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George A. Lloyd 
Rome, GA 

It does not appear that claimants are connected with the ‘Water Hunter’ on rolls of 1835. The ancestors of claimants belonged to the McIntosh Tribe of Creek Indians. They show no real connection with Eastern Cherokee. It further does not appear that any ancestor was party to treaties of 1835-6 or 1846. They are recognized as white people.

(As to Creek-See Exception ……)

Misc. Test. P. 903 & 904

Grouped herewith……

10449 - Mary Jane Stofford - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
10450 - Lizzie Lumpkin Kane - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
36585 - Kate Ola Collins nee Lloyd , New Orleans, LA
36588 - Lela Francis Loyd - Aragon, Polk County, Georgia
10534 - Anna Elizabeth Perry - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
10535 - Robert Lee Lloyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
10536 - Nora L. Lloyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
10537 - James M. Lloyd - rejected, father - A. B. Lloyd, Floyd County,Rome, GA
10538 - James Anderson B. Lloyd - rejected, (Brother), Floyd County, Rome, GA
10539 - Homer M. Loyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
10540 - Harper H. Loyd - rejected, Rome, GA
10541 - George Alexander Loyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
10542 - Bessie Loyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA.
10545 - Fannie Homer Collins - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
11329 - Thomas E. Loyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
11330 - Mary Frances Loyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
11350 - Florence Rebecca McNair - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
36584 - Mable Tempe Wall nee Lloyd - Missouri
19040 - Charles Albert Lloyd - rejected, Fosters Hill, GA
33568 - Thomas Emery Lloyd - Floyd County, Rome, GA
19039 - Joseph Christian Prather - rejected, Kirkwood, GA
33565 - Clifton Otholo Lloyd - Floyd County, Lindale, GA
33566 - Ottie Lee Lloyd - Floyd County, Rome, GA
33567 - Louis Burton Lloyd - Polk County, Aragon, GA
33569 - Charles Felton Lloyd - Floyd County, Armuchee, GA
30558 - Lois May Foster Lloyd - Floyd County, Rome, GA
12392 - Mary Ann Lloyd - rejected, Lindale, GA
12393 - Virginia I. Lloyd - rejected, Lindale, GA
30294 - Alice Eliza Lloyd - rejected, Lindale, GA
12395 - Whitley Cicero Lloyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
19039 - Annie Bell Saunders - rejected, Kirkwood, GA
30291 - Minnie Alice Lloyd - Floyd County, Rome, GA
30292 - Homer Newton Lloyd - Floyd County, Rome, GA
30293 - Clyde Morrison Lloyd - Floyd County, Rome, GA
30294 - Curtis Bogan Vincent - Floyd County, Rome, GA
30559 - James Fort Sumpter Lloyd - Floyd County, Rome, GA
12396 - James Alfred Lloyd - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
12397 - James A. B. Lloyd - rejected, 
30560 - Harper Hamilton Lloyd - Floyd County, Rome, GA
30561 - Nora Lee Lloyd - Floyd County, GA
29914 - Katie Bishop Lumpkin - Portsmouth County, Norfolk City, VA
19044 - J. Frank Lumpkin - rejected, Marietta, GA
19043 - Jessie Lumpkin Camp - rejected, Fosters Hill, GA
19042 - Maggie J. Trumbo - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
19041 - Mary J. Ford - rejected, Augusta, GA
10477 - Minnie May Evans - rejected, Duncan, AZ
15174 - Edith A. Evans - rejected, Hillside, OK
17704 - Emily Josphine Barthell - rejected, Hillside, OK
10853 - William Washington Lloyd - rejected, Duncan, AZ
39437 - James P. Lloyd - Tulsa, OK
36555 - George C. Lloyd - Tulsa, OK
20033 - Henry T. Vincent - rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
20034 - Tululah E. Vincent- rejected, Floyd County, Rome, GA
41253 - Bessie Josephine Madden - Floyd County, Rome, GA
41254 - Maggie Edwards nee Madden -Floyd County, Rome, GA

All of the above claim through ‘Water Hunter’

Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 
Washington, D.C. 

