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Miller Application # 6271 

John Flute Sr. 
Marble City, Ok 

The applicant is enrolled by Drennen from Tahlequah District # 173 and also on the Dawes Commission # 25717-see misc. test. 3207

Transcribers note: John was born June 1865, so he couldn’t be on the Drennen Roll of 1851.

1. State full name -

English name - John Flute
Indian name - Cha-lu-kee

2. Residence - Illinois District

3. Town and post office - Marble City

4. County - Cherokee Nation

5. State - Indian Territory

6. Date and place of birth - June 1865 in Flint District

7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately-


8. Are you married? Yes

9. Name and age of wife or husband- Age 37 Esther

10. Give names of your father and mother and your mother’s name before marriage-

Father - 
English name - John Flute
Indian name - Gu-wah-sah-tah-sky Tee-guh-suh-ta-skee

Mother - 
English name - Rosy
Indian name - Lo-sy
Maiden name - Rosy Chukerlate Chuculate

11. Where were they born?

Father - Tahlequah District Mother - Flint District

12 Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?

Father - Flint District Mother - Flint District

13. Date of death of your father and mother

Father - 1863
Mother - February 16, 1889

14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land or benefit? If so, state when and where-

For the 1852 payment is all I know.

15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, the date of death-

1. Susie b. d. August 12, 1889
2. Zeke b. d. about 1876
3. Lizzie b. d. about 1898
4. Elisha b. d. about 1880
5. Nannie b. d. about 1887

16. State English and Indian names of your grandparents on both father’s and mother’s side, if possible-

Father’s side
English - Flute
Indian - Cha-lee-kee
English - Lucy
Indian - Loo-sie

Mother’s side
Thompson Chukerlate
Aggie Proctor

17. Where were they born?
In the old Nation

18. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time?
Father’s side - Tahlequah
Mother’s side - Flint District

19. Give names of all their children and residence, if living, if not living, give dates of deaths:

(1). English name - John Flute d. 1863
Indian name - Gu-wah-sah-tah-sky
Residence - Tahlequah

(2). English name - William Flute d. 1895
Indian name - Ko-dah-sky
Residence - Tahlequah District

(3). English name - Zeke d. 1876
Indian name - See-gi-lee
Residence - Tahlequah

(4). English name - Peggie d. 1881
Indian name - Wa-kie
Residence - Tahlequah District

(5). English name - Mark d. 1896
Indian name - Ma-gah
Residence - Tahlequah District

(6). English name - None
Indian name - Hoo-loo-da-gy d. about 1860
Residence - Flint District

(7). English name - Rosy d. 1889
Indian name - Lo-sy
Residence - Flint District

(8). English name - None
Indian name - Ska-ya-da d. 1884
Residence - Flint District

20. Have you ever enrolled for annuities, land, or benefits? If so, state when and where:

Yes, all payments since birth, 1894 payment in Illinois District and was allotted land by Dawes Commission.

Supplemental application for Minor Children

Special commissioner of the Court of Claims, 
601Onray Building, 
Washington , D. C. 

I hereby make application for such share as may be due my minor children of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decree of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905 and may 28, 1906 in favor of the Eastern Cherokee, and I ask that this be made part of my original application # 6271.

1. State your full name - John Flute

2. Residence and post office - 2 miles North of Marble P.O. Marble City

3. County - Cherokee Nation

4. State - Indian Territory

5. Date and place of birth - Flint District, Cherokee Nation, age 42, date unknown

6. Are you married? Yes

7. Name and age of wife - Esther Flute , age 37, file no. 4511

8. To what tribe of Indians, if any, does he or she belong? Cherokee

9. Name of all your children, who were living on May 28 1906.-

(1) John Flute Jr. 18 years July 12, 1889
(2) George Flute 9 years March 19, 1898
(3) Lizzie Flute 6 years October 24, 1900

10. Were they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land or benefits? If so, state when and where and with what tribe-

Yes, Cherokee Nation Cherokee

I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.

Signed John (X) Flute (his mark)

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19 th day of August 1907.

J. S. Magle (sp?)


M. B. Walkingstick
My commission expires December 29, 1909

Dave Bush

John Flute gives testimony - Application # 6271

John Flute, being first duly sworn, deposes and says through his interpreter, L. B. Walkingstick:

My name is John Flute. I was enrolled by the Dawes Commission as a full blood and accepted my allotment of land. I was born in Flint District, 1864; my father’s name was Tee-gah-suh-tas-skee; my mother’s maiden name was Rose Chu-co-late; I think my father was born in Tahlequah District; ,my mother was born in Flint District; I don’t know the date of their births; Joe Proctor was by great grand father on my mother’s side; Aggie Proctor, I think, was the maiden name of my grandmother on my mother’s side; I don’t know where my grandparents were born, but I think they came West at the time of the emigration; I never received any Old Settler money; both I and the ancestors through who I claim have always remained with the Cherokees; in 1851 I and my people were either living in Flint District or Tahlequah District; I don’t know whether my parents drew money I 1852; I was enrolled by the Dawes Commission under the name of John Flute, no. 25717; (See 173-Tahl. For grandfather)? My parents were enrolled, but I do not know in what district; ( …?… submitted the following date with regard to his ancestors: Joe Proctor Sr. and Nuche or Nancy Bearpaw are the parents of George, Aggie, Sonney, Lucy, Ah-dah-tah-skee, Joe Proctor Jr.)

Signed John Flute

Signed and sworn to before me, at Stilwell, Oklahoma this 25th day of September, 1908

F. A. Baker

Assistant to Special Commissions of the Court of Claims

Submitted by Catherine Widener 

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