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MILLER APPLICATION # 36506 William A. Martin Jr. Owatta Co., Miami, Oklahoma Admitted. Claimant's father enrolled by Chapman in 1851 # 2047. Also on the roll of 1835, page. Paternal grandfather also enrolled in 1835, page 8. See Misc. Test. P. 4389. Special Commissioner of the Court of Claims
Sir: I hereby make application for such share as may be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 28, 1906 of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined. Note: Answers to all questions should be short but complete. If you can not answer, so state. 1.. State full name- English name- William A. Martin (D. C. # 30274) Indian name- 2.. Residence and postoffice- Miami 3.. County- 4.. State- 5.. How old are you? 46 years Born- December 1860 6.. Where were you born? Cherokee Nation 7.. Are you married? Yes 8.. Name and age of wife or husband.- Ida M. Martin 9.. To what tribe of Indian does he or she belong? White 10.. Name all of your children who were living on May 28, 1906, giving their ages. John A. Martin 23 years b. February 1883 (DC # 27722) Rosa C. Martin 20 years b. 1886 (DC# 27723) William A. Martin 18 years b. 1889 (DC# 27734) Lizzie, Rachel E. 15 years b. 1892 (DC# 27725) Eva Martin 11 years b. 1896 (DC # 27726) 11.. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother's name before marriage. Father- English name- William A. Martin Indian name- Mother-English name- Manesia Martin (white) Indian name- Maiden name- 12.. Where were they born? Father born in Carolina, mother is left blank 13.. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Cherokee Nation 14.. Date of death of your father and mother? Father died November 1863. Mother- 15.. Were they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land or other benefits? If so, state when and where. He was probably on the roll of 1851. 16.. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and residence, if possible. Ollman Martin, Claremore, Indian Territory 17.. State English name and Indian names of your grandparents on both father's and mother's side, if possible. Fathers side- Samuel Martin and Catherine Mation Mothers side- 18.. Where were they born? 19.. Where did they reside in 1851. if living at that time? Cherokee Nation 20.. Give names of all their children, and residence if possible. Ellen Duncan There were 13 children of this family, all dead. 21.. Have you ever been enrolled for money, annuities, land or other benefits? If so, when and where and with what tribe of Indians? Dawes Cherokee Allottee 22.. To assist in identification, claimant should give full English and Indian names if possible, of their parents and grandparents back to 1835. My grandparents were on roll of 1835. REMARKS (Under this head the applicant may give any additional facts which will assist in proving his claim.) I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed: William A. Martin Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of August 1907. Signed: C. G. James, Notary Public AFFIDAVIT (The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are well acquainted wit the applicant) Personally appeared before me Edward Barrett and Sam F. Barger who, being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with William A. Martin who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have known him for 15 and 15 years respectively, and know him to be the identical person he represents himself to be, and that the statements made by him are true to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no interest whatever in his claim. Signatures of witnesses: Edward Barrett and Sam F. Barger Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of August 1907. Signed: C. H. James, Notary Public LETTER ATTACHED TO MILLER APPLICATION # 36506 Application # 36506-29086 January 14, 1909 William A. Martin Miami, Oklahoma Sir: With further reference to your application for participation in the Eastern Cherokee Fund, you are advised that your application does not contain sufficient information to enable this office to adjudicate your claim and it will be necessary for you to furnish us with the following information: Please give the names of all of your father's brother's and sisters, whether living or dead. Where was your father living in 1851? When did your family move from the East to the present Cherokee Nation? With whom was he living in 1851 and in what district? Also state with whom your four minor children are living. Are they living with your former wife, Mary Gillespie or yourself? Please be specific in your answers and in your reply refer to HOB # 36506-29086 Very Respectfully, Special Commissioner Misc. Test. P. 4389- # 36506-# 29086 John H. Gillespie, in behalf of Mary Gillespie,, being duly sworn, deposes and says: "I am 54 years old. I am the husband of Mary Gillespie. My wife is a white woman. She was formerly married to William A. Martin who has filed application # 36506. William A. Martin was divorced from Mary A. Gillespie. William A. Martin's children with the exception of John H. Martin, who is in the army, are living with me. I do not now what the address of William A. Martin, Sr. is at the present time. William A. Martin has a son who is named William A. Martin and also William A. Martin's father was William A. Martin. William A. Martin, who has filed application # 36506 claims his Cherokee blood thru his father William A. Martin. I think that he was about a half Cherokee. I have always understood that he was an emigrant Cherokee. I do not know of him having any other name that William A. Martin. He had an Indian name but I do not know what it was. William A. Martin was married in 1851. I do not know where he had any children at that time or not. I do not know whether he had a! ny brothers or sisters or not. Mary Gillespie who has filed application # 29086, only filed for her minor children. She claims no Indian blood herself. She has the care and custody of her minor children." Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of March 1909. Afton, Oklahoma Assistant to the Special Commissioner of the U. S. Court of Claims. Lucien B. Bell: being first duly sworn deposes and says: " I am about 70 years old. I knew William A. Martin who has filed MA # 36506 and I also know his father. His name was also William Martin. He came from the Old Cherokee Nation. I don't think that he came to the Indian Territory before 1851. I think that he was a brother to my grandfather but I do not now his first name. William came out here right after the payment of 1851. Old William Martin was an Emigrant Cherokee. He went north at about the beginning of the Civil War. I never knew of the brothers and sisters of William Martin. William Martin must have been 40 years old when he came from the East to the Indian Territory. He was about a quarter Cherokee. He had a wife when he came out here. His wife was a white woman. Ollman Martin is a half brother of the applicant, William A. Martin. # 36506 William A. Martin had three minor children- the youngest are named, Rebecca Elizabeth and Eva or Ella Martin. I think she was enrolled by the Dawes Commission as Ella. William A. Martin # 36506, has always been with the Cherokee tribe and has always participated in payments to the Cherokees. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of March 1909. Assistant to the Special Commissioner at the U. S. Court of Claims SEE CHAPMAN # 2047 See special report in MA # 10594, Eliza Conrad nee Davis