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Miller Application #30829

Bettie Glass
2 Children
Residence, Evansville, Ark. 

Niece of #4591 claims thru same source.

Commissioner of Indian Affairs 
Washington, D. C. 

I hereby make application for such share as me be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined. 

1. State Full Name:
English Name - Betty Glass
Indian Name -

2. Residence and Post Office-Flint Dist- CN Evansville 

3. County - Washington 

4. State - Arkansas 

5. How old are you? Age 25 Born 1882

6. Where were you born? - Flint Dist. C.N.

7. Are you married? Yes

8. Name and age of wife or husband - Tom Glass

9. To what tribe of Indians does he or she belong? Cherokee

10. Name all your children who were living on May 28, 1906, giving their ages 

     1. Taylor Glass Age 4 Born 1903 
     2. Frank Glass Age 2 Born 1905 

11. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother’s name before marriage-

English name - Catcher 
Indian name - Tickneasky 

English name - Ann 
Indian name - 
Maiden name - Step 

12. Where were they born?

Father-Flint Dist. C.N.
Mother- Flint Dist. C.N. 

13. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time:

Father - Flint Dist. C.N.
Mother -Flint Dist. C.N. 

14. Date of death of your father and mother?

Father - Living
Mother - Living 

15. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where:

Money and Land Cherokee Nation 

16. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, give date of death: 

1. Lewis Catcher Born 1872 
# written in 27962 Living Flint Dist. CN. 

2. John Catcher Born 1877 Died 1899 
# written in 6922 

3. Rebecca Catcher Born 1875 

4. George Catcher Born 1886 
# written in and crossed out 6270 

5. Mary Catcher Born 1888 

6. Tom Catcher Born 1894 

17. State English and Indian name of your grandparents on both father’s and mother’s side, if possible:

Katy Bowling

Jack Woodard 

18. Where were they born? 

19. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? 

20. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living; if not living, give dates of deaths:

English name - Don't Know 

21. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where:

For money and Land Cherokee Nation. 

22. To expedite identification, claimant should give the full English and Indian names, if possible, of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 1835. 

Dont' know.. My husband Tom Glass is a desent of the Emigrants if nessary for him fil out blank pleas send him one. 


(Under this head the applicant may give additional information that he believes will assist in proving his claim).

Transcribed by Kathy Pitts


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