I hereby make application for such share as my be due me of the fund appropriated by the ACT of CONGRESS approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the COURT OF CLAIMS of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906 in favor of the EASTERN CHEROKEES. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined.

1. State full name -
    English name - George Alexander Lloyd
    Indian name -

2. Residence - East Rome, Georgia

3. Town and post office - Rome

4. County - Floyd

5. State - Georgia

6. Date and place of birth - September 25, 1852 Floyd County, GA

7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim though more than one relative living in 1851, set Forth each claim separately-

Grandmother - Susan Parsons Lloyd who died in 1866, she was the daughter of S.P. Parsons, and S. P. Parsons was the son of ‘Water Hunter’, a full blood Cherokee

8. Are you married? Yes

9. Name and age of wife or husband - Nancy E. Lloyd age 50

10. Give name of your father and mother, and your mother’s name before marriage-

Father English name - James Emory Lloyd
Indian name -

Mother English name - Temperance Lloyd
Indian name -
Maiden name - Temperance Moddy

11. Where were they born?

Father - Floyd County, Georgia
Mother - North Carolina, near Charlotte b. 1828

12. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?

Both in Floyd County, Georgia

13. Date of death of your father and mother.

Father - May 1893 Mother - Still Living

14. Where they ever enrolled for annuities, land or other benefits? If so, state where and when: NO

15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, the date of death.

1. T. A. Lloyd b. December 22, 1856
2. J. A. Lloyd b. July 9, 1854
3. M. T. Lloyd b. December 18, 1858 d. 1859
4. Will Lloyd b. June 6, 1860 d. 1860
5. J. A. B. Lloyd b. December 6, 1862 
6. J. E. Lloyd b. March 30, 1866 
7. N. I. Lloyd b. November 24, 1868

16. State English and Indian name of your grandparents on both father’s and mother’s side, if possible-

Father’s side 
Thomas Lloyd
Susan Parsons Lloyd

Mother’s side

17. Where were they born?

Thomas Lloyd was born Clark County, Georgia 1791. Don’t know about Susan Lloyd.

18. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?

Floyd County, Georgia

19. Gives names of all their children, and residence, if living, if not living, give dates of deaths:

1. English name - Jasper Lloyd d. Dead b. March 15, 1816
2. English name - Mrs. W. Lloyd d. March 1884 b. January 20, 1820
3. English name - Louviena Lloyd d. Dead b. February 5, 1816
4. English name - Louisa Lloyd m. Vincent b. March 4, 1822
5. English name - Samuel Lloyd b. June 9, 1824
6. English name - Thomas Newton Lloyd b. October 27, 1826
7. English name - Martha Ann Lloyd b. August 13, 1829
8. English name - James Emory Lloyd b. January 12, 1832
9. English name - Susan Jane Lloyd b. July 22, 1836
10. English name - William Milton Lloyd b. September 27, 1839
11. English name - Joseph Jackson Lloyd b. January 27, 1842
12. English name - Benjamin F. Lloyd b. January 27, 1842

20. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where-

21. To expedite identification, claimants should give the full English and Indian names, if possible, of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 1851-

My father’s name was James Emory Lloyd and grandmother was Susan Parsons

My great grand father’s name was S. P. Parsons, My great-great-grandfather’s name was Water Hunter


(under this head of applicant may give any additional information that he believes will assist in proving his claim)

My Grandmother was Susan Parsons Lloyd and her children, my father and his brothers and sisters, formerly drew supplies and enjoyed all the privileges as Cherokees among the McIntosh band of Creek Indians up to the time of the assassination of General William McIntosh by the hostile Creeks.

I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

(Signature) George A. Lloyd

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of January 1907.

