have you lived in Cherokee Nation, Mr. Morris? A. I came here in 1867 
39. Have you been living here continuously since that time? A. Yes, sir 

40. Were these children born in the Cherokee Nation?
A. Yes, sir 

Commissioner Needles: John Morris applies for the enrollment of himself and five children, to-wit: George, Sallie, Rufus, Joseph, and Elizabeth. It is duly identified upon the authenticated roll of 1880 and the census roll of 1896 according to the page and number of the rolls indicated in the testimony. He avers that that his wife, Annie Morris, now deceased was a native Cherokee, and she is duly identified upon the authenticated roll of 1880. The names of his four eldest children are identified upon the census roll of 1896. The name of his youngest child, Elizabeth, is not identified upon the census roll of 1896, having been born after the roll was compiled, and it will be necessary for him to make satisfactory proof of the birth of said child. Satisfactory proof is made as to residence, consequently John Morris and his five children, as enumerated herein, will be listed for enrollment as Cherokee citizens by blood. 

J. O. Rosson, being first duly sworn, says that as stenographer to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes he correctly recorded the testimony and proceedings in this case, and that the foregoing is a true and complete transcript of his stenographic notes thereof. 

Signed: J. O. Rosson 

Subscribed and sworn to before me the 16th day of September 1901. 

Signed: Commissioner,……. 

John Morris 

Dawes Roll # 17818, Census Card # 7537 as John Morris - Sequoyah District-Salisaw, IT 

Miller Roll # 19438, app. # 3539, # 3542 as John Morris - 58 yrs. - Salisaw, OK 

¼ Cherokee 

Submitted by Catherine Widener


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