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Miller Application # 27892 

Eliza J. Lloyd nee Twist 
Tulsa, Oklahoma 

Daughter of Miller app. # 1391
Father of applicant enrolled in 1851
In Goingsnake District # 403 

Commissioner of Indian Affairs
Washington, D. C. 

I hereby make application for such share as me be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined. 

1. State full name.
    English name - Eliza J. Lloyd
    Indian name- none

2. Residence and post office - Tulsa 

3 County - Cherokee Nation 

4. State - Indian Territory 

5. How old are you? 51 years Born- April 15, 1856 

6. Where were you born. Near Dutch Mills, Arkansas. 

7. Are you married? Yes 

8. Name and age of wife or husband. George C. Lloyd 54 years 

9. To what tribe of Indians does he or she belong? Adopted white 

10. Name all your children who were living on May 28, 1905, giving their age.- 

1. Albert L. Lloyd 26 years January 29, 1881 
2. Robert L. Lloyd 24 years March 17, 1883 
3. William T. Lloyd 21 years March 31, 1886 
4. Maggie E. Lloyd 19 years March 25, 1888 (27889) 
5. Nannie R. Lloyd 17 years July 2, 1890 
6. Hazel G. Lloyd 10 years October 23, 1896 

11. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother’s name before marriage.

Father - English name - To-you-ne-se Twist (1391) 
Indian name - 

Mother - English name - Sarah C. Twist 
Indian name - 
Maiden name - Sarah C. Harlan 

12. Where were they born? 

Father - Old Nation East of Mississippi River 
Mother - Alabama 

13. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? 

Both Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory 

14. Date of death of your father and mother.

Both living 

15. Were they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where.

Every roll since 1860 with Cherokee Tribe 

16. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages and residence if possible- 

1. William G. Twist April 3, 1861 Tulsa, I. T. 
2. Rachel L. Adair May 25, 1859 Sallisaw, I.T. 
3. Nancy E. Bean October 25, 1864 d. 1905 
4. Mary C. Steward October 11, 1867 don’t know 
5. Henry L. Twist May 8, 1871 don’t know 
6. Albert W. Twist May 14, 1872 Dutch Mills, Arkansas 
7. M. Rebecca Twist 1875 don’t know 

17. State English and Indian names of your grandparents on both father’s side and mother’s side, if poss. 

Father’s side 
Twist Bear Paw 
Rachel Twist 

Mother’s side
Nelson Harlan
Jane H. Harlan

18. Where were they born? East of the Mississippi River 

19. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? 

Cherokee Nation, I. T. Goingsnake District 

20. Give names of all their children and residence, if possible 

1. Alice Crittenden nee Harlan, Westville, I. T. 
2. Sarah C. Twist, Dutch Mills, Arkansas 
3. John G. Harlan, Salem, Arkansas 
4. Jennie Rogers nee Harlan, Greenbriar, I. T. 

Submitted by Catherine Widener 


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