My commission expires October 31, 1910 
E. P. Harvey (Notary Public)
Floyd County, Georgia


(the following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are well acquainted with the applicants)

Personally appeared before me, John H. Reece and M. F. Govan, who being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with George A. Lloyd, who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have known him for 25 years and 20 years, respectively, and know him to be the identical person he represents himself to be, and that the statements made my him are true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no interest whatever in his claim.

Signed John H. Reece
M. F. Govan

January 9, 1907

Attachment on Miller Application # 10448

Susanna Parsons married Thomas Lloyd, and had descendants………

a. James Emory Lloyd dec’d 
a.a. James Anderson B. Lloyd 10538
a.a.a. James M. Lloyd 10537
a.a.b. Homer M. Lloyd 10539
a.a.c. Nora L. Lloyd 10536
a.a.d. Haper H. Lloyd 10540
a.a.e. Bessie Lloyd 10542

a.b. George Alexander Lloyd 10541
a.b.a. Thomas Emory Lloyd 11329
a.b.a.a. Mary Frances Loyd 11330

b. Thomas Newton Loyd dec’d 
b.a. Robert Lee Loyd 10535
b.a.a. Timmie C. Loyd “
b.a.b. Gordan H. Loyd “
b.a.c. Robert N, Loyd “
b.a.d. Lizzie Loyd “
b.a.e. Bonnie May Loyd “
b.b. Fannie Homer Collins 10545
b.c. Florence Rebecca McLain 11350
b.d. Anna E. Perry 10534

November 8, 1907 
Respectfully submitted,

Letter within Miller application # 10445

Letter No. 1

Duncan, Arizona
February 1, 1907

Belva A. Lockwood
Washington, D. C.

Dear Madam:
Enclosed herewith please find a copy of the ‘Special Master’s Report # 105, of Judge Springer’s Court, which was appealed from the Commission of the Five Civilized Tribes”.

The contention of the appellee, that we failed to show that our ancestors through whom we claim, were ever recognized as citizens of the Cherokee Nation, since it’s removal West, will say in reply none of those ancestors, Susan Lloyd, nee Parsons, Samuel Parsons and Water Hunter, Never moved West, but lived and died in the Old Cherokee Nation; but Peter Parsons, who makes one of the affidavits mentions herein, is a Nephew of said Samuel Parsons, and he and his family and mother were all recognized as citizens of the Cherokee Nation and were on the roll and drew money at Tahlequah.

My father, George A. Lloyd, and family moved from Georgia, in spring of 1872; and in the fall of the same year, he put in his application before the council, at Tahlequah; all of which goes to show it was not neglect or any fault of his that we were not recognized as citizens of the Cherokee Nation.

Most of the claimants of the Citizenship Association, claim that the Commission were bought by the appellee, and that they did not have a fair and impartial trial; that their evidence was treated with contempt.

All the Council required the claimants to prove, was that they were Cherokees by Blood, and we did that. It is true our property was appraised and its value tendered, but we rejected it on the grounds that we still had a right to keep our homes, I have not received and compensation for the same up to the present time.

W. J. Watts was our local attorney when the case was before the Council and filed with them all of our affidavits and evidence. I think they have the name of Water Hunter spelled ‘Walter’ which is a mistake. Would be glad to give you any information I possibly can and to hear from you any time as to the progress you are making.

Very Truly your, 
Minnie Evans, per John Evans (Signed John Evens)

Letter within Miller application # 10445

Letter No. 2

Duncan, Arizona
January 4, 1907

Belva A. Lockwood
Washington, D.C.

Dear Madam:
Enclosed herewith, you will find application of William Washington Lloyd and Minnie May Evans, nee Lloyd, duly signed and and executed.

-----------------------0000 Remarks 0000--------------------

My Father came to the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory, and from the state of Georgia in the year 1872, and put his claim in before the Council, but they put him off from time to time, and he continued to gather his proof from year to year and to go before the Council up to the time he died, in the year 1884.

After his death, my mother sister and brothers, continued to press the claim, and appear before the Council, until 1896, when the Dawes Commission was appointed to final settlement between the Indians and the Claimants.

