Guion Miller Applications
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Lucy Miller nee Hilderbrand
Delaware Co., Needmore, Oklahoma

Applicant enrolled by Drennen in 1851 Delaware District # 378.
Claims through Peter Hilderbrand, same # 378.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Washington, D. C.

I hereby make application for such share as me be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined.

1. State Full Name:

English Name- Lucy Miller
Indian Name-

2. Residence- Delaware District, Indian Territory

3. Town and Post Office- Needmore

4. County- Delaware District

5. State- Indian Territory

6. Date and Place of Birth
September 8, 1846, Delaware District, Indian Territory

7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately:

Peter Hilderbrand, father
Annie Hilderbrand, mother
Annie Hilderbrand, sister
Alexander Hilderbrand, brother
Elizabeth Conner
Polly Conner
Minerva Conner

8. Are you married? YES

9. Name and age of wife or husband
 John M. Miller

10. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother's name before marriage-

Father- English name- Peter Hilderbrand
Indian name-Qua-tie

Mother- English name- Annie Hilderbrand
Indian name- Annie
Maiden name- Annie Falling

11. Where were they born? Both born in Georgia

12. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time
Both in Delaware District, Cherokee Nation

13. Date of death of your father and mother?
Father died November 5, 1853 and mother died October 4, 1904

14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where-
1881 in Delaware District.

15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, give date of death-

Alexander Hilderbrand b. 1844 d. July 2 (1854 or 1864)*
Annie Hilderbrand b. December 27, 1851 d. 1852 *(Can't read whole date)
Benjamin Hilderbrand b. May 29, 1849 d. September 17, 1905
Dennis Hilderbrand b. February 5, 1856 d. June 8, 1894

16. State English and Indian name of your grandparents on both father's and mother's side, if possible-

Father's side- George Hilderbrand and can't remember grandmother's name.
Mother's side- Benj. Falling (not Indian) and Lucy Falling

17. Where were they born? GEORGIA

18. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?

19. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living; if not living, give dates of deaths.

John Falling
Annie Falling, died October 4, 1904
Susan Conner
Eliza Conner
Elizabeth Conner
Polly Conner
Minerva Conner
Rachel Conner

20. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where-
1851 Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, and all rolls since that time.

21. To expedite identification, claimant should give the full English and Indian names, if possible, of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 1835.

I don't know the name of my grandmother Hilderbrand, I believe all are enrolled by English names, don't know their Indian names.


(Under this head the applicant may give additional information that he believes will assist in proving his claim).

After my grandfather, Benjamin Falling, died, my grandmother married Conner (not Indian) and they had six children. I claim a share of them, died without any children *(Either the rest is all crossed out or the microfilm is damaged in this area.)

Note: Answers should be brief but explicit: the words 'yes' , 'no', and 'unknown' may be used in cases where applicable. Read the questions carefully.

I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed: Lucy 'X' Miller

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of October 1906.

Signed: M. D. Daniel, Notary Public


(The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are well acquainted with the applicant.)

Personally appeared before me Johnson Falling and John McDaniel, who being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with Lucy Miller, who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have known her for 40 years and years, respectively, and know her to be the identical person she represents herself to be, and that the statements made by her are true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no interest whatever in her claim.

Witnesses Signatures: Johnson Falling and John McDaniel

Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 8th day of October 1906.

Signed: M. D. McDaniel, Notary public

Supplemental Application for Minor Children

Special Commissioner of the Court of Claims,
601 Ouray Building, Washington, D. C.

I hereby make application for such share as may be due my minor children of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decree of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, if favor of the Eastern Cherokee, and I ask that this be made part of my original application


a. State you full name: Lucy Miller
b. Residence and post office: Needmore
c. County: Delaware
d. State: Indian Territory
e. Date and place of birth: September 8, 1846, Delaware District
f. Are you married? YES
g. Name and age of wife or husband: John M. Miller, 64 years (MA # 1359)
h. To what tribe of Indians, if any, does he or she belong?
i. Names of all your children who were living on May 28, 1906:

1. Avery Miller 35 years b. March 1872
2. William Miller 30 years b. November 1877
3. Sarah J. Miller 26 years b. January 1880
4. Louisa Miller 25 years b. December 1881
5. Cornelius Miller 23 years b. February 1884
6. John J. Miller 21 years b. September 1886
7. Joseph Miller 18 years b. April 1889
*(The last two children are on Father's miller application # 1359)

j. Where they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land, or other benefits? If so state when and were and with what tribe of Indians.
Strip money have allotment with the Cherokees.


(Under this head the applicant may give any additional facts which will assist in proving his claim.)

I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed: Lucy 'X' Miller

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of May, 1907.


(The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are well acquainted with the applicant)

Personally appeared before me Wiley Hanna and George F. Private who, being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with Lucy Miller, who makes the foregoing application and statement, and have known her for 10 years and 20 years, respectively, and know her to be the identical person she represents herself to be and that on May 28, 1906, she had the children living as above set forth, and that the statements made by her are true, and they have no interest whatever in her claim.

Signatures of Witnesses: Wiley Hanna and George F. Private

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of May 1907.

Letter attached to miller application # 1351-

Vinita, Indian Territory
November 12, 1906

Commissioner of Indian Affairs

Mrs. Lucy Miller nee Hilderbrand of Needmore, Indian Territory requested me to write you and say that in addition to her claim for shards of the Eastern Cherokee money, she claims a share of her uncle George Hilderbrand and Aunt Mary Hilderbrand who died without children.

Respectfully, M. Daniel

Letter attached to miller application # 1351-

February 16, 1907

In addition to original claims Eastern Cherokee No.1351 I claim share of my uncles and aunts, (?) Hilderbrand, Catherine Hilderbrand, Elizabeth Hilderbrand, cousins of my mother, Besty Moody, Annie *(Boston?). I ask that they be considered with my original application.

Respectfully, Lucy 'X' Miller

Witness to Mark: M. Daniel

Needmore, Indian Territory

Grouped with.
43301-William P. Miller
43300- Avery M. Miller
25754- Sarah J. Sager nee Miller
34627-Louisa Daniel nee Miller
2291-Wallace Hilderbrand
1920-Joe Hilderbrand
12701-John Hilderbrand
1420-? *(not sure this number is correct)
2185- Samuel Hilderbrand
2186-Ezra Hilderbrand
8102-James F. Hilderbrand
15598-Johnnie Hilderbrand
16286-William Hilderbrand
27905-Jane A. Countryman nee Hilderbrand
12699-John William Hilderbrand

*Drennen Roll Group # 378-Delaware District
Peter Hilderbrand Jr.
Anna Hilderbrand
Alex. Hilderbrand
Lucy Hilderbrand (applicant)*
Ben Hilderbrand
Susan Hilderbrand

* Drennen Roll Group # 376-Delaware District
John B. Falling

*Drennen Roll Group # 368-Delaware District
Polly Conner
Betsy Conner
Manina Conner
Rachel Conner

*Drennen Roll Group # 369-Delaware District
Susannah Conner

*Drennen Roll Group # 371-Delaware District
Susan Conner *(Susan A. Fields)
Sabra England
Martha England
Saccrona England

Lucy Miller nee Hilderbrand listed as ½ Cherokee

1880 Cherokee Census # 1787-Delaware District as Lucinda Miller-30 yrs.

Dawes Roll # 28689, Census Card # 2950

m. John Morgan Martin Miller, April 04, 1869

*Transcriber notes

Transcribed by Catherine Widener, 2003


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