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Snake Girty

Starvilla, Indian Territory, April 30, 1902 

In the matter of the application of Snake Girty for the enrollment of himself, wife and child as citizens of the Cherokee nation. Said Snake Girty, being duly sworn, testified as follows through Interperter Thomas Downing: - - 

Examination by the Commission. 

Q. What is your name? ...........Snake Girty. 

Q. How old are you? A. He says he doesn't know exactly but supposes he is about 68 years old. 

Q. What is your post office address? .........A. Webbers Falls. 

Q. In what district do you live?.............A. Canadian district.

Q. For whom do you apply? ........A. For myself and wife and one child. 

Q. What is the name of your wife? ......A. Nancy Girty. 

Q. How old is she?.............A. 27 years old. 

Q. What is the name of your child?........A. Jacob Girty 

Q. How old is this child?.........A. About 4 months old. 

Q. Do you claim to be a Cherokee by blood?..........A. Yes, sir; full blood. 

Q. Have you ever been recognized by the tribal authorities as a citizen of the Cherokee Nation?..   ...A. Yes, sir. 

Q. Does your name appear upon the tribal rolls of the Cherokee nation? ......A. Yes, sir. 

Q. What is the name of your father?........A. He says he doesn't know his father's name. 

Q. Is he dead?.......A. Yes, he is dead. 

Q. Was he a Cherokee by blood? ........A. He couldn't say exactly what he was. Some people have told him he was a white man.. 

Q. What is the name of your mother?.........A. Nahne, he says. She died when he was small. 

Q. Was she a Cherokee by blood? .........A. Full blood Cherokee. 

Q. How long have you lived in the Cherokee nation...........A. Ever......( can't read ) with in the past four years. 

Q. Your wife, Nancy Girty, and child, Jacob, are living now?..........A. Yes, sir; they are living. 

Q. Is your wife a Cherokee by blood?.......A. Yes, sir. 

Q. What is the name of her father?...........A. James Anderson. 

Q. Is he living?......A. Yes, sir. 

Q. Is he Cherokee by blood?.........A. Yes, sir. 

Q. What is the name of her mother? .........A. He says his wife's mother was Jim Wartuck's first wife. He doesn't remember her name. 

Q. Was she a Cherokee by blood?........A. Yes, sir. 

Q. Is she living?.......A. Dead 

Q. How long has you wife Nancy lived in the Cherokee nation? 

A. She was raised in this country; born and raised here. 

Q. Has she been out side of the Cherokee nation for any purpose with in the past four years? ..A. No, sir 

Q. Are you the father of Jacob Girty and your present wife, Nancy Girty, the mother?..A. Yes, sir. 

The applicant presents a duly authorized marriage license issued by Charles A. Davidson. Clerk of the United States Court for the Northern District of Indian Territory, on the 22nd day of January, 1900, authorizing the marriage of Snake Girty and Miss Nancy Davis and a certificate of marriage certifying that James Daniels, a minister of the Gospel, united in matrimony the above parties on the 9th day of February, 1900. Said marriage license and certificate are filed herewith. 

Q. By what name was your wife known when you married her?.......A. She was known by the name of Nancy Davis. 

Q. Had she been married to a man by the name of Davis before he married her?...A. Yes, sir. 

Q What was her maiden name?.......A. She bore her father's name. Her father is Jim Wartuck or Jim Anderson. 

Q. Her father, James Anderson, was sometimes known as James Wartuck?...A. Yes, sir. 

1880 authenticated roll of citizens of the Cherokee nation examined and the name of the applicants found thereon as follows: 

Page 18, #497, Snake Girty, Canadian district, native Cherokee, 50 years of age. 

Page 54, #1494, Nancy Wartuck, Candian district, native Cherokee, 5 years of age. 

1896 census roll of citizens of the Cherokee nation examined and the names of the applicants found thereon as follows: 

Page 26, #707, Snake Girty, Canadian district, native Cherokee, 66 years of age. 

Page 17, #474, Nancy Davis, Canadian district, native Cherokee, 23 years of age. 

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of April, 1902

Submitted by Kenyon Littles 2002

[Note: I do not find the name "Snake Girty" on the Miller index at NARA. Marti]


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