Our proofs were gotten up in due form and sent in to the Dawes Commission, but it being prejudice against the claimants, they did not as much as open the envelope containing the proofs not only of our claim but the did hundreds of others in the same way; in other words they had the case decided before the proof was ever put in.

We took an appeal from the Dawes Commission, through our attorney, Jeff Watts, in the fall or Spring of 1896 or 7… to Judge Springer’s Court, at Muskogee, I. T. who examined our proof and decided, that my father was a Cherokee by Blood, but said he did not have the jurisdiction to say that we should be enrolled as citizens. We have the Master and Chancery Report of his court, but it is with some of my brothers or sisters; and I am endeavouring to find out which one has it and as soon as I locate it, I will send it to you.

Mother says father often told her he remembered when he was a boy of about eight or nine years old, going with his mother, Susan Lloyd nee Parsons, to Old Eddy Ware’s, Indian Agent for the Cherokees, which was located near Rome, Georgia; for the purpose of drawing supplies; which was about the year 1828.

Water Hunter, by great-great-grandfather on my father’s side, lived at a place called Old Pine Log, which was about fifteen miles East of Dalton, Georgia; near the line between Tennessee and Georgia.

Myself, (Minnie May Evans, nee Lloyd), Edith Evans nee Lloyd, William Washington Lloyd, now living and Mary M. Lloyd, and Jesse N. Lloyd both dead, are the children of Mary A. Lloyd, nee Wanslee, (My father’s second wife) and the balance of the children are from my father’s first wife, (Jane Lloyd nee Turner)


Enclosed herewith please _____________________. 

For power of attorney of Minnie May Evans nee Lloyd, and William Washington Lloyd.

Signed: Very truly yours, Minnie May Evans nee Lloyd

Misc. Testimony for Miller Application # 10448

Wilson Monroe Shrepshire being duly sworn in behalf of George A. Loyd, deposes and says….

That I am 88 years of age and live in Floyd County, Georgia. I knew Thomas Loyd and his wife, grandparents of applicant. Got acquainted with them about 1840. They were then living south of Rome, Georgia about three miles. I suppose they had been here five or six years when I got acquainted with them. I think they came from N.C. but I don’t know what part. I have just heard this. He lived with the Indians right here in this country, Floyd County, GA. He was recognized as having Indian blood but I don’t know whether he took part in Indian Councils or not. He claimed to be ¼ Cherokee Indian, I don’t know how much Indian Blood the wife of Thomas Loyd claimed. They had a farm here at that time. They had been living on the farm when I came here. There were not a great many Indians here when I came. I never heard of Thomas Loyd or his wife being on any roll, all I know is that there were recognized as having Indian Blood by the whites and by the Indians. I know George Loyd who went to the Territory. He was the son of old Thomas Loyd.

Signed: William Shropshire

Subscribed and sworn before me at Rome, Georgia this 2nd day of July 1908.

Signed: Frank A. Ryan

Assit. To Special Commissioner of the court of Claims.

Misc. Testimony for Miller Application # 10448

George A. Loyd being duly sworn, deposes and says:

