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Census Card Packet # 1061 Taylor Hicks (Zachary 'Young Beaver' Taylor Hicks Sr.) ¼ Cherokee, D# 2897 Miller Application # 736 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COMMISSION TO THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES Salisaw, Indian Territory August 7, 1900 (part 1 of 2) In the matter of the application of TAYLOR HICKS for enrollment of himself, wife and children, as citizens of the Cherokee Nation, said HICKS being sworn by Commissioner Needles, testified as follows: Q. What is your name? A. Taylor Hicks Q. What is your age? A. 54 Q. Your postoffice? A. Gann Q. Are you a Cherokee citizen by blood? A. Yes Q. What district do you live in? A. Sequoyah Q. How long have you lived there? A. Two years Q. Where did you live before that? A. Saline Q. How long id you live there? A. Raised there. Q. Always lived in the Cherokee Nation? A. yes Q. What is your father's name? A. Bill Hicks Q. Is Bill living? A, No, sir Q. What is your mother's name? A. Ollie Q. Is she living? A. No, sir Q. Are you married? A. Yes, Q. What is your wife's name? A. Alice Everlee. Q. When were you married? A. '86 Q. Was your wife a citizen? A. No sir, non-citizen Q. Have you certificate of marriage? A. No sir, we didn't' have to have them when we were married-they never got them until after this Arnaksas law came in. I was married before an ordained minister and I had my marriage put on the district roll-gave it to the clerk myself to record it. Q. You could get a certificate from him? A. I don't know; I might if I could ever find him. Q. Where does he live? A. In Cooweescoowee District Q. Have you any children living with you under 21 years of age? A. Yes Q. What are their names: A. Lee M., 11 years old - On '96 roll, page 865, number 834; On '94 roll, page 1082, number 1549 Q. Next? A. Mary M., 9 years old - On '96 roll, page 865, number 835; On '94 roll, page 1082, number 1550 Q. Next? A. Annie L., 5 years old - on '96 roll, page 865, number 836 Q. Next? A. Taylor Hicks Jr., 1 year old Q. Are these children all alive and living with you? A. Yes. Applicant, Taylor Hicks, on 1880 roll, page 637, number 517; On '96 roll, page 865, number 833; On '94 roll, page 1082, n umber 1548; Applicant's wife, Alice B. Hicks, on '96 roll, page 929, number 77, as Alice Hicks. Q. Have you a certificate of birth for Taylor Hicks Jr.? A. Yes. The name of Taylor Hicks appearing upon the authenticated roll of 1880 as well as the census roll of '96 and payroll of '94, and satisfactory proof being made as to his residence, he being identified according to page and number as given in the testimony, he will be listed for enrollment by this commission as a Cherokee citizen by Blood. And his wife, Alice E., name appearing upon the census roll of '96 and proof having been made as to her residence, she will be listed as a Cherokee citizen by marriage upon the rolls of this commission. And the children, Lee M., Mary M., Annie L., names appearing upon the census roll of '96 and par-roll of '94, respectively, will be listed for enrollment by this commission as Cherokees by blood when satisfactory evidence of the marriage of Taylor Hicks and Alice E. is filed with the Commission. And his youngest son, Taylor's name not appearing upon the roll of '96, having been born since the rolls was complies, will be listed for enrollment ! by this commission as a Cherokee citizen by blood when proper birth certificate is filed with this commission. Brown McDonald, being sworn, says as stenographer to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes, he reported in full the testimony of the above named witness, and the foregoing is a full, true and correct transcript of his notes. Signed: Brown McDonald Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of August, 1900 Fort Gibson, Indian Territory Commissioner. *************8*****************8**************8******************8*************** CHEROKEE BY BLOOD AND ADOPTION Name: Taylor Hicks Date: August 7, 1900 District: Saline, Gans, Indian Territory 1880- page 637, number 517 Citizen by blood: Yes Wife's name: Alice E. Hicks District: Illinois 1896-page 929, number 77 Intermarried citizen: Yes Names of Children: Lee M. Hicks District: Illinois Yr. 1896 Pg. 865 No. 834 age. 11 Mary M. Hicks District: Illinois Yr. 1896 Pg. 865 No. 835 age. 9 Annie L. Hicks District: Illinois Yr. 1896 pg. 865 No. 836 age. 5 Taylor Hicks Jr. District: Illinois Yr. pg. No. age. 1 Proof of marriage to be supplied. Wife is listed oh 1896 roll as Alice Hicks. Lee M. Hicks is listed on 1896 roll as Lemathew Hicks Taylor Hicks Jr., affidavit to be supplied. ************8******************8*************8*************8***********8******** DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes IN RE: Application for enrollment as a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, of TAYLOR HICKS JR., born on 15th day of December 1898. Father: Taylor Hicks, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation Mother: Alice E. Hicks, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation Post office: Gans, Indian Territory Affidavit of Mother UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NORTHERN DISTRICT I, Alice Hicks, on oath state that I am 33 years of age and a citizen, by marriage of the Cherokee Nation; that I am the lawful wife of Taylor Hicks, who is a citizen, by blood, of the Cherokee Nation; that a male child was born to me on the 15th day of December 1898; that said child has been named Taylor Hicks Jr., and is now living. Signed: Alice 'X' E. Hicks Witness to Mark: Howard Ferguson and (unreadable) subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of August 1900. Affidavit of attending physician, or midwife UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INDIAN TERRITORY I, Ednee Duvault, a midwife, on oath sate that I attended on Mrs. Alice Hicks, wife of Taylor Hicks, on the 15th day of December 1898; that there was born to her on said date a male child; that said child is now living and is said to have been named Taylor Hicks