Guion Miller
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Miller Application # 1453 Linda Duval nee Elmore Admitted. Great niece of # 383 (this can’t be right, it is too hard to read) Applicant’s mother Tsau-gau-he, who was born since 1851 was a daughter of Aky in Flint # 321. Aky was daughter to Wutty in same group and step daughter of Dick Chuculate, her father was Eli Daughtery, Flint # 314. Dawes # 19306 Census Card # 8279 Miller # 10390 Application # 1453 Full Blood Cherokee married Samuel Duval; married Jim Leaf Sheet 2. Grouped with…1455-Armstrong Elmore-Brent, OK7672-Emma Sconti nee Elmore Salisaw, OK 8111-Sarah Lasley (daughter of Emma Sconti) See Testimony in # 8111 Note: Before grouping this claim, must hear from parties in regard to grandparents.. Note: Ok- Aky-Drennen Flint # 312 Sheet 3 1. State full name: English name- Linda Duval Indian name- Le-ne-de ( she has it also written in Cherokee) 2. Residence-Sequoyah District, Cherokee Nation 3. Town and post office-Sallisaw Indian Territory 4. County- Northern District 5. State- Indian Territory 6. Date and place of birth- age-29 yrs Sequoyah District 7. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than on relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately; Grandfather- Lowsey Firethrower, ---------Cutty, -----Sullesky (This would be Sale-Tisky) Father-Buck Elmore Uncle- Cah-ne-uah or Blackhaw Aunt- Cinda 8. Are you married? Yes 9. Name and age of wife of husband- Sam Duval 10. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother’s name before marriage: Father English name- Buck Elmore Mother English name- Tsau-gau-he (not born in 1851) Indian name- Gah-leh-quah Tay-yu-ne-se Indian name- (This is written in Cherokee) Maiden name- Te-gah-ner-stah-ta-he 11. Where were they born? Both born in old Cherokee Nation East 12. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Both in Flint District, Indian Territory 13. Date of death of your father and mother.. Father- about 1885 Mother- 1898 14. Were they enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where- Father in 1851 Mother no yet born 15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages , and if not living, the date of death- 1. Ah-gah-te-yah 6 or 7 mo. 1875 2. Ka-yu-gah or Emma Living 3. Linda applicant 4. Aggie Little or A-guy-ooster Living 16. State English and Indian name of your grandparents on both father’s and mother’s side, If possible: Father’s Side Mother’s Side Grandpa Unknown Te-gah-nu-stah-ta-hu (Anderson 'De-gah-ner-stah-da-he' Firethrower) Grandma Unknown Aggie or A-gu- (Flint # 321) Daughter of Wutty 17. Where were they born? In the Cherokee Nation East 18. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Unknown 19. Give names of all their children, and residence, if not living give dates of deaths (1) English name- Cho-cau-hu Indian name- K A A (Cherokee spelling) 20. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so state when and where. 1881, 1883, Can’t really read……. 21. To expedite identification, claimants should give the full English and Indian names, if possible, of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 1835. Unknown Witnesses- Armstrong Elmore and Pickens Benge Signed (X) Linda Duval October 13, 1906 Case No. 1453 Letter- Sallisaw, Oklahoma 12-7-07 Hon. Guion Miller, Sir—Her reply to notice of November 1, 1907, in case No. 1453, allow me to state that:My grandfather on mother’s side was Anderson Firethrower, English name-De-gah-ner-stah-he (Cherokee) Grandparents on father’s side I never heard their names.Lowsey Firethrower was my mother’s grandfather. My mother, Chau-gau-he has two brothers named Henry Daughtery and George Daughtery, and one sister named Nellie Leaf. My father had one brother named Tallow., and one sister named Gau-tah-ne-he Such in the family history as I know and have learned it. Buck Elmore or Dau-yu-ne-se was my father. Signed (X) Linda Duval December 10, 1907 Sequoyah County, Oklahoma John Hannah wrote this letter. Misc. Testimony # 7872 Miller app. # 1453 Charlie Chuckerlate being first duly sworn through Tom Roach, interpreter, in behalf of Emma Scontie, Deposes and says: That I am over 50 years of age. The mother of Emma Scontie and I are brother and sister. Emma’s mother’s name is Too-kah. She may go by the name of Too-kah Chuckerlate sometimes. She is living near Tahlequah. Think her post office is Bunch or Marble City, Oklahoma. Moses Chuckerlate is a half brother of my father, Jess Chuckerlate. Mose was in and gave his testimony yesterday. He is a half brother on the father’s side. Too-kah is about 70 years of age at present. Jess died since the war, about four or five years after the war. He died when I was very small. My Indian name is Dah-yah-len-nah. I have a brother named Alex, but he was not old enough to be enrolled in 1851. Emma Scontie’s roll number by the Dawes Commission is 19314. None of my folks were Old Settlers. Charles Chuckerlate September 18, 1906 Note on letteR: Can’t locate these people on the roll. Look up appl. Of Too-kah. Testimony on 1453 Armstrong being first duly sworn, deposes and says:: That I am 33 years of age. I am a full blood Cherokee. I am a half brother of Emma Scontie on the father’s side. My father’s name was Buck Eldridge but was enrolled under the name of Buck Elridge. That is, that is the way he was enrolled in 1880. Don’t know how he was enrolled in 1851. My father had a brother named Tuley Mayes. Oo-cah-now was his Indian name. If my father was living now, he would be about 60 years old. Daw-e-nee-sih Oo-cah-now was my father’s name. Note on bottom (hand written) Also had another named Gar-lar-hee-nuh See application of witness for mother’s half brothers and sisters. Submitted by Catherine Widener, December 2002.