That I am 56 years of age and live in Floyd County, Georgia. I claim through my father; my mother was a full blood white woman. My father’s mother claimed Indian. My grandfather on my father’s side was full blooded white man. Susan Loyd died in 1866. Her grandfather was a full blooded Cherokee Indian; She was about ¼. Her Grandfather’s Indian name was Water Hunter. Don’t know when he died-haven’t any idea. Susan Loyd’s father was S. D. Parson: he was ½ Blood. I am about 1/16 Cherokee. I think my father was never on any rolls. I don’t know whether his mother was or not. My father was born in Coweta County, Georgia. He moved to Floyd County, Georgia in 1835 or 1836. He lived amongst the Indian in Coweta County, but I don’t know whether he lived with them as a member of the tribe. I don’t think the Indians were in Floyd County when my father came here. My grandmother Loyd came with him when he came to this country. This is the only application I ever made for Indian benefits. My grandfather first moved to Fayette County, Georgia., then he went to Coweta County. My grandfather and grandmother lived with the McIntosh tribe in Coweta County or Fayette County, Georgia. They were a Creek Tribe. I think my grandfather Loyd came from SC , am not sure, however. I have an uncle, a brother of my father ,George W. Loyd- and he went to the Territory about 1870. He came from Floyd County, Georgia. While out there he made application for a porting of land being allotted tot he Cherokees. He came back here about 1878 to get evidence attempting to prove his Indian Blood. The last record I have of the claim it was turned over to the Dawes Commission. Don’t know when it was submitted to them. It was about 1896. I here have a paper entitled in the U.S. Court, Indian Territory, Northern District, at Muskogee, I. T. , John G. Loyd, et al vs. the Cherokee Nation, which is an application made by my uncle and other immediate member of his family and reciting the proceedings had therein for the purpose of securing land and enrollment amongst the Five Civilized Tribes in I. T. and the same is here marked Exhibit ‘A’ and attached as a pert of my testimony. Charles A. Loyd and Mary Jane Stafford are cousins of mine, they being the children of Jasper Loyd and claim through the same source as I and through no other source. I here also offer in evidence an affidavit made by James T. Pullen, Sr., made in behalf of my sister and marked Exhibit ‘B’, which my said sister, Nora Loyd, had obtained when she was about to go to Texas in 1896 and which was gotten with the view of making application out West for Indian benefits in the Cherokee Nation but she never filed her claim or did anything further with it.

Signed George A. Lloyd Rome, Georgia

Lineage Claimed

Indian ancestor, Water Hunter

Enrolled 1835

S. P. Parsons, son of Water Hunter
Susan Parsons, daughter of S. P. Parsons
Susan Parsons married Thomas Lloyd
Their Children……….

Jasper Lloyd, Lucinda Lloyd, George W. Lloyd, Louisa Vincent nee Lloyd, Samuel Lloyd, Thomas Newton Lloyd, Martha Ann Lloyd, James Emory Lloyd, Susan Jane Lumpkin nee Lloyd, William Milton Lloyd, Joseph Jackson Lloyd and Benjamin Franklin Lloyd.

* * * * * * * *

Children of Jasper Lloyd, (son of Susan Parsons Lloyd)
M. J. Stafford, Monroe Lloyd, C. R. Lloyd, Sam Lloyd, Parmelia E. Lloyd, Martha A. Lloyd, G. A. Lloyd, James A. Lloyd, W. C. Lloyd, L. B. Lloyd, Alice E. Lloyd, Virginia I. Lloyd.

* * * * * * * *

Children of James Emory Lloyd (son of Susan Parsons Lloyd)
G. A. Lloyd, J. A. Lloyd, T. A. Lloyd, M. T. Lloyd, W. H. Lloyd, J. A. B. Lloyd, M. J. Lloyd, J. E. Lloyd, N. I. Lloyd.

* * * * * * * *

Children of Susan Lloyd Lumpkin ( daughter of Susan Parsons Lloyd)
Albert L. Lumpkin, Laura J. Prather, Maggie J. Trumbo, J. Frank Lumpkin, Lizzie Lumpkin Kane, Jessie Camp, Robert F. Lumpkin, Mary J. Ford.

* * * * * *
M. J. Stafford-(daughter of Jasper Lloyd)
Artelia J. Jolly ( daughter of M. J. Stafford)
Emma J. Madden (daughter of M. J. Stafford)

Children of Artelia J. Jolly
James Fredrick Jolly, Robert Gordon Jolly, Simon Levy Jolly, __la May Jolly

Children of Emma L. Madden
Samuel Madden, Bessie Madden, Jessie Madden, William Madden, Noba Madden, Willie Madden, Maggie Madden Edwards.

