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Miller Application #4869
Miller Application #4868

Flint Hummingbird

Illegible to # 7 

appears to say 

7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately: 

(1) My father Wa la loo (2) bro Jackson (3) Bro Jan ou_____________ (4) Uncle Old Bunch (5) My mother Ta ge ola/?? (6) Grandpa Tar ne dah (7) Illegible 

8. Are you married? Yes. 

9. Name of wife or husband...illegible. 

10. Father
English name Hummingbird
Indian name Wa-le-la (or Wa le loo)

English name Blank
Indian name illegible 

11. Where were they born? 
Father Cherokee Indian Nation.

Illegible to 14

14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where.

In Emigrant 1851 Saline Dist. Cherokee Nation I. T. 

15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, the date of death: 

(1) Charlie Hummingbird born Unknown died about 1876
(2) Agu ne died about 1888
(3) Jackson died about 1870
(4) Ga na noo lisky died Nov 1, 1882
(5) Watie-------------- born Nov 1865 died about 1881
(6) Sut noo way (?) born unknown died about 1863
(7) De sor len losky (?) born unknown and died about 1863

written on side of these names is:

(8) Gar da ga Dead
(9) Dick? Hummingbird (can’t make out rest)
(10) Appears to be R??? Hummingbird. 

16. State English and Indian names of your grandparents on both father's and mother's side, If possible:

Father’s side is Gar ne dah Grandpa. 
Mother’s side is Jim mie grandpa. 
Others are unknown. 

17. Where were they born? Cherokee Nation East. 

18. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time: Saline District, Cherokee Nation, I. T. 

19. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living: if not living, give dates of deaths: 

(1) Lizzie--Dead 
(2) Hummingbird Wa La Loo - Dead
(3) Ab nos wagie - Dead
(4) Watie - Dead
(5) Sallie - Residence, Oates, I.T.

No. 4868



For share of money appropriated for the Eastern Cherokee Indians by the Act of Congress Approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of Mar 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906


Special commissions of the Court of Claims,
501 Ouray Building, Washington, D. C.

I hereby make application for such as may be due my minor children of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decree of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906 in favor of the Eastern Cherokees, and I ask that this be made part of my original application No. 4868. 

1. State your full name: Randolph Hummingbird 

2. Residence and post office: Dragger 

3. County: Dist. 5 

4. State: I. T. 

5. Date and place of birth: 1862 in Saline Dist. 

6. Are you married? 

7. Name and age of wife or husband: 37 

8. To what tribe of Indians, if any, does he or she belong? U. S. 

9. Names of all your children who were living on May 28, 2906. 

Name: Age: Born: 

(1) Walter Hummingbird 13 Dec 1, 1894 
(2) George Hummingbird 11 Dec 24, 1896 
(3) Henry Hummingbird 9 Jan 23, 1898 
(4) Homer Hummingbird 8 March 10, 1899 
(5) Chester + Lester
Hummingbird 6 (twins) 1901 
(6) Dennis Hummingbird 4 May 14, 1903 
(7) Eugene D. Hummingbird 2 April 10, 190? 

10. Were they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where, and with what tribe of Indians: 

They were all enrolled for land with the Cherokees 


(under this head the applicant may give any additional facts which will assist in proving his claim.) 

No Remarks. 

I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 

Witness to Mark. Bird Jones and Bird Proctor 
Signed X by Randolph Hummingbird 

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14 day of June, 1907 

David E. Smallwood. 
Notary Public. 
My commission expires July 2, 1910. 


Personally appeared before me Bird Jones and Bird Proctor who, being duly sworn on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with Randolph Hummingbird who makes this foregoing application and statement, and have known him 40 years and 10 years respectively and know him to be the identical person who presents himself to be, and that in May 18, 19 , he had the children living as above set forth, and that the statements made by him are true, and they have no interest whatever in his claim. 

Signature of Witnesses: 

Bird Jones 

Bird Proctor 

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14 day of June 1907 

David E. Smallwood 

Notary Public 

My commission expires July 2, 1910. 

September 28, 1907 

Special Commissioner of the Court of Claims, 
Washington, D. C. 
601 Ouray Building, 

Dear Sir-In relative to Application of Felix Teehee, of Rose, I. T. that he have heard non from the department his application dated January 6, 1907. 

And, Randolph Hummingbird of Dragger, I. T., In relative to Suppl...application for his minor children, he claim that he never heard from the department or Court of Claims, he said he got his card at Locust, I. T., of his own application. 

Suppli. Appli. dated June 14, 1907 

Let us know if you please, 

Yours truly, 

David E. Smallwood 
Notary Public. 


Randolph Hummingbird’s Application is really really light. But it appears to be very much like 4869 for Flint Hummingbird. Must be brothers. Flint’s is extremely light also.

Information that was legible although there may be some mistakes! Help from a kind lady who copied it for me.

If anyone has a more clear copy or know this family me! ]

Submitted by Kathy Pitts


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