Guion Miller
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MILLER APPLICATION # 8272 Nakie Dreadfulwater nee Broken Canoe Mayes Co., Locust Grove, Oklahoma Admitted. Applicant enrolled as 'Na-ke', father as 'John Kingfisher', also 'Nee-goo-dah-ye'. (Mother of other applicants grouped herewith), at Delaware District # 526. See Misc. Test. P. 3863. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Washington, D. C. Sir: I hereby make application for such share as me be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined. 1. State Full Name: English Name- Nakie Dreadfulwater Indian Name- Na-gee 2. Residence- 5 miles South of Locust Grove, Indian Territory 3.. Town and Post Office- Locust Grove, Indian Territory 4.. County- 5th District 5.. State- Indian Territory 6.. Date and Place of Birth- 1848 in Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory 7.. By what right do you claim to share? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately: My own-Nakie My father- Ge-u-di-col-osky , also spelled Chu-u-de-gar-lo-ski or Broken Canoe My mother- Too-nie Broken Canoe My brother- Te-har-lun-he-he, also spelled Dee-ha-lu-wi-hee My grandmother- Ni-coo-tie-ye *(Drennen, Group # 526-Delaware District as Nee-goo-dah-ye) ½ Sister- Lizzie Ge-u-te-col-osky or Broken Canoe*(Drennen, Group # 526-Delaware District as Ah-ke-law-he) ½ Sister- Wal-lee-uh Broken Canoe Cousin- Ski-yah-tos-ka Te-sunt-ne-he, also spelled Scar-yah-doo-ge Dee-sur-ni-hi Cousin- Doo-we-chee Dee-sur-ni-hi Cousin- Na-ni Dee-sur-ni-hi 8.. Are you married? YES 9.. Name and age of wife or husband- John Dreadfulwater, 45 years old, a Cherokee Indian *(MA # 8865) 10.. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother's name before marriage- Father- English name- Broken Canoe Indian name- Chu-u-dee-gah-lo-ski Mother- English name- Indian name- Too-nie Maiden name- Too-nie Jew-da-see-tah 11.. Where were they born? Both parents born in Cherokee Nation East 12.. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Both parents residing in Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory 13.. Date of death of your father and mother? Father- died September 4, 1868 Mother- died September 9, 1870 14.. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where- Yes, emigrant 1851 in Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory 15.. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, give date of death- Gah-da-na Rattlingourd b. about 1846 d. living (MA # 10470, as Nellie)* Waste Kingfisher b. about 1852 d. living (Ma # 10266)* Lizzie Feather b. about 1840 d. May 1906 Chee-yor-ka b. about 1838 d. about 1880 16.. State English and Indian name of your grandparents on both father's and mother's side, if possible- FATHER'S SIDE- ___ Kingfisher, 'Char-lo' (grandfather) and Say-gee (grandmother) MOTHER'S SIDE- Jew-dah-see-tah (grandfather) and Nee-goo-dah-ye (grandmother) 17.. Where were they born? CHEROKEE NATION EAST 18.. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Delaware District, Cherokee Nation 19.. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living; if not living, give dates of deaths 1.. English name-________Broken Canoe Indian name- Che-u-dee-gah-lo-ski *(Father) Residence-Dead 2.. English name- Indian name- Jew-gee-chu-na-kie Residence- Dead 3.. English name- ____ Feeling *(Translation, Feeling= A-sv-na-s-di-yi) Indian name- Dee-sur-ni-hi Residence- Dead 4.. English name- Indian name- Car-nah-ni-hi Residence- Dead 5.. English name- Indian name- Oh-gah-nah Oo-ni-chi Residence- Dead 6.. English name- Indian name- Eh-ni-gee Residence- Dead Lizzie, dead *(1/2 sister) Chee-yor-gah, dead Ah-gee-lo-hi, dead Waist, living in Gideon, Indian Territory Gah-tah-ua, (not sure if they are living in Gideon, Indian Territory or dead) Too-nie, dead *(mother) 3.. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where- Cherokee per capita payment in Saline and Tahlequah District and Emigrant 1851 in Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. And final roll, see the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes. 21. To expedite identification, claimant should give the full English and Indian names, if possible, of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 1835. REMARKS (Under this head the applicant may give additional information that he believes will assist in proving his claim). Note: Answers should be brief but explicit: the words 'yes' , 'no', and 'unknown' may be used in cases where applicable. Read the questions carefully. I solemnly swear that the foregoing statements made by me are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Witness to Mark: Martin Squirrel Signed: Nakie 'X' Dreadfulwater Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of December 1906. Signed: D. W. Ragsdale, Notary Public AFFIDAVIT (The following affidavit must be sworn to by two or more witnesses who are well acquainted with the applicant.) Personally appeared before me Dick Hungry and Daniel Squirrel, who being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with Nakie Dreadfulwater , who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have known her for 25 years and 30 years, respectively, and know her to be the identical person she represents herself to be, and that the statements made by her are true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no interest whatever in her claim. Witness to Mark: Martin Squirrel Signature of Witnesses: Dick 'X' Hungry and Daniel 'X' Squirrel Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 27th day of December 1906. D. W. Ragsdale, Notary Public LETTER ATTACHED TO MILLER APPLICATION # 8272 Locust Grove, Indian Territory January 28th, 1907 Hon. Guion Miller Washington D. C. Dear Sir: I ans. to yours of 13th (?). My name is Na-kie. My mother was name Too-nee. My mother had 2 children at the 1851 payment and myself and brother, De-har-loo-he-ha. My mother mother was Ne-co-tie-ee, her children at the payment was Lizzie, Che-awka, Kar-tar-nee and Ah-gee-law-he. My father was name Gu-you-te-cor-las-ke. English Broken Canoe. My mother was my fathers step father. My father had no wives. I don't know whether they are all together on the roll or not. They all lived close together in Delaware District in 1851 Respectfully, Nakie Dreadfulwater *(I think that Nakie was trying to say that her mother was her father's step-daughter. Also that her father had two wives instead of NO wives.) LETTER ATTACHED TO MILLER APPLICATION # 8272 Locust Grove, Indian Territory January 3, 1907 Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Washington D. C. Sir: Will you please add the following names you will find in the enclosed letter- 1-my grand aunt- Ah-no-hi 2-my cousin- Nu-chee 3- my ½ sister- Lydia (Dee-sur-nee-hi, crossed out for surname) Car-nah-wo-ga 4- my ½ sister-Ah-de-cle (not sure if surname should be Dee-sur-nee-hi or Car-nah-wo-ga See emigrant roll 1851 in Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory and if you find the above names all o. k. please add to Emigrant claim which I made out some time ago. Respectfully, Nakie Dreadfulwater LETTER ATTACHED TO MILLER APPLICATION # 8272 Locust Grove, Indian Territory January 22, 1907 Hon. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Washington D. C. Sir: Will you please see the Cherokee Emigrant roll 1851 in Delaware District, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory 1- Great Uncle- Oo-na-noo-di Please see emigrant roll 1851 for my great uncle names and if you find his name please add on my application for Emigrant money. Respectfully, Nakie Dreadfulwater *(Written on the bottom of the page...Oo-na-nu-de) ********** 8 ************** 8 *************** 8 **************** 8 ***************** Misc.. Test. P. 3863 MISC. TEST. P. 3863. 10470 (8272) Polly Kingfisher.. .through Martin Squirrel, behalf of Nellie Rattlingourd and others: "I was born in 1851. I am acquainted with Nellie Rattling-Gourd and knew both of her parents. Think Nellie's name than at the time of the '51 roll was Gah-dah-neh. Her father's name Che-you-de-gah-los-kski, which means broken canoe. Her mother a name was Nee-goa--dah-yih. They were living together in 51 in, Delaware District. They were both Emmigrants. I thin[k] besides Nellie and her parents there was four other children enrolled. They were Le-sih of Lizzie, Che-yaw-guh, a girl, Ah-gee-law-he, a girl, and Dee-ja-wee-ski, a boy. He is still living. His name now is West Kingfisher. I am not sure that he was old enough to be enrolled but I think he was. Che-yau-de- gah-los-ski must have had an English name of John Kingfisher. Too-ny was the daughter of Nee-goo-dah-yih by another man. John Kingfisher also lived with his step daughter Too-ny and they had a child name Na-ke and a son named Oo-na-chos-te. Oo--na-chos-to was married and had several children at that time. One of the! m, Dah-yeh-wah, (Del 525) or he now goes by the name of Black fos [aid Kingfisher, is living now near Peggs. Na-ke, who now goes by the name of Nake Deadfulwater [sic] is living now three miles east of here. See Del. 526." SIGNED: Polly Kingfisher, Locust Grove, Okla., October 9, 1908. ***************************************************** Grouped within.. 10266-West Kingfisher *(brother) 10220-duplicate of West Kingfisher 10470-Nellie Rattlingourd nee Broken Canoe *(Sister) 26032- Lilia R. Gourd *(Niece) 27078- Ketcher Rock *(son) Drennen Roll Group # 526-Delaware District John Kingfisher *(father) Ne-goo-dah-ye *(grandmother) Too-ny *(Mother) Ah-ke-law-he *(Lizzie) Gah-dah-neh *(Nellie) Na-ke *(Na-kie, applicant) Drennen Roll Group # 525 Oo-na-chos-te Gah-le-lo-he Ah-le-yah-dis-ke Choo-way-loo-ke Squa-de-le-che *(Richard Kingfisher) Dah-yeh-wah *(Blackfox Kingfisher)