Children of Maggie Madden Edwards
J. R. Edwards, Mary Lou Edwards

* * * * * * 

Children of Charles Albert Lloyd (son of Jasper Lloyd)
Charles Felton Lloyd, Lois Lloyd Foster, Arthur Linton Lloyd, William Luther Lloyd, Henry Stewart Lloyd.

Children of Charles Felton Lloyd
Pearl May Lloyd and Charles C. Lloyd

Children of Lois Lloyd Foster
Clarence L. Foster and ‘Ernest L. Foster

* * * * * *
Children of James Alfred Lloyd (son of Jasper Lloyd)
James Fort Sumpter Lloyd, Clifton Otholo Lloyd, Ottie Lee Lloyd, Lena Maud Lloyd, Kittie Irene Lloyd, Conie Estella Lloyd, Ethel Gertrude Lloyd, Joseph Eugene Lloyd.

* * * * *

Children of Whitley Cicero Lloyd ( son of Jasper Lloyd)
Minnie Alice Lloyd, Homer Newton Lloyd, Clyde Morrison Lloyd, Jasper H. Lloyd, James E. Lloyd, Ernest C. Lloyd, Watts C. Lloyd.

Homer Newton Lloyd
Harbin O. Lloyd

* * * * * * *

Children of Louis Burton Lloyd ( son of Jasper Lloyd)
Lela Frances Lloyd, Louis H. Lloyd, Jennie Lloyd Carroll, Horace C. Lloyd, Nora May Lloyd, Walter Lloyd.

Louis H. Lloyd
Addrie Lloyd

* * * * * * *

Children of George Alexander Lloyd ( son of James Emory Lloyd)
Thomas Emery Lloyd, Katie Ola Collins, Goldyn Alice Cottrell, Mable Temp. Walls

Children of Goldyn Alice Cottrell
James L Cottrell

Children of Thomas Emery Lloyd
Mary F. Lloyd

Children of Katie Ola Collins
Thomas L. Collins, Charley Collins, Helen Collins

* * * * * * *

James Addison Beauregard Lloyd (son of James Emory Lloyd)
Harper H. Lloyd, Nora Lee Lloyd, Bessie Lloyd, Homer M. Lloyd, Mettie J. Lloyd.

* * * * * * *

Children of Albert L. Lumpkin (son of Susan Lloyd Lumpkin)
Walter H. Lumpkin, Katie B. Lumpkin, Mary L. Lumpkin

* * * * * *

Children of Laura J. Prather (daughter of Susan Lloyd Lumpkin)
Annie Belle Saunders, and Joseph Christian Prather

* * * * * *

Children of J. Frank Lumpkin (son of Susan Lloyd Lumpkin)
Joe Thomas Lumpkin, Jennie Louise Lumpkin, John Frank Lumpkin, Jr.

* * * * *

Children of Lizzie Lumpkin Kane ( daughter of Susan Lloyd Lumpkin)
William C. Kane, Frank J. Kane, Jr., Thomas L. Kane, Robert M. Kane

* * * * * * *

Children of Jessie Lumpkin Camp (daughter of Susan Lloyd Lumpkin)
Did not file suppliemental application

* * * * * * *

Children of Mary J. Ford ( daughter of Susan Lloyd Lumpkin)
Emory Lumpkin Ford

* * * * *

Children of Louise Lloyd Vincent ( Daughter of Susan and Thomas Lloyd)
Mary J. Vincent, William J. Vincent, Thomas H. Vincent, Samuel E. Vincent, Martha S. Vincent, Wesley Vincent, Sarah Vincent, Maud Mary Bowden.

* * * * * *

Thomas Newton Lloyd (son of Susan and Thomas Lloyd)
Telulah E. Vincent, Florence R. McLain, Anna Perry, Robert L. Lloyd, and Fannie H. Collins.

* * * * * *
Children of Henry J. Vincent and Telulah E. Vincent nee Lloyd
Curtis B. Vincent, Lillian E. Vincent, Mabel S. Vincent, and Robert H. Vincent

Exhibit ‘A’
In the United States Court in the Indian Territory, Northern District, Muskogee, I. T.

