Guion Miller
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OKGenWeb > ITGenWeb > Applications > Alphabetical > Numerical > Email |
Miller Application 4942 Ollie Fallen England Eastern Cherokees Commissioner of Indian Affairs Washington D.C. Sir: I hereby make application for such share as may be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decree of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence identity is herewith subjoined. 1. State full name English name: OLLIE ENGLAND Indian name: OL-LIE E-SAH-YAH 2. Residence: Going Snake District 3. Town and post office: Stilwell 4. County: Cherokee Nation 5. State: Indian Territory 6. Date and place of birth: 1850 Cherokee Nation I.T. 7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately: In my own right, and in my Mothers, right, Nancy Fallen, My brother George Fallen, My Aunt Lila, My Aunt Hetta, My Aunt Ah-yu-ge, My Uncle Alex Sanders, Mitchell Sanders, My uncle, My Great Uncle Zeke, or Se-gee-lee, My Great Uncle, Ju-ne-so-skey, My Great Uncle Oo-tah-da-ge-skey, My 1st Cousin, Jon-nie Oo-tah-da-ge-skey, My Father Jessee Fallen, My Uncle Bird Fallen, My Aunt, Mandy Moody ne Mandy Fallen, My Aunt, Quah-le-yu-gah. 8. Are you married? Widow 9. Name and age of wife or husband: Esau England, Dead 10. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother's name before marriage. Father--English name: Jessie Fallen Indian Name: Ja-sie Oo-de-quah-no-stee Mother--English name: Nancy Fallen Indian Name: Nan-cy Oo-de-quah-no-stee Maiden Name: Nan-cy Sanders 11. Where were they born? Father: Old Nation Mother: Old Nation 12. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Father: Cherokee Nation. Mother: Cherokee Nation. 13. Date of death of your father and mother: Father: about 1866 Mother: about 1894 14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where. They were on the roll of 1851 for money in the Cherokee Nation I. T. 15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, the date of death: Name Born Died 1. Aggie Manus about 1852 Living 2. Aaron Fallen Unknown Unknown 3. Tom Fallen Unknown 1879 4. Mandy Fallen Unknown Unknown 5. Charlotte Fallen Unknown 1864 6. Lou Fallen Unknown 1865 16. State English and Indian names of your grandparents on both father's and mother's side, If possible: Father's Side Unknown Oo-de-tah-no-stee Unknown We-gee Mother's Side Submitted by Kathy Pitts