Jr. Signed: Ednee Davualt subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of August, 1900. J. F. Sturdivant DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR COMMISSION TO THE FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES Muskogee, Indian Territory October 21, 1902 Taylor Hicks Census Card Packet # 1061 (Part 2 of 2) In the matter of the application of TAYLOR HICKS for the enrollment of himself and children, Lee M., Mary M., Annie L. and Taylor Hicks Jr. as citizens by blood and for the enrollment of his wife Alice E. Hicks, as a citizen by intermarriage or the Cherokee Nation; said ALICE E. HICKS being sworn and examined by the commission, testified as follows: Q. What is your name? A. Alice E. Hicks Q. How old are you? A. Thirty-seven Q. What is your postoffice? A. Melvin Q. You are claiming the right to be enrolled as a Cherokee citizen by intermarriage are you? A. Yes, sir Q. What is the name of your husband? A. Taylor Hicks Q. Is he a Cherokee by blood? A. Yes, sir Q. How long has your husband lived in the Cherokee Nation? A. Sixteen years, I have been living with him. Q. You were married sixteen years ago? A. yes, sir Q. Is he your first husband? A. Yes, sir Q. He had been married before had he? A. Yes, sir Q. How many times? A. Once, I think Q. What was the name of his first wife? A. Beckey Q. Was she a white woman? A. Yes, sir Q. Is she dead? A. Yes, sir Q. Did she die before you married him? A. Yes, sir Q. You say you never had been married before? A. No, sir Q. Have you and your husband been living together ever since you were married? A. Yes, sir Q. Never been separated? A. No, sir Q. Living together now are you? A. Yes, sir Q. Has the Cherokee Nation been the home of yourself and your husband ever since you were married? A. Yes, sir Q. Never lived any where else have you? A. No, sir Q. How many children have you? A. Four Q. All living? A. Yes, sir Q. Is Lee living? A. yes, sir Q. Mary? A. Yes, sir Q. Annie? A. Yes, sir Q. And Taylor? A. Yes, sir Q. How many times have you been married? A. Just the one time. Q. This man was your first husband? A. Yes, sir Q. Were you his first wife? A. No, sir Q. How many times had he been married? A. I told you once that I knowed of. Q. What was the name of his wife? A. Beckey Q. Beckey what? A. I couldn't tell you that. Q. Where did they live during the time they lived together? A. Close to Vinita. Q. Was his former wife dead before he married you? A. Yes, sir Q. Where were they living when she died? A. Up on the river, on Cabin Creek. Q. You don't know whether he had been married to any other woman besides this woman or not? A. No, sir, I do not know. The undersigned, being duly sworn, states that as stenographer to the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes he correctly recorded the testimony and proceedings in this case, and that the foregoing is a true and correct transcript of the stenographic notes thereof. Signed: E. G. Rothernberger subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of November 1908. B. Jones Cherokee # 1061 Taylor Hicks, 34 and Alic Eulee Boren, 19 was maired this day the 7 of May 1886 by I, Tom Mayfield, ordain minster an witnest by two witnests Nicey Mayfield and Pegy Mayfield according to law the Cherokee law. Taylor Hicks 34 years old Alic Eulee Boren 19 years old Department of the Interior Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes August 26, 1902 Muskogee, Indian Territory I, the undersigned, Chief Clerk of the Cherokee Enrollment Division of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes and custodian of the records of said Division, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original file in the office of the said Division. Signed: Chief Clerk Cherokee Division subscribed and sworn to before me this August 26, 1902. Signed: B. Jones, Notary Public LETTER ATTACHED TO FILE-1061 Muskogee, Indian Territory October 2, 1902 Alice E. Hicks Gans, Indian Territory Dear Madam: The Act of Congress, approved July 1, 1902, and entitled 'An Act To Provide for the allotment of the lands of the Cherokee Nation, for the disposition of town site therein, and for other purposes, (Pulic. # 241), provides that " the roll of citizens of the Cherokee Nation shall be made as of September first, nineteen-hundred and two." In accordance with said provision, you are hereby notified that the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes will be at its offices at Muskogee, Indian Territory, until Friday, October 31, 1902, inclusive, for the purpose of affording you an opportunity to show that you have not, between the date of the original application for your enrollment and September 2, 1902, forfeited your right as a citizen by intermarriage of the Cherokee Nation. This evidence should be introduced immediately, as it is necessary in determining your right to share in the allotment of the lands of the Cherokee Nation, and until the same is furnished no further action can be taken looking toward you final enrollment as an intermarried citizen. Yours truly, Acting Chairman LETTER ATTACHED TO FILE-1061 Muskogee, Indian Territory January 10, 1907 Alice E. Hicks Melvin, Indian Territory Dear Madam: There is enclosed a copy of the decision of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, dated January 10, 1907, rejecting, among others, the application for the enrollment as a citizen by intermarriage of the Cherokee Nation. The Commissioner's decision has this day been forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior for review. You will be advised of the Secretary's action as soon as this office is informed of same. Respectfully, Commissioner. LETTER ATTACHED TO FILE-1061 Muskogee, Indian Territory March 7, 1907 Alice E. Hicks Melvin, Indian Territory Dear Madam; You are advised that the decision of the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes dated January 10, 1907, rejected your application for enrollment as a citizen by intermarriage of the Cherokee Nation, was affirmed by the Secretary of the Interior, January 26, 1907. Respectfully, Commissioner