John G. Lloyd et al.,
The Cherokee Nation

I, N. A. Gibson, Special Master, herein show to, the Court that under the general order herein, I have examined the proof and pleading in this case, which are herewith made a part of this report, and that I find as follows:


That this case was instituted on September 8th, 1896, before the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, and the application denied on November 4th, 1896, and on December 28th, 1896, the parties appealed from said decision to this court.

That the application was made by John G. Lloyd, William W. Lloyd, Minnie T. Lloyd, Edith A. Brady and Josephine Barthell, the children of Dr. George W. Lloyd, deceased, and by Mary A. Lloyd, the wife of said Dr. George W. Lloyd.

That the parties reside at McFall, Indian Territory, where they have lived for nineteen years. That they file in support of their application the affidavits of Mary A. Lloyd, J. N. Wimpee, Joseph M. Morris, Peter Parson, Elizabeth Morris, Martha Mullenax, John Ross Thomas, J. Gattis, Nathan W. Wanslee, Gideon F. Morris, Green B. Kite, and Thomas Lumpkin; and a certificate from W. J. Watts showing a copy of the family record of George W. Lloyd, deceased.


That the testimony in this case consists principally of copies of affidavits presented to the Cherokee Commission on Citizenship, known as the Chambers Court, in the year 1870, at which time Dr. G. W. Lloyd made application for himself and family to said Commission which application was rejected. That these claimants are the children of G. W. Lloyd, deceased, who was the son of Susan Lloyd, who was the daughter of Samuel Parsons, who was the son of Water Hunter, who is said to be a Cherokee Indian by Blood.


The defendant files the proceedings of the said Citizenship Court in the year 1879, including the testimony filed and the decision of the Commission rejecting Dr. Lloyd and his family.


The claimants contend that under the showing that they are descended from Samuel Parsons and Walter Hunter, who were known to be Cherokee Indians by blood, they are entitled to admission to citizenship of the Cherokee Nation as citizens by blood; while the appellee contends that by reasons of the claimants failing to show that the ancestors through whom they claim have ever been recognized as citizens of the Cherokee Nation since its removal West; and furtherly, by reason of the fact that the claimants have heretofore made application to the Cherokee Commission on Citizenship for admission to the Cherokee Nation, and have been rejected, and that by Act of Congress of March the 3rd, 1893, they have been declared ‘intruders’ and their property appraised and its value tendered them, these claimants are barred from being admitted to citizenship in the Cherokee Nation.

The premises considered, I find that the claimants are the descendants of Samuel Parsons and Water Hunter, that they are Cherokee Indians by blood, and reside in the Cherokee Nation; that they have heretofore applied to the regularly constituted Commission of the Cherokee Nation for admission to the Cherokee Nation as citizens by blood, and have been rejected by said Commission; that they have been declared intruders and the value of their improvements tendered them by the proper authorities, and that they do not show that the ancestors through whom they claim were ever enrolled as citizens of the Cherokee Nation.

I respectfully ask that the Court allow me a reasonable fee of my services herein. 

Respectfully submitted this first day of July 1897.

N. A. Gibson, Special master

I hereby certify that the within is a true copy of the original Report of the Special Master in Chancery.

W. J. Watts (Notary Public)
Wagner, I. T. October 6, 1897

Report of Master at Wagner, I. T.

Report of Master at Wagoner, I. T. an application of heirs of Dr. George W. Lloyd Descendants of ‘Water Hunter’, a full blood on Roll of 1835,

John G. Lloyd 

William W. Lloyd no. 10853
Minnie M. Evans no. 10477
Edith A. Evans no. 15144 or 15174
Emily Josephine Barthell no. 17704

Forty-Three other claims from Rome, Georgia have been filed as descending from Water Hunter.

Signed Belva A. Lockwood

Submitted by Catherine Widener 

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