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Miller Application # 1723 Fanny E. Chandler nee Sharp Ogeechee, Oklahoma Admitted Claims through mother, Eliza B. McKee, 1188 Chapman, Grandmother - Rebecca Morris, 1180 Chapman Grandfather - Gideon Morris, 1184-Chapman Grandfather - Gideon Morris also in 1835 Great-grandmother - Nancy Ka-ta-te-hee Commissioner of Indian Affairs Washington, D. C. Sir: I hereby make application for such share as may be due me of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decrees of the Court of Claims of may 18, 1905, and May 28,1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees. The evidence of identity is herewith subjoined. 1. State full name- English name- Fanny E. Chandler Indian name- 2. Residence- 3. Town and post office- Ogeechee 4. County- Cherokee Nation 5. State- Indian Territory 6. Date and place of birth- July 28, 1855 Cherokee County, North Carolina 7. By what right do you claim to share:? If you claim through more than one relative living in 1851, set forth each claim separately. I claim through Nancy Ka-te-he, her children and Grandchildren and relations said Nancy Ka-te-he being the mother of my grandmother, Rebecca Morris nee Ka-ta-he. 8. Are you married? yes 9. Name and age of wife or husband: Benjamin T. Chandler age 60 (researcher note- married Benjamin T. Chandler. He died February 27, 1904-?) 10. Give names of your father and mother, and your mother’s name before marriage- Father English name - Edward P. Sharp Indian name - Cos-ti-yuh Mother English name - Eliza B. Sharp nee McKee nee Morris (transcriber note: Eliza B. Morris was also married to John A. McKee before 1842) 11. Where were they born? Father- North Carolina- county unknown Mother- Macon County, North Carolina 12. Where did they reside in 1851, if living at that time? Both Cherokee County, North Carolina 13. Date of death of your father and mother- Father- September 24, 1876; Mother- February 3, 1871 14. Were they ever enrolled for annuities, land or other benefits? If so, state when and where: Mother enrolled for payment of 1852 in North Carolina also in Cherokee Nation in 1870. Father Enrolled in 1870 also for payment of 1874 in Cherokee Nation West. 15. Name all your brothers and sisters, giving ages, and if not living, the date of death- 1. William J. McKee October 26, 1841 Living 2. Mary A. McKee January 6, 1844 April 1867 3. John W. Sharp July 16, 1853 Living 4. Fanny E. Sharp (self) July 28, 1855 Living 5. Rebecca T. Sharp November 4, 1857 Living 6. Cornelia C. Sharp April 9, 1861 Living 16. State English and Indian names of your grandparents on both father’s side and mother’s side, if possible. Father’s side Mother’s side White adopted Gideon Morris Sr.-adopted Parents unknown Rebecca Morris nee Ka-te-he 17. Where were they born? In Cherokee Nation, North Carolina 18. Where did they reside in 1851,if living at that time? In Old Nation, in Cherokee County, North Carolina 19. Give names of all their children, and residence, if living, if not living, give dates of death- 1. English name - Eliza B. Morris (mother) d. February 1871 Indian name - Li-zeh Residence - died in Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory 2. English name - John Calhoun Morris d. about 1865 Indian name - Residence - died in North Carolina 3. English name - Harry R. Morris d. about 1866 Indian name- Residence - died in Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory 4. English name - Drew Maxwell Morris d., 1877 Indian name - Residence - died in Cherokee Nation 5. English name - Evalina or Avaline Brady nee Morris d. 1859 Indian name - Residence - died in North Carolina d. 1858 6. English name - Gideon Morris Indian name - Not known Residence - Died in North Carolina 7. English name - Caroline Morris d. 1861 Indian name - Not known Residence - Died in North Carolina 20. Have you ever been enrolled for annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where. On all rolls made since 1870-Am enrolled on rolls made by Dawes Commission and for allotment of land. 21. To expedite identification, claimants should give the full English and Indian names, if possible, of their paternal and maternal ancestors back to 1835. The names of my paternal or maternal ancestors prior to my grandfather and grandmother is Unknown to me. Remarks I also claim as next of kin to Kah-naw-ski-ske or Stealer. Also Robert Love, also James Root or Oo-naw-stah-te, also Thompson Kil-chu-li, also Wah-chu-che (‘Grasshopper), also Che-squah-uh. These are brothers and near relatives to my great-grandmother, Nancy Ka-te-he. Also Jin-ni Ka-te-he Signed Fannie E.. Chandler October 20, 1906 Sam F. Campbell (notary public) ________________________________________________________________ Affidavit Personally appeared before me Martha Evans and Lena Goins, who being duly sworn, on oath depose and say that they are well acquainted with Fannie E. Chandler, who makes the foregoing application and statements, and have known her for 35 years and 10 years, respectively, and know her to be the identical person she represents herself to be, and that the statements made by her are true, to the best of their knowledge and belief, and they have no interest whatever in her claim. Witness Signature J. W. Chandler Martha (X) Evans William J. McKee Lena Goins October 20, 1906 ________________________________________________________________ Supplemental Application for Minor Children Special Commissioner of the Court of Claims, 601 Ouray Building, Washington D. C. Sir: I hereby make application for such share as may be due my minor children of the fund appropriated by the Act of Congress approved June 30, 1906, in accordance with the decree of the Court of Claims of May 18, 1905, and May 28, 1906, in favor of the Eastern Cherokees, and I ask that this be made part of my original application No. 1723 1. State your full name - Fannie Eliza Chandler 2. Residence and post office - Ogee-chee Indian Territory 3. County - 2 District 4. State - Indian Territory 5. Date and place of birth - 1856 Cherokee County, North Carolina 6. Are you married? Yes 7. Name and age of wife or husband - Benjamin T. Chandler age 60 8. To what tribe if any does he or she belong? Cherokee 9. Names of all your children who were living on May 28, 1906- 1. John William Chandler 17 1890 2. Benjamin Edward Chandler 14 1893 3. Ethal May Chandler 11 1895 4. James A. Chandler 25 1881 5. Rebecca C. Chandler 24 1883 6. Jeanette B. Chandler 20 1887 7. Oliver K. Chandler 22 1884 10. Were they ever enrolled for money, annuities, land, or other benefits? If so, state when and where- 1893 Goingsnake District Cherokee Nation REMARKS My maiden name Sharp. Mother’s Eliza B. Sharp nee McKee nee Morris. Grandfather - Gideon Morris Grandmother - Rebecca (Na-Keh) Morris nee Ka-te-he. Signed Fannie Eliza Chandler May 25, 1907 Second sheet of Miller application……. No. 1723 Name- Fannie E. Chandler With No. 24457 - Ida C. Flint (niece) Remarks- Grouped herewith are no’s…. 11194 - John W. Sharp (brother) 23040 - James A. Chandler (son) 24796 - Oliver K. Chandler (son) 26154 - Edward Sharp (nephew) 30621 - 26925 - Rebecca C. Walkingstick (daughter) 30621 - 33414 - 24797 - Jeannette C. Chandler (daughter) 1725 - Cornelia C. Chandler (sister) 1727 - Rebecca T. Angel (sister) 2038 - Charles Deal 2072 - William H. Russell 6243 - John H. Deal 6262 - Victoria E. Lemaster 8016 - Joseph Deal 8080 - Robert Lee Deal 2070 - Joseph H. Morris (cousin) 22205 - William W. Deal 2069 - Ellen Morris 2071 - Land Morris 3046 - Thaddeus M. Morris (cousin) 18527 - William G. Morris- res. California or Nevada 24424 - William I. Angel (nephew) 8088 - Thomas D. Moore 18887 - Sarah Deal 23038 - Claude A. Chandler (nephew) 2072 - Wilson E. Morris (cousin) There are others but can’t read them Submitted by